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2014 Fleet Service Discussion

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cltrat said:
what's this I'm hearing about the new TWU president not being happy about the association deal?
Rat from what I'm hearing this is the work of one Maintenance President who didn't even put this out for a membership vote to see if this is what the majority of the members he represents wanted. Until we see if his actions have any effect on the NMB process I would suggest we continue moving forward with the solidarity that some of us have been attempting to build and not let it distract us from that mission.
I agree weAA the dissent is clearly on the mx side of things it seems
cltrat said:
I agree weAA the dissent is clearly on the mx side of things it seems
War mongers always need to find or start a war. It's the only thing they know. Others have greater imaginations.
Let's move forward. It is my understanding the next step that needs to be accomplished, before JCBA talks can begin, is the NMB must make a determination if an election is warranted, among the combined fleet service groups, concerning the NMB's certification of the "Association" as the collective bargaining representative of the combined Fleet Service. It is my understanding; this ruling and subsequent election must take place before JCBA negotiations can begin. Correct me if I'm wrong. The floor is open. 
ograc said:
Let's move forward. It is my understanding the next step that needs to be accomplished, before JCBA talks can begin, is the NMB must make a determination if an election is warranted, among the combined fleet service groups, concerning the NMB's certification of the "Association" as the collective bargaining representative of the combined Fleet Service. It is my understanding; this ruling and subsequent election must take place before JCBA negotiations can begin. Correct me if I'm wrong. The floor is open.
That is incorrect.
Two different unions can begin joint talks prior to a nmb single carrier determination. And from a LUS perspective, we would be in less of a hurry i would think although part time issues need serious addressing along with a 3 pprong retirement and choice.
Tim Nelson said:
That is incorrect.
Two different unions can begin joint talks prior to a nmb single carrier determination. And from a LUS perspective, we would be in less of a hurry i would think although part time issues need serious addressing along with a 3 pprong retirement and choice.
What would be the point if the Alliance wasn't successful in the NMB vote? First things first. We don't need to put the cart before the horse. We can't assume anything and the focus needs to be on securing the Alliance. 
P. Rez
With all due respect, putting the cart before the horse is assuming people would just prefer this alliance, as opposed to choosing between the 2 incumbent unions...

I know this is where I split from many of you, but IMO, This whole thing sends absolutely the wrong message to labor as a whole.
P. REZ said:
What would be the point if the Alliance wasn't successful in the NMB vote? First things first. We don't need to put the cart before the horse. We can't assume anything and the focus needs to be on securing the Alliance. 
P. Rez
The Alliance never made sense to me, although I understand its intentions to avoid a fight between labor groups.  Why would the TWU who is the much larger group agree to lose its Membership to some 3rd group in an "alliance", not to mention, picking-up a sizable number IAM members?  If it isn't a loss of Membership for either IAM or TWU, then we are having support the Administrative overhead of both organizations, in addition, to whatever additional expenses having this alliance?
I think eventually you are going to see some grand compromise where the mechanics are traded to the IAM in exchange with the TWU for fleet service... assuming the mechanics can figure out their own internal union problems.  I think the grumbling is beginning to foment to the top, and more it will be heard.
P. REZ said:
What would be the point if the Alliance wasn't successful in the NMB vote? First things first. We don't need to put the cart before the horse. We can't assume anything and the focus needs to be on securing the Alliance. 
P. Rez
i was just answering the question. It isnt for me to say why things have now stalled, since earlier comments by nc said 30 days.

The twu found a way to start joint talks with another union at United prior to a nmb filing (dispatchers) and talks are either progressing well or there is a ta. I havent kept up with it.

As far as the fleet service association, im sure thats secure. Imo the stall is a result of the amfa monkey wrench but i really dont know.
Kev3188 said:
With all due respect, putting the cart before the horse is assuming people would just prefer this alliance, as opposed to choosing between the 2 incumbent unions...I know this is where I split from many of you, but IMO, This whole thing sends absolutely the wrong message to labor as a whole.
Buffy and Sito think it's great, you should like it too.

Kev I think the two unions just decided to split or share the pie rather than fight over it. That's not a disagreement with what you are saying  just my view of what they did.
I have also had it suggested to me by more than one that the IAMhas pretty much an unlimited budget to campaign with where in comparison the TWU has nickels to spend. Withever one thinks about Buffy and Sito they are good at playing the game.
I don't think a vote would be a lock for either side and you may have both getting less than 50 %
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