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2014 Fleet Service Discussion

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WeAAsles said:
Freedom my guess would be you are speaking about the station staffing language of "SCOPE" People mention scope all the time but are rarely specific as to what aspect of it they are interested in? "SCOPE" speaks for many different aspects of our job functions and the work the company is contractually obligated to have us perform. That needs to be considered in the conversation.
When i think of scope i primarily think of continued employment for all the members ... basically having a job ... my other thoughts about scope are those positions that ramp does that aren't generally thought of as ramp work , such as tower , catering in PHL , cargo ect ...
I want to see our field stations protected from outsourcing and also want to ensure that it is WE who do cargo and catering wherever possible .. 
freedom said:
When i think of scope i primarily think of continued employment for all the members ... basically having a job ... my other thoughts about scope are those positions that ramp does that aren't generally thought of as ramp work , such as tower , catering in PHL , cargo ect ...
I want to see our field stations protected from outsourcing and also want to ensure that it is WE who do cargo and catering wherever possible .. 
Jobs no matter what they are or where they are, are security for both us and for our Unions. For our Unions it's a no brainer since it brings in dues and adds hopefully more strength to the collective. For us it's twofold. One it's creates more opportunities as we move up the seniority ladder to have better shifts and days off to spend time with our families and loved ones. And two, more types of jobs gives us more of a security in our older age to not have to do such hard work if there are other opportunities available.

When we get and complete our surveys as to what our level of importance is, direct wages will always top that list. Aside from that though we need to understand the value behind other things that even though don't show a direct pocket increase, show an increase through our quality of life. Everyone should have a personal consideration of what that's worth to them.
i won't lie , wages have always been important to me ... and more money is always a good thing ...
But these days , i want job security more than wages , so on my list , scope , not just for my hub , but for the field stations in particular is number one on my list ... 
( number two on my list is at least two more paid holidays ) 
freedom said:
i won't lie , wages have always been important to me ... and more money is always a good thing ...
But these days , i want job security more than wages , so on my list , scope , not just for my hub , but for the field stations in particular is number one on my list ... 
( number two on my list is at least two more paid holidays ) 
Freedom what is with you and the freakin two extra paid holidays?

At $23.00 per hour that amounts to only an extra $368.00 for the YEAR if you have double time and before taxes. Which when you do the math on a per hourly basis if you are a Full Timer amounts to roughly an extra 5.6 cents per hour.

You really need to take that off as the number 2 thing you want on your list man.
freedom said:
well we didn't get it in the last contract and i really had my heart set on it . 
I'd personally rather Santa Claus puts something larger under your tree than a nickle.
a nickle for me  but probably a lot more for others ... 
i get that nickle even if i'm not at work , whereas you AA guys ( as you stated ) have to actually show up to get paid ... i obviously want my current holiday pay system to continue on ... and don't you have less holidays than we do at anyrate ?
So while i might only get 2 more paid holidays , your people would get something like what 4 more ? 
freedom said:
a nickle for me  but probably a lot more for others ... 
i get that nickle even if i'm not at work , whereas you AA guys ( as you stated ) have to actually show up to get paid ... i obviously want my current holiday pay system to continue on ... and don't you have less holidays than we do at anyrate ?
So while i might only get 2 more paid holidays , your people would get something like what 4 more ? 
You know what I want in Holidays Freedom. I want what I gave up in 03 returned to me. That was 10 Holidays at DOUBLE time AND one half. I currently have 5 at time and a half and I actually have to work the holiday to get that extra $92.00.

Do you want to do the same math I did for you on what I want?
i get where your coming from , many of the guys on here have said they want back what was lost ....
but as i'm sure you know , things have changed for all of the airlines ... the good ole days of yore are never coming back ...There's going to come a point where we will reach a ceiling where no more gains are going to be possible , and i believe it may well be this next joint contract in which that happens ...
i'm not saying that i wouldn't like to see even further wage gains , i would but rationally i don't think we will see that much more for the top out that where we are today , maybe a dollar more at most ( This is not taking into account a yearly COL ) 
It's difficult for us to see eye to eye on future contracts because your coming from better days (before BK ) and see small gains as a pittance , whereas i'm coming from AWA employment and see those small gains as decent improvement ..  ( if i recall correctly , we actually had a scheduled 5 cent raise from AWA days , or maybe i'm thinking of the quarter raise )
Let's see doing the math on what I want not subtracting the extra I earn for my time and a half on 5 comes out to.

The extra time and one half added to my base rate is $34.00

$34.00 x 8 x 10 = $2720.00

$2720.00 divided by 2080 hours = $1.30 extra per hour for the year.

That's a little better than a nickle wouldn't you say? That's what I have my heart set on.
freedom said:
i get where your coming from , many of the guys on here have said they want back what was lost ....
but as i'm sure you know , things have changed for all of the airlines ... the good ole days of yore are never coming back ...There's going to come a point where we will reach a ceiling where no more gains are going to be possible , and i believe it may well be this next joint contract in which that happens ...
i'm not saying that i wouldn't like to see even further wage gains , i would but rationally i don't think we will see that much more for the top out that where we are today , maybe a dollar more at most ( This is not taking into account a yearly COL ) 
It's difficult for us to see eye to eye on future contracts because your coming from better days (before BK ) and see small gains as a pittance , whereas i'm coming from AWA employment and see those small gains as decent improvement ..  ( if i recall correctly , we actually had a scheduled 5 cent raise from AWA days , or maybe i'm thinking of the quarter raise )
Dude I really have to get you in line of thinking with the big boys. You are no longer a part of the Minor League team anymore. You've been called up to the Big Leagues. You're not pitching that ball in a sandlot in Peoria anymore. You're staring down some expensive AstroTurf and after the game you got a hottie waiting in that Ferrari of yours to drive away with.

Welcome to the Majors brother. Now let's see that 90 MPH fastball that I know you can throw.
mmm i'll have to let Prez and Charlie brown tell you about how viable that dream of yours is . 
freedom said:
mmm i'll have to let Prez and Charlie brown tell you about how viable that dream of yours is . 
Ay Yi Yi Freedom did you or did you not see the 360 degree turn right after the merger was finalized? Except of course for the station closures have you looked at the improvements in the UAL contract? Have you seen the PROFIT that all three airlines are making?

If you're going to walk through your life with blacked out sunglasses and a half full bottle of Gatoraid maybe you should take a seat on the bench and let us play the game until you get the feel of it?
One could justly argue that the Billion dollar profits Airlines are making has come at the Expense of the unions , healthcare , pensions , wages , benfits ect ... 
i think by now i have a "feel" for the game , i've been playing merger mania for awhile now . 
freedom said:
One could justly argue that the Billion dollar profits Airlines are making has come at the Expense of the unions , healthcare , pensions , wages , benfits ect ... 
i think by now i have a "feel" for the game , i've been playing merger mania for awhile now . 
They changed the game on you Freedom and you're not paying attention to that. B)

“Assuming energy prices remain relatively stable, US carrier profitability should increase as an improving economy in its fifth year of recovery leads to strengthening demand, which—coupled with continuing capacity discipline—results in higher fares and increased ancillary revenues,” FAA said. “Going into the next decade, there is cautious optimism that the industry has been transformed from that of a boom-to-bust cycle to one of sustaining profits.”



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