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2014 Fleet Service Discussion

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pjirish317 said:
tim,let me get this straight. UA is pissed that US voted in favor of RD and the current leadership, while they couldn't be bothered to come out and vote? Am I getting this right? And you are probably gonna side with UA because of your hate for the current leadership and royaly screw over all of your fellow US workers. Typical. And typical answer from someone who cant answer a direct question. Would you have protesetd the election results if the U4C slate had won? Yes or No. It is that simple of a question.
Ah a petty and petulant vendetta against the man who did him some perceived harm. Revenge.
ograc said:
That would be a huge mistake. Their membership is apathetic. Having US members on the Slate was not why they lost this past election. A pure UA ticket would receive no support on the US side. If anything; it would increase participation on the US side. That increase in participation would vote against them based on principle and their blatant disregard for US members in their quest for District leadership. Your fellow opposition candidates just don't seem to get it. They can expect the same results, by a larger margin, in 2016 if they pursue such a power grab. It speaks volumes, as a US member, of the opposition UA candidates you choose to align yourself with Tim. Guilty by association!
Time will tell how it shakes out. But this current election had huge violations against the members. Anyone who supports that is anti worker.
pjirish317 said:
tim,let me get this straight. UA is pissed that US voted in favor of RD and the current leadership, while they couldn't be bothered to come out and vote? Am I getting this right? And you are probably gonna side with UA because of your hate for the current leadership and royaly screw over all of your fellow US workers. Typical. And typical answer from someone who cant answer a direct question. Would you have protesetd the election results if the U4C slate had won? Yes or No. It is that simple of a question.
Most united didnt even know about the election. Most want a new union as well.
Tim Nelson said:
Time will tell how it shakes out. But this current election had huge violations against the members. Anyone who supports that is anti worker.
timmy doesnt like to be called names... but he loves to call people them...
do the workers get a vote on whether they want you to be their "enforcer"?
oh wait they had one they told you no but thats not good enough for you...
you are The Enforcer.. of all that is against you well i bet you look stunning in purple... 


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Tim Nelson said:
Time will tell how it shakes out. But this current election had huge violations against the members. Anyone who supports that is anti worker.
Bullshit! I've spent the majority of my career advancing workers' rights. This election demonstrated the memberships', those who took the time to vote, wishes. That's the democratic process Tim. I understand you will never accept rejection or loss. You will always protest and deflect blame. "huge violations" is your opinion. Others' opinions are the engaged "membership has spoken". Anti worker? I LMAO! The DOL will decide. If they order another election; I expect the same results. A larger margin of victory if your fellow UA candidates go for an all UA slate in 2016. Anti worker or anti Tim? 

cltrat said:
Ultimately the United voters have themselves to blame, rather than point the finger at US voters for supporting the other ticket. While that seems to be true if the UA voters had turned out in droves like they should have after such a turd of a contract then by shear numbers they control the election no matter what US does.
Myself I am a huge proponent of a separate district for US now AA.
Going forward, especially based on what Tim's co candidates at UA are thinking, I'm inclined to agree. Maybe we need to be in a separate district. I refuse to buy into, however, this UA vs. US mindset within the district. I believe it exists solely among the UA candidates of U4C that Tim chose to align himself with. Once again; an agenda of division. An agenda of win at any cost. They want us to believe they are in it for the best interest of the membership, yet they are considering a UA only slate in order to get elected. The ink isn't dry on the election results and Tim and his fellow candidates are already filing protests and discussing strategies to oppose the newly elected leadership team in 2016. It should speak volumes, to the membership, what their true agenda is.  

The reason CLT had such a large turnout was to vote against Tim's ticket, especially Tracy, because of Rick's actions, her husband.
And Tracy was ultimately responsible because she knew there were only 500 ballots for 900 people.
Heard Tim got to CLT at 8am in uniform and was gone by noon as he found out his ticket got slaughtered.
Good thing you had Rick campaigning for you, he helped the incumbents get re-elected cause the members didnt like his style.
Heard it today from many fleet in CLT.
Tim Nelson said:
Most united didnt even know about the election. Most want a new union as well.
I call total BS they didnt know about the election?
Total BS, it has been posted everywhere, candidates campaigned and I know you got the message out.
It was mailed to their house, I mean come on timothy.
Well I can see Timmy laying the groundwork to start his own union again.
ograc said:
Bullshit! I've spent the majority of my career advancing workers' rights. This election demonstrated the memberships', those who took the time to vote, wishes. That's the democratic process Tim. I understand you will never accept rejection or loss. You will always protest and deflect blame. "huge violations" is your opinion. Others' opinions are the engaged "membership has spoken". Anti worker? I LMAO! The DOL will decide. If they order another election; I expect the same results. A larger margin of victory if your fellow UA candidates go for an all UA slate in 2016. Anti worker or anti Tim?
you can say bull shitt all day but the membership has not spoken. There were huge and blatatnt violations separate from my opinion.
If its bull shitt then i fully expect the agcs to bring me up on charges for saying atkinson broke the law or delaney and the eboard are guilty of violating bylaws.

