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2014 Fleet Service Discussion

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ChockJockey said:
I'm not seeing how sex and religion have anything to do with the topic at hand.

General topic. Fleet service people are discussing things. At the moment it's Tim's extracurricular proclivities.
WeAAsles said:

General topic. Fleet service people are discussing things.
I understand the temptation to parade out unfounded rumors and mock the faith of others when your otherwise sound, rational arguments don't find traction but it isn't very zen, and I thought you were a zen cat WeAAs.
WeAAsles said:
ridiculous accusations but i dont have to defend myself to ur nonsense.What accusation? Oh do you mean that IAH thing? Ah Tim don't sweat it, I like black women too.
At any rate, u and other hate groups lovepracticing hate on people of faith. Dont bring up your hate if you dont want me to point it out.About the only thing I can think of that I really hate right now is pickles. If they bring me a burger with a pickle on the side and the juice get's on my bun I have to get a whole new burger. Just can't stand pickles. I love Flamenco Guitar though, what about you?
try getting back on topic. Im not to blame for your lack of knowledge about your creator. Maybe your beach body is holding you back.
You just don't read.
lol and have you read article 21 yet? have you studied up on the ACA, and why this was necessary?    yea i thought not...  you only read what you want to...
   I actually made it easy for you and brought the language right here in front of you.
thats funny i posted the language last week before you had the balls to attempt it..  and you are still reading into it only what you want, its not the language you posted, its the stuff you didnt highlight you missed... but what else is new...  
  Kindly show us anywhere where the company has to agree with the union over any of this?
kindly show us where the company has to agree with the union on ANY negotiations I dont think that word means what you think it does... you do remind me of the Sicilian so im not surprised
  You keep saying that the health care letter protects our members from future cuts but the letter is a creation that protects the company and terminates your plans if an arbitrator can't guarantee management.
Thats because you are an idiot, of course it protects the company in the event of being hit with an excise tax.   it protects members from having their plans terminated TODAY, i guess you still dont understand the meaning of RIGHT NOW.  it keeps us from having to agree to substandard plans RIGHT NOW. which is what the company would have had to negotiate if we locked into a 4 year plus contract with no ability to change the plan IF IT GETS HIT WITH AN EXCISE TAX.
Its called a compromise, another multisyllabic word you have no idea the meaning of.  it gives us 4 years or more of health care plans we have come to enjoy.  it gives the company the guarantee that in four years(or more) if the plan gets hit with an excise tax that the union will work with them to fix it.  And if the union is run by idiots that will bet the farm instead of negotiate in good faith it gives the company the ability to 
You also seem to be delusional about the arbitrator and how the arbitrator has to consider the union's stance.  That, sir, is incorrect.  Once the arbitrator is selected, the arbitrator doesn't consider anything the union said and the only scope of the decision is to determine how much pain fleet service will have to pony up.  That's the question.  If the arbitrator can't guarantee to the company that such tax cost can't protect the company then YOUR PLAN WILL BE TERMINATED.  It's in the language and there is NOTHING you or the union can do about it.
and another multisyllabic word you do not understand the meaning of arbitrator.  


noun: arbitrator; plural noun: arbitrators

  1. an independent person or body officially appointed to settle a dispute.



    mediatorconciliator,intervenor, intercessorgo-between
    "the litigants met with a court-appointed arbitrator"

What would have been nice is if the negotiators actually negotiated protections for us, like a cap as they did at United and elsewhere.  Waiving any caps means that when 2018 happens, the cost will have no ceiling.
again since you dont understand the law, you dont understand the process, they cant now negotiate something without knowing the variables, like, how much, the plan is going to go over the federally mandated cap. without knowing that how do you think the negotiators should have negotiated the response?  to do that the company would have had to have a much larger buffer..   and instead of having a small easily negotiated fix, they would have had to have their hands tied to in the event of an excise tax we the plan's cap will be reduced by 10000 per family plan... thats what the company would have come out with. without the ability to negotiate at a later date, and only after an excise tax is imposed.  
obviously the negotiators wouldnt go for that, so the company would have been required to rewrite all of our plans, right now...  and we would have substandard plans for four years, needlessly.  
Everything else you said was not really worth conversing about since it was just opinion and babble from you. Sorry.
oh yes thats Timmy for i cant answer it so im going to ignore it... 
but bottom line had we done it your way. if we didnt do this letter, the company would have had to start from scratch our entire health plans, to ensure there was no excise tax imposed,
the union would have fought that, we would be in negotations another 4 years and at that point it would be moot.... we would never have seen the scope language, we would have never had the pay raises, we would have never seen any of it, because you think that getting a guarantee that would never have happened was more important than scope... thank god you didnt get elected...
you keep talking about caps in our costs, as if thats the problem here, it just shows you are completely inept, you never bothered to learn the law, the reason for the cadillac plan provision, why congress, wrote it that way.
our problem isnt the cost of the plan...(your cap plan is pointless because it doesnt address the problem at hand.  you are stuck in the past, and forget about united jesus christ... if you want to work for them go)
our problem is that congress wrote a law that is meant to force employers to give either substandard employee plans,(by ever increasing excise taxes) thus forcing us into the exchanges.  that obama care only makes it if it gets every one into the exchanges, if they gave an out by making unions exempt, we would see an immediate increase in unions thats true. but the people that want obama care(and later single payer) wont give an exemption to unions because of it.  
so we are back to where we were,  we either give the company assurances that we will work to assure they will not get an excise tax from the IRS, we will work to keep our plan as long as we can, but understand this, you are looking for a guarantee that our health care plan will never be touched. thats not going to happen, unless ocare is repealed, we are all going to eventually be placed in the exchanges...  this just puts it off 4 more years... 
what you want isnt possible, so we had the opportunity to work with the company now to keep our plans current for at least right now and for 4 years. and maybe a year or two after, but  after that its a crap shoot its not because the company is greedy, its because congress is forcing us all into Obamacare.   
ChockJockey said:
I understand the temptation to parade out unfounded rumors and mock the faith of others when your otherwise sound, rational arguments don't find traction but it isn't very zen, and I thought you were a zen cat WeAAs.
Chock not knockin the faith man. Look where it started. I was knocking how Fox tries to get into the thoughts by pandering on those who are religious for political motivations. But someone took it in another direction by painting a very broad brush stroke.

