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2014 Fleet Service Discussion

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UnitedWeStand said:
Not according to this
Post the whole thing, it was going to arbitration and the company backed down and ruled in favor of the AFA and its CBA language.
The Association of Flight Attendants (AFA-CWA) filed a grievance in February 2007 citing contract language in our Collective Bargaining Agreement that Flight Attendants use their date of initial training or Seniority Integration Date (SID), whichever is applicable, to determine non-revenue boarding. It should be noted that AFA-CWA is the only labor group on the property that has contractual language to determine non-revenue boarding based on a specific date.

The Company denied the grievance based on their interpretation that Company policy, rather than contract language, determined non-revenue boarding. An arbitration to hear the dispute was scheduled for November 29 and 30, 2007. Shortly before the arbitration, the Company cancelled the arbitration and a series of settlement talks ensued.

Since Company policy cannot trump contract language, the Company agreed with the Union's position regarding full date of hire, or SID, to determine non-revenue boarding and agreed to settle the grievance.

UnitedWeStand said:
"Company offered" has nothing to do with black and white Contractual language. Changes have to be negotiated!
Just curious.
Is the non-rev flying a company offered benefit or a contractually offered benefit? And if the Union has any control of it?
My conversation wasn't asking about which policy was going to prevail, even though your contract says boarding must be seniority based. Or AA's policy of time of Check-In (aka FC/FS)
All I am asking is how does the company has anything to do with this? And will it be in some sort of litigation while the company sits on the sidelines?. Even though it is part of the overall compensation, I thought that management can control it or modify it.
AA do you know anything about the IAM ? Structure? By-laws ? Politics ? History ?
Are you planning on a AGC ?NC? Or any other elected position ?
Are you concerned about using your real name ? Moving forward with Merger/Association and posting on AF ?

Is their a particular reason for your sudden interest in me? I noticed that your erratic multiple question post was being left unanswered so I attempted to assist you in maybe providing you some clarity? You did specify that you wanted an answer from a future association member which we will all be once the NMB makes their decision. You then specify that I was wrong in the answers I provided to you as if you already have some particular insight? If you do of course you should state your case as to my errors?

On to your other questions to me:

"weAAsles are you a Active/TWU/AA/FSC working at a HUB?"


AA do you know anything about the IAM ? Structure? By-laws ? Politics ? History ?

Yes actually. That comes from doing research and speaking to some of the members who participate on this page directly. That comes from making contacts and maybe even new friends.

Are you planning on a AGC ?NC? Or any other elected position ?

That wasn't a particular thought in my mind and would also probably be very difficult since I really enjoy living in South Florida and don't plan to move.

Are you concerned about using your real name ? Moving forward with Merger/Association and posting on AF ?

I chose the name I made up on here quite awhile ago. Most people know my real name so I don't see any reason to start over and change it now. If someone wants to use their real name that's their choice, just as much as it is your choice not to do so as well.

As for the merger and association I'm looking forward and I support both very highly.

Don't be scared ! If you are then don 't answer my ??? SFO IAM F/S Agent 8/9/79 35yrs. 40 yrs. in Industry . Active !
psa. I do not know who you are and I'm wondering if it is important that I should? What I do notice is that by your multiple postings though you may be taking away from information that other people would care to receive or read?

I wonder if you are aware of this and absolutely hope that that is not your intention?

And congratulations on your time within the industry. That's an accomplishment you should be proud of.
This is a test bro . So far your failing . You have an agenda . We are just attempting to figure what it is ? Good luck with your fishing AA .
psa8979 said:
This is a test bro . So far your failing . You have an agenda . We are just attempting to figure what it is ? Good luck with your fishing AA .
If you had been reading the last few months it would be extremely easy to figure out what my agenda is. My agenda is twofold. The first agenda is to understand things through speaking and sharing information as honestly as possible. I don't care for people who attempt to deceive others for what usually amounts to a "Personal" agenda that doesn't look at the best interests of our memberships as a whole.

The second part of my agenda is to keep things moving along. I want to be able to capture improvements as quickly as possible before something may happen globally that could put that in jeopardy. We've seen that situation happen all too often in the time-frame that we have all been a part of this industry and that window could close just as quickly as now it's open.

If you think my agenda is deceptive and personal then actually it's you who have failed the test. That test is a life test that maybe you have a hard time believing that not everyone is completely self centered and there really are a few of us out there who understand the concept of what it means to be UNION.

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