The reality is that there will be a rerun election. Your side had to cheat, steal, and rob the members to win.

If you dont think that is accurate then contact your agc and tell him i am wrongly accusing your boys and to bring me up on member in bad standing. Violating the voices of the members is never right. And you should be joyful that im sticking up for the voices. Instead you will continue to support the evil doers.

In fact im hoping for more than just a rerun, im hoping officers get removed. We also are planning on bringing certain officers to trial in ord and den for derelict of duty once it is proven that your boys F everything up again.

They cant keep F-ing everything up. The Enforcer Cometh.
ograc said:
Going forward, especially based on what Tim's co candidates at UA are thinking, I'm inclined to agree. Maybe we need to be in a separate district. I refuse to buy into, however, this UA vs. US mindset within the district. I believe it exists solely among the UA candidates of U4C that Tim chose to align himself with. Once again; an agenda of division. An agenda of win at any cost. They want us to believe they are in it for the best interest of the membership, yet they are considering a UA only slate in order to get elected. The ink isn't dry on the election results and Tim and his fellow candidates are already filing protests and discussing strategies to oppose the newly elected leadership team in 2016. It should speak volumes, to the membership, what their true agenda is.  
The problem is you wont generate enough dues money to get your own district.
I agree with you that UA will always be the big kid on the block.
We went through this as M&R, we left 141 and became 141, it was UA and US Mechanic and related.  When UA M&R went AMFA, we couldnt support our own district so we ended up in 142.
Tim Nelson said:
you can say bull shitt all day but the membership has not spoken. There were huge and blatatnt violations separate from my opinion.
If its bull shitt then i fully expect the agcs to bring me up on charges for saying atkinson broke the law or delaney and the eboard are guilty of violating bylaws.

The reality is that there will be a rerun election. Your side had to cheat, steal, and rob the members to win.

If you dont think that is accurate then contact your agc and tell him i am wrongly accusing your boys and to bring me up on member in bad standing. Violating the voices of the members is never right. And you should be joyful that im sticking up for the voices. Instead you will continue to support the evil doers.

In fact im hoping for more than just a rerun, im hoping officers get removed. We also are planning on bringing certain officers to trial in ord and den for derelict of duty once it is proven that your boys F everything up again.

They cant keep F-ing everything up. The Enforcer Cometh.
You are describing yourself, I hope you get sued by 141, Roabilly, P.Rez and myself for the lies you posted on here and spread around the system.
Good thing its all documented.
You truly are a loser, you cant win a district or international election in over 20 years.
Look up the definition of insanity.
Also you failed at starting your own union three times and your actions helped Karen get fired.
You cant bring charges against anyone, you can ask the union to have investigation and a trial, but you cant force anything.
I have been on several trial committees when the Officers brought charges against members, you know all about that, since you were tried and convicted.
ograc said:
Going forward, especially based on what Tim's co candidates at UA are thinking, I'm inclined to agree. Maybe we need to be in a separate district. I refuse to buy into, however, this UA vs. US mindset within the district. I believe it exists solely among the UA candidates of U4C that Tim chose to align himself with. Once again; an agenda of division. An agenda of win at any cost. They want us to believe they are in it for the best interest of the membership, yet they are considering a UA only slate in order to get elected. The ink isn't dry on the election results and Tim and his fellow candidates are already filing protests and discussing strategies to oppose the newly elected leadership team in 2016. It should speak volumes, to the membership, what their true agenda is.
your agenda is to support those who violate the members voices, yes?
The dol doesnt rule due to feelings. There will b a rerun. There will be 37 spots. The ones who divided were your folks who claimed that U4C was a united ticket.

I hope a new ticket considers usairways candidates but us airways members are very content with the present violators and have made that aware over the past 4 elections.
700UW said:
You are describing yourself, I hope you get sued by 141, Roabilly, P.Rez and myself for the lies you posted on here and spread around the system.
Good thing its all documented.
You truly are a loser, you cant win a district or international election in over 20 years.
Look up the definition of insanity.
Also you failed at starting your own union three times and your actions helped Karen get fired.
You cant bring charges against anyone, you can ask the union to have investigation and a trial, but you cant force anything.
I have been on several trial committees when the Officers brought charges against members, you know all about that, since you were tried and convicted.
The district violated federal law and violated bylaws. Charge me if it isnt true or ask for a trial and uphold the bylaws if im just bull shitting.

If i lost fairly then thats fine, unfortunately the district violated laws and bylaws to violate the true voice of the members.
the silver lining in the blatant actions against its members is that all 37 spots will be up for grabs and we will have a supervisor to supervise the evil doers.
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