Two thirds of my career was “non-union” and here is what I observed while non-union...
1) Nepotism: Uncles and In-laws that worked in management, letting family members advance ahead of other hard working people because of who they were...
2) Favoritism: Management and Leads letting their weekend star softball players slack-off, and do what they wanted while others carried the load...
3) Persecution: Disciplining and firing people who were “different” or did not not fit-in with others regardless of their work ethic...
4) Job Vulnerability: Fleet was decimated by job losses, wage reductions, and unjust firings while non-union as represented groups remained status quo...
As far as the Union years go, I served as a Steward and represented many of those “slackers” you guys say we protected. I had a very good record of giving these folks the opportunity to keep their jobs “IF” they improved and recognized their shortcomings. Some are still there, many are not because they could not, or would not, correct their behavior in terms of work ethic.
In conclusion, I would much rather eliminate 1 through 4 in the non-union years, and deal with the lengthy processes of the discipline policy and respective grievance procedure!