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2014 Fleet Service Discussion

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An old Cherokee chief was teaching his grandson about life...
"A fight is going on inside me" he said to the boy. "It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One is evil - he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, self-doubt, and ego. The other is good - he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, truth, compassion, and faith. This same fight is going on inside you - and inside every other person, too."
The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, "which wolf will win?"
The old chief simply replied, "The one you feed."
I shared this with my son in the Marine Corps, who is going through some intense training, to prepare him to defend our nation. Respectfully submitted, to posters on this forum for consideration.
Harry Callahan said:
This may be off topic for here but I've raised 3 sons & I can't for the life of me understand how a parent could talk to their child like that.
Just kidding Harry. No names just a good whack across the head once in awhile usually well deserved.

Actually Mom was pretty cool.
Well I have some interesting information about the Charlotte District Election, we all know Tim is "gone", lol.
The District sent Tracy Russo, the RS, who was running on Tim's ticket 600 ballots for 1,400 eligible fleet service members in CLT to vote.
She then mailed out 100 absentee ballots, leaving 500 ballots for 1,300 people.
Yes the district should have sent more, but Tracy should have requested more.
Makes you think Tim's slate had maybe planned this so they could try and protest the results.
As time was the the local at 8am in uniform, then saw his slate was getting crushed and vanished at noon, never to be seen again for the election in CLT.
700UW said:
Well I have some interesting information about the Charlotte District Election, we all know Tim is "gone", lol.
The District sent Tracy Russo, the RS, who was running on Tim's ticket 600 ballots for 1,400 eligible fleet service members in CLT to vote.
She then mailed out 100 absentee ballots, leaving 500 ballots for 1,300 people.
Yes the district should have sent more, but Tracy should have requested more.
Makes you think Tim's slate had maybe planned this so they could try and protest the results.
As time was the the local at 8am in uniform, then saw his slate was getting crushed and vanished at noon, never to be seen again for the election in CLT.
I believe that was the strategy. Hedge your bet by creating an issue, that could be seen by the DOL, as a valid argument for a rerun election in the event you were to lose. The problem is the vast majority of the slate got smoked in CLT. Had the vote been close the strategy may have worked. In the end... no one was denied the opportunity to vote in CLT. The affected voters, from what I've heard was maybe high 70s. The vast majority of the U4C slate lost in CLT by 3 - 400 correct? I guess the argument is the 70 some voters were going to vote for Tim and the U4C slate, yet because of the confusion, were so intimidated, they changed their vote. What a reach! I believe the DOL will see it that way also. U4C candidates feeding their wolf the way I see it. 

I think we should be called

asset management specialists..

Imperial movers of the Holy relics ?

The outside people ?
ograc said:
I believe that was the strategy. Hedge your bet by creating an issue, that could be seen by the DOL, as a valid argument for a rerun election in the event you were to lose. The problem is the vast majority of the slate got smoked in CLT. Had the vote been close the strategy may have worked. In the end... no one was denied the opportunity to vote in CLT. The affected voters, from what I've heard was maybe high 70s. The vast majority of the U4C slate lost in CLT by 3 - 400 correct? I guess the argument is the 70 some voters were going to vote for Tim and the U4C slate, yet because of the confusion, were so intimidated, they changed their vote. What a reach! I believe the DOL will see it that way also. U4C candidates feeding their wolf the way I see it. 
you know i was saying that back a couple weeks ago never could get timmy to tell us if and when the fbi starts the investigation on election fraud will he support Tracy wholeheartedly  or will he throw her under the bus?
will his party loyalty only go so far? he characterized my question as unworthy of his response... i hope she gets a better answer from him than i did... at least for her sake 
PHXConx said:
you know i was saying that back a couple weeks ago never could get timmy to tell us if and when the fbi starts the investigation on election fraud will he support Tracy wholeheartedly  or will he throw her under the bus?
will his party loyalty only go so far? he characterized my question as unworthy of his response... i hope she gets a better answer from him than i did... at least for her sake 
TR has been and still is, a dedicated, involved and engaged member. As an opposition candidate she made the mistake of aligning with a slate of candidates who relied heavily on United membership dissention with the district leadership team. An additional mistake by all of the U4C candidates on the UA side was they aligned themselves with TN and his candidates on the US side for additional votes. The UA membership was apathetic and TN and his candidates not only failed to deliver, but actually increased voter turnout on the US side to oppose U4C. TR may have got caught up in bad politics based on association. This oversight, as Recording Secretary of her local, is not in her character. I believe TR was given direction from others on the slate. As far as I know... TR was never approached by the existing leadership to be part of the team in the last election. Another example of the current leadership overlooking qualified and dedicated candidates. This needs to change. Some, on the current team do not deserve endorsement in 2016, based on past and current performance. 

ograc said:
TR has been and still is, a dedicated, involved and engaged member. As an opposition candidate she made the mistake of aligning with a slate of candidates who relied heavily on United membership dissention with the district leadership team. An additional mistake by all of the U4C candidates on the UA side was they aligned themselves with TN and his candidates on the US side for additional votes. The UA membership was apathetic and TN and his candidates not only failed to deliver, but actually increased voter turnout on the US side to oppose U4C. TR may have got caught up in bad politics based on association. This oversight, as Recording Secretary of her local, is not in her character. I believe TR was given direction from others on the slate. As far as I know... TR was never approached by the existing leadership to be part of the team in the last election. Another example of the current leadership overlooking qualified and dedicated candidates. This needs to change. Some, on the current team do not deserve endorsement in 2016, based on past and current performance.
I agree with you on TR being a dedicated unionist. However IMO she forgot who or where her support comes from in clt. Just like UA dominates the vote in their hubs. US dominates the vote here in clt. She is the current recording secretary because so many US members supported her for that position. By supporting the US candidates that the U4C team had on their slate, she kinda did herself in here in clt. She usually gets very good support here, however the membership here just did not want change on the US side at this time. Having said that though Ograc, our team does need some changes for the good of the membership. But at least we aren't starting over from square one.
She is resigning her position effective upon her layoff I believe.
And I agree with your post CB.
Yup. Last day in Oct. for CLT.
Second round of cuts. Aprox. 30 more to come........
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