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2014 Fleet Service Discussion

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I know who WeAAsles is (first and last name) he is AA/TWU ...
He is not attempting to deceive anyone, he is here to form a communications relationship with IAM members, and Leaders as we move toward the alliance. As far as I know... he is very intelligent, and knowledgeable in acting as a Trade Unionist. He would probably make a good leader if he so chose... 
I know WeAA, I will vouch for him and you know my credentials.
Will that suffice?
Ask yourself this ROA and 700 . Why does he post primarily on US/IAM AFF and hardly a peep on AA / TWU AFF ? He has an agenda just like you two do and IMO it's not what you think it is . Enjoy your retirement . Hope to join you someday . Fish On !
I do not know who WeAAsles is. I find his posts to be informative. I find his posts seeking pertinent information. I find his posts to be constructive in trying to educate the members and to bring solidarity between the two work groups at this critical time. If ROA and 700 know him and support him that's enough for me. What I have a problem with is wasting pages and posts attacking the character of those posting. Nelson and Josh did enough of that prior to the election. We are approaching uncharted waters. The need to unify, communicate with and educate the membership has never been greater. Let's move on with constructive dialogue and avoid divisive posts questioning one's character or agenda. Break clean PSA and move to a neutral corner.
psa8979 said:
Ask yourself this ROA and 700 . Why does he post primarily on US/IAM AFF and hardly a peep on AA / TWU AFF ? He has an agenda just like you two do and IMO it's not what you think it is . Enjoy your retirement . Hope to join you someday . Fish On !
psa would you care to be a part of the 3 Facebook group pages that are primarily associated with fleet particularly that I'm a part of? One I am now basically the sole admin since the others have lost interest and are more involved with their families. We have some US members on the pages but always welcome more.


Another thing is that I also gave you my phone number if you want to talk and feel me out. The best way usually to try and get to the heart of someone is through direct conversation.

And I also do participate BTW on the AA threads. But primarily there is very little fleet activity and the whole board seems to be about those who are trying to sell the AMFA line. I've batted around with them somewhat but it's looking more and more like it's not going to happen for them and since I'm not a mechanic why should I bother?
Dream on Cargo .Dream on . Not going to happen . Human nature, greed, power, and $$$ won't allow it .
psa8979 said:
Dream on Cargo .Dream on . Not going to happen . Human nature, greed, power, and $$$ won't allow it .
Working to benefit society maximizes individual happiness. Progressive cultures have worked to free humanity from the brutalities of mere survival and to reduce suffering, improve society, and develop global community. We seek to minimize the inequities of circumstance and ability, and we support a just distribution of nature's resources and the fruits of human effort so that as many as possible can enjoy a good life.
Humanists are concerned for the well being of all, are committed to diversity, and respect those of differing yet humane views. We work to uphold the equal enjoyment of human rights and civil liberties in an open, secular society and maintain it is a civic duty to participate in the democratic process and a planetary duty to protect nature's integrity, diversity, and beauty in a secure, sustainable manner.
Thus engaged in the flow of life, we aspire to this vision with the informed conviction that humanity has the ability to progress toward its highest ideals. The responsibility for our lives and the kind of world in which we live is ours and ours alone.

psa8979 said:
This is a test bro . So far your failing . You have an agenda . We are just attempting to figure what it is ? Good luck with your fishing AA .
see to some people cooperation is a scary thing THEY have agendas and they think everyone else does too...  im sure some village is wondering where their idiot is and why hasnt he taken his meds... 
psa8979 said:
Ask yourself this ROA and 700 . Why does he post primarily on US/IAM AFF and hardly a peep on AA / TWU AFF ? He has an agenda just like you two do and IMO it's not what you think it is . Enjoy your retirement . Hope to join you someday . Fish On !
Because there is no AA TWU AFF thread, over at AA its 99.9% mechanics about AMFA.
WeAA is a honest and honorable guy, I will vouch for him.
He has no hidden agenda and neither do I.
Stop watching Jesse Ventura or Mel Gibson.
Sure AA . Why not . If you think it will change reality of what's coming for ALL ! of US at AAL . Remember this about IAMAW /Airline Division. Follow the Locals at HUBS , you will be thrown under the bus , and the $. Research that ! AA/TWU Brother from MIA . Good luck with your agenda.
psa8979 said:
Sure AA . Why not . If you think it will change reality of what's coming for ALL ! of US at AAL . Remember this about IAMAW /Airline Division. Follow the Locals at HUBS , you will be thrown under the bus , and the $. Research that ! AA/TWU Brother from MIA . Good luck with your agenda.
Let’s cut to the chase...
Lay your entire case out, and PROVE WeAAsles has a subversive agenda. Why speak in tongues here? -- Spell it out in detail... we are all very curious, and open minded...
although I don't know WeAA personally  I do find his posts very interesting and thought thru fully   Im not sure where you are going psa but I think WeAA just as Roa and 700 and a number of others are posting their thoughts fully thru on here just like anyone else.
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