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2014 Fleet Service Discussion

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Agree completely! PJ? How many mainline departures does AA currently have in your station? Is it a TWU represented station for AA? If not, who is the vendor?

I think that AA has 15-16 mainline flights mon-fri, not sure on the weekends. Envoy is the vendor for AA mainline, and right now it is a TWU station for mechanics only, but when the Association gets in I know Fleet will be IAM, not sure on the Mechanics though.
ograc said:
The counter view, although I disagree with it, was presented by the Arbitrator in his ruling. Both the IAM and CWA should consider pursuing. The existing CBA language in both contracts is pretty clear.  
just judging from the language the pj posted compared to the fa's we may win that but's it temporary. imo there is no way in hell that language makes it to a jcba. 
WeAAsles said:
Thank you for the link. However, the questions not asked, looking forward, were; does the NMB, at this point, recognize "The Association" as the certified bargaining representative of the combined groups? If not; should the members expect a representation election ordered by the NMB for all groups? Does the NMB have the authority to recognize "The Association" as the certified bargaining representative for all groups without an election? If there is an election; what will the ballot choice be? Representation by the Association or no representation at all? Is the delay in entering into JCBA talks a result of awaiting the NMB's ruling on the previous questions? The letter of agreement between the two unions to co represent pretty much spells out what was covered in this interview. When can the members expect answers to the current and pertinent questions? This is, after all, our livelihoods and futures.  
ograc said:
Thank you for the link. However, the questions not asked, looking forward, were; does the NMB, at this point, recognize "The Association" as the certified bargaining representative of the combined groups? If not; should the members expect a representation election ordered by the NMB for all groups? Does the NMB have the authority to recognize "The Association" as the certified bargaining representative for all groups without an election? If there is an election; what will the ballot choice be? Representation by the Association or no representation at all? Is the delay in entering into JCBA talks a result of awaiting the NMB's ruling on the previous questions? The letter of agreement between the two unions to co represent pretty much spells out what was covered in this interview. When can the members expect answers to the current and pertinent questions? This is, after all, our livelihoods and futures.  
Cargo I don't think the Unions can answer the questions you have as it's now in the hands of the NMB to decide the issue. Many people have different interpretations of the rules as read but we should know soon enough what the NMB thinks of the submitted filing?
ograc said:
Thank you for the link. However, the questions not asked, looking forward, were; does the NMB, at this point, recognize "The Association" as the certified bargaining representative of the combined groups? If not; should the members expect a representation election ordered by the NMB for all groups? Does the NMB have the authority to recognize "The Association" as the certified bargaining representative for all groups without an election? If there is an election; what will the ballot choice be? Representation by the Association or no representation at all? Is the delay in entering into JCBA talks a result of awaiting the NMB's ruling on the previous questions? The letter of agreement between the two unions to co represent pretty much spells out what was covered in this interview. When can the members expect answers to the current and pertinent questions? This is, after all, our livelihoods and futures.
All valid questions and not out of the ordinary. I seems to be more questions then answers.
Just have an internal vote for or against "The Association" . And then ask the NMB to recognize it if the memberships wants it
WeAAsles said:
Cargo I don't think the Unions can answer the questions you have as it's now in the hands of the NMB to decide the issue. Many people have different interpretations of the rules as read but we should know soon enough what the NMB thinks of the submitted filing?
Not just questions I have Brother but many members have. Instead of an interview, seeking answers to questions, that are already addressed in the co representation agreement, I propose we ask more pertinent questions in future interviews. It's OK if the union doesn't have all of the answers; but let's inform the membership the issue is now in the hands of the NMB. Let's not pretend the questions don't exist. Let's tell it like it is! Please spare me the "vanilla" interviews. Let's address the real issues going forward. Let's give the membership some "real" updates.  My suggestion, regarding future interviews, is let's ask some pertinent questions, instead of "fluff" questions disguised as communication to the membership. If the representation issue is "now in the hands of the NMB" and not the union; communicate that to the membership. Anything short of the truth and disclosure could be interpreted as an effort to hinder transparency. Full disclosure, in this case, may help to explain why there is a delay in JCBA talks starting.   
ALL of our Passenger Service Agents are now UNION Represented. Congratulations and congratulate our brothers and sisters.
More work coming back in-house:
BLUTO said:
It's very good to see management insourcing work, even though it wasn't negotiated to insource the work. Just shows that our members do a better job than the vendors. As for union matters, I would assume that this will mean the creation of additional employees, and that should help offset the heavy losses to our membership over at United.
With an anti union IAM contract at United, let's hope that United management will stop cutting IAM jobs and reducing others to part time, but follow the lead of Parker.  Give points and credit to Parker for insourcing, without any contractual obligation to do so.  Smisek would do good to follow suit.
That said, we should never assume that management will always do the right thing, so our hope should still remain that the Association should be able to gain more than 17 stations, over on the LAA side after a joint contract, and keeping the flight threshold at minimums.  Today's action, by management [of all things], should give us all hope that management would be more willing to consider scope, moreso than Tom Horton and his boys did.
With regards to the insourcing  I do know for a fact in my station we will take over the ground handling Dec 8th   and its my understanding that the furloughed AA folks will be offered to come back ( though I last heard it was around 4 or 5 folks  but not totally sure on that count)  as we don't currently have anyone on recall for my city.  This is really great news that insourcing is gonna occur!    
Tim Nelson said:
It's very good to see management insourcing work, even though it wasn't negotiated to insource the work. Just shows that our members do a better job than the vendors. As for union matters, I would assume that this will mean the creation of additional employees, and that should help offset the heavy losses to our membership over at United.
With an anti union IAM contract at United, let's hope that United management will stop cutting IAM jobs and reducing others to part time, but follow the lead of Parker.  Give points and credit to Parker for insourcing, without any contractual obligation to do so.  Smisek would do good to follow suit.
That said, we should never assume that management will always do the right thing, so our hope should still remain that the Association should be able to gain more than 17 stations, over on the LAA side after a joint contract, and keeping the flight threshold at minimums.  Today's action, by management [of all things], should give us all hope that management would be more willing to consider scope, moreso than Tom Horton and his boys did.
What you say is true. The contracting in of work was not in the contract. However both sides knew when the scope was agreed to that this would probably be the result in certain cities. If you have profection of only 1 flight a day, which includes AA medal. And the US members were gonna be there no matter what, then why keep paying the vendors in these cities? Doesn't make economical since. Its like everything else to this company. Its a money issue. Nothing to do with Parker turning over a new leaf.
As Grievance Committee Chair in JAX I would like to weigh in on the recent insourcing announcement. As many of you know; JAX, RNO and other stations have been below the mainline departure threshold for the past couple of years regarding the company's contractual right to outsource the Fleet Service work. As many of you know; I have been a strong proponent of securing  our existing work and jobs. Throughout the 2 plus years the IAM Negotiating Committee has been in US Fleet Service contract negotiations, the Negotiating Committee was able to secure letters of agreement that secured essentially "status quo" and ultimately protected the jobs in the affected stations. IMO... Had it not been for the letters of agreement, negotiated by the IAM Fleet Service Negotiating Committee, during this process, the insourcing of work in JAX and other stations would have never taken place. In short; we would have been gone by now. Opponents, at the time, referred to these agreements as meaningless "Cinderella date" agreements. All I know, is for the first time in many years, JAX is discussing how we handle the insourced work instead of how are we going to handle being outsourced. Insourced work. What a refreshing concept. I'm thankful the NC, heard the concerns of the members in outline stations such as mine and kept us in the game.
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