2014 Fleet Service Discussion

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700UW said:
More work coming back in-house:
Great news for Fleet in PIT !!!
 Line Maintenance already has the legacy AA mainline work in PIT, and from what I hear from those guys, they are understaffed and need people.
And if Fleet is as understaffed as the Line, they are going to need people.
It's finally time to bring some poeple back !!  Commuting out of PIT is getting tough.
roabilly said:
I think Bluto just tricked him into answering to "Doosh" again...
I wonder who would be familiar with Hebrew? Hmmmm....
According to 700 he was Bar Mitzvahed and attended Hebrew school but still depends on Google Translate.

charlie Brown said:
What you say is true. The contracting in of work was not in the contract. However both sides knew when the scope was agreed to that this would probably be the result in certain cities. If you have protection of only 1 flight a day, which includes AA medal. And the US members were gonna be there no matter what, then why keep paying the vendors in these cities? Doesn't make economical since. Its like everything else to this company. Its a money issue. Nothing to do with Parker turning over a new leaf.
Exactly CB. We had a bunch of Stations get outsourced due to the Bankruptcy. Reopen those Stations that are not currently staffed by either workgroup and then I will give our new management my congratulations and kudo's. Otherwise yes I am happy to see us regain work but it still boils down to being a Business decision based on economics.
Tim Nelson said:
It's very good to see management insourcing work, even though it wasn't negotiated to insource the work. Just shows that our members do a better job than the vendors. As for union matters, I would assume that this will mean the creation of additional employees, and that should help offset the heavy losses to our membership over at United.
With an anti union IAM contract at United, let's hope that United management will stop cutting IAM jobs and reducing others to part time, but follow the lead of Parker.  Give points and credit to Parker for insourcing, without any contractual obligation to do so.  Smisek would do good to follow suit.
That said, we should never assume that management will always do the right thing, so our hope should still remain that the Association should be able to gain more than 17 stations, over on the LAA side after a joint contract, and keeping the flight threshold at minimums.  Today's action, by management [of all things], should give us all hope that management would be more willing to consider scope, moreso than Tom Horton and his boys did.
I'm happy that you are getting back and insourcing some of the stations. Any news like that is good. I am glad that EWR is on the list since AA/US handle quite a few flights. That would almost have the whole A-3 Concourse (with the exception of Virgin America - 2 gates and Alaska - 1 gate) That would leave the vendors (ASIG) doing those only. Hopefully those people who were forced out can come back home.
Bottom line: the IAM saw the mistake in the UA contract and seems to have rectified it with the Association for you guys. 
As Tim said, The insourcing in our contract should not be tied to outsourcing and cutting of jobs.  We are getting killed over here, and now with the new bid in progress, they are gutting lines (for FT'ers) and getting rid of a lot of senior (cushy) jobs (lines) on the bid, forcing senior people to bad work areas. It (IMHO) is becoming the "squeeze play" furloughing junior members while at the same time forcing senior people into bad lines (aka back in the pit) accelerating retirement in some cases; while us in the middle do twice as much work with less. Sad......
Great for the Association, and I hope you guys make more progress as time goes on!!!
737823 said:
According to 700 he was Bar Mitzvahed and attended Hebrew school but still depends on Google Translate.

Nothing to do with the topic and you are lying again. I have never stated and I have never attended Hebrew school.
700UW said:
Nothing to do with the topic and you are lying again. I have never stated and I have never attended Hebrew school.
And your son really isn't Jewish

700UW said:
My son knows his heritage and thats all that matters to me, I wont force organized religion on him, like it was forced on me.
FYI I was bar mitzvahed, and been to Israel several times.
You cant tell someone you cant fall in love or be with someone because of their religion, that is ### backwards thinking.
NC has several lawsuits pending in court on striking down the ban, they are waiting the Court of Appeals ruling on the strike down of the VA law, and then NC judge will follow that ruling.
And NC isnt backwards nor does the people promote bigotry, and you fill find bigots and backwards thinking people in every state, since you reside in MA and FL those states have at least one.

700UW said:
And what does my religion or my son have to do with US fleet service?
What does any of this senseless babbling and character attacks have to do with issues concerning the Fleet Service? The thread had meaningful and informative discussion while certain posters were absent. Now that they are posting again... I have to scroll through pages of irrelevance. It does not help when reputable posters choose to engage. The many members who visit this site are certainly discouraged and annoyed by continual bullshit posts that have no meaning to them. Eventually, the casual visiting member will discontinue viewing this forum. To the reputable posters on this forum... let's not buy into the irrelevant posts. You're being played.
American Airlines and US Airways flight attendants' union has tentatively agreed to a new joint contract with the Fort Worth-based airline.

"The contract is by far the leading the industry with the network carriers. I think it finally brings us to where we need to be," Glading said in an interview.

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