Robbed you have to understand that there are plenty of people like Freedom out there. They just don't all come on here and speak their minds but they do come on here and read. Some dogs have maybe been kicked in their sides too long and too hard to ever get over it? But most dogs live in the moment and adjust to their new environments.robbedagain said:WeAA don't bother replying to him bec he is never gonna get it no matter how much or how hard you try. he claims to be the king of the economics... Id sure as hell would never want him to run the country! After all he is the one who would toss and has done so his own coworkers down the river without the life preservers
Thanks Robbed. I appreciated the support yesterday from all you guys a lot.robbedagain said:true WeAA we have at least 2 to 4 of them at work and one of those well lets just say that person should never have made it past training! some of those peeps (probably freedom himself) have never really been thru what we have endured you know bro! BTW I enjoy reading your posts
Jester the way it used to work with us was you got the holiday pay on the day you worked or if you were scheduled off or on vacation you got it on your next working day back. If you CS'd (Swap Shift) off you still got it on your next day back as well.Jester said:Let me go out on a limb and piss-off everyone (for which I have a unique talent for in real life too btw)... I never understood how we had holiday pay in which if fleet agent is scheduled to work a holiday, we are paid 1 1/2x, but if we are off, then we are paid 1/2x... so really if I come to work on a holiday I am being paid straight time, because if I wasn't there, then it would be half pay? There's a dream job... everyday is holiday, and I never come to work, but still get half pay!
It seems to me that holiday pay should be for those people who are ACTUALLY working that day which might reward people who are scheduled to those holidays instead of those fortunate enough to VTO, drop, trade, get vacation, bid days off, call-in sick or call in FMLA. Frankly, maybe Management would be faster on issuing advanced VTOs if they knew agents were making double time otherwise vs. basically straight time as presently? From the Company's POV, don't pay everyone holiday pay, and it makes double time for actual people working more afforable.
charlie Brown said:Ograc
I agree with you for the most part. But what I was really trying to say, even the ones that try and attack someone's character, especially when they want to be a leader of the membership, it allows all those who read to see who they really are. I think this forum was one of the main tools in the last election that the membership used to educate one another and decide who they were voting for. That's a good thing IMO. But I agree! Let's move forward in discussing the JCBA.
WeAAsles,WeAAsles said:Freedom my guess would be you are speaking about the station staffing language of "SCOPE" People mention scope all the time but are rarely specific as to what aspect of it they are interested in? "SCOPE" speaks for many different aspects of our job functions and the work the company is contractually obligated to have us perform. That needs to be considered in the conversation.
Since we're discussing possibilities and collective bargaining is still a two way street and we at least have to have a small measure of reason in those negotiations. This is partially my wish list. I agree with your comment Cargo and think we should hold Doug Parker's feet to the fire that he has been telling everyone that we are the World's largest airline and we should have contracts to reflect that. The BASE rate for me is easy. Give me a solid gain above our peers and then tie in future raises with the average forecasted inflation rate so I don't feel any erosion in my pay. I also want to see some of the best aspects of every airline union contract out there incorporated into the middle. Even if that means being creative and thinking outside the box to get that accomplished I want to see something in my CBA that I can say "Wow that's different and is workable"ograc said:WeAAsles,
Very good point. Everyone mentions scope. Job protection and scope has different meanings depending on who you ask. To those in the larger stations; scope and job protection may be defined as an employee's ability to secure his job provided they are willing to commute or re-locate to a station with openings. To those in outline stations; scope and job protection is language that protects my job in my station. The members' definition of job protection and scope in outline stations is completely different than the members' definition in the larger stations. This disconnect needs to be fixed prior to entering into JCBA talks. IMO... we need to protect existing work in existing stations. There is no justifiable reason why we should retreat from this issue. This New American is projected to make staggering profits in the future. We should be conceding nothing regarding covered work in existing stations. If anything... we should be bringing back covered work to outline stations. We need to insure we get our fair share of the pie. Members on both sides have sacrificed enough to keep both airlines solvent.
Lock and Load!
psa8979 said:Reality is 70 % of the Membership doesn't care what the 30 % who are paying attention and participating with their Union until it effects them . Within the 30% that are participating less then 5% have the authority to negotiate with Management. The problem with the 5% is they our limited by the 1% what they can say because of NDC(secrecy), loyalty, and control . 94% of the Membership is left out of the information loop for control by the 1% .Thus many Members turn to social media like AF. Information is power. Many who have power will control information to retain power . Once a JCNC is picked (if not all-ready ) for a JCBA I suggest UPDATES should be released every 30 days or when there is any major Issue or Article change that could effect Membership either negatively or positively .Transparency by the UNION should be # 1 priority moving forward with THE ASSOCIATION . RD Hooton IAM FS SFO .