Anyway I'll 360 it for now. I guess we'll just have to go back to beating the horse then? Ugh.
Tim Nelson said:
try getting back on topic. Im not to blame for your lack of knowledge about your creator. Maybe your beach body is holding you back.
Ok you can use your "Get Out Of Jail Free" card for now.

Hope you never really need one.

JK. Slide it forward.
robbedagain said:
I could have sworn CB posted that letter some hundred posts back  and the way its written it had to go over 27500    not sure what the nbr was.. 
27500 for family plans 
10200 for individual plans 
good background there, maybe timmy should read it... but he is only interested in the "language"  not the law behind it and the reasons why... wouldnt he make a great negotiator?/sarcasm 
PHXConx said:
lol and have you read article 21 yet? have you studied up on the ACA, and why this was necessary?    yea i thought not...  you only read what you want to...
thats funny i posted the language last week before you had the balls to attempt it..  and you are still reading into it only what you want, its not the language you posted, its the stuff you didnt highlight you missed... but what else is new...  
kindly show us where the company has to agree with the union on ANY negotiations I dont think that word means what you think it does... you do remind me of the Sicilian so im not surprised
Thats because you are an idiot, of course it protects the company in the event of being hit with an excise tax.   it protects members from having their plans terminated TODAY, i guess you still dont understand the meaning of RIGHT NOW.  it keeps us from having to agree to substandard plans RIGHT NOW. which is what the company would have had to negotiate if we locked into a 4 year plus contract with no ability to change the plan IF IT GETS HIT WITH AN EXCISE TAX.
Its called a compromise, another multisyllabic word you have no idea the meaning of.  it gives us 4 years or more of health care plans we have come to enjoy.  it gives the company the guarantee that in four years(or more) if the plan gets hit with an excise tax that the union will work with them to fix it.  And if the union is run by idiots that will bet the farm instead of negotiate in good faith it gives the company the ability to 
and another multisyllabic word you do not understand the meaning of arbitrator.  


noun: arbitrator; plural noun: arbitrators

  2. an independent person or body officially appointed to settle a dispute.


    mediatorconciliator,intervenor, intercessorgo-between
    "the litigants met with a court-appointed arbitrator"


again since you dont understand the law, you dont understand the process, they cant now negotiate something without knowing the variables, like, how much, the plan is going to go over the federally mandated cap. without knowing that how do you think the negotiators should have negotiated the response?  to do that the company would have had to have a much larger buffer..   and instead of having a small easily negotiated fix, they would have had to have their hands tied to in the event of an excise tax we the plan's cap will be reduced by 10000 per family plan... thats what the company would have come out with. without the ability to negotiate at a later date, and only after an excise tax is imposed.  
obviously the negotiators wouldnt go for that, so the company would have been required to rewrite all of our plans, right now...  and we would have substandard plans for four years, needlessly.  
oh yes thats Timmy for i cant answer it so im going to ignore it... 
but bottom line had we done it your way. if we didnt do this letter, the company would have had to start from scratch our entire health plans, to ensure there was no excise tax imposed,
the union would have fought that, we would be in negotations another 4 years and at that point it would be moot.... we would never have seen the scope language, we would have never had the pay raises, we would have never seen any of it, because you think that getting a guarantee that would never have happened was more important than scope... thank god you didnt get elected...
you keep talking about caps in our costs, as if thats the problem here, it just shows you are completely inept, you never bothered to learn the law, the reason for the cadillac plan provision, why congress, wrote it that way.
our problem isnt the cost of the plan...(your cap plan is pointless because it doesnt address the problem at hand.  you are stuck in the past, and forget about united jesus christ... if you want to work for them go)
our problem is that congress wrote a law that is meant to force employers to give either substandard employee plans,(by ever increasing excise taxes) thus forcing us into the exchanges.  that obama care only makes it if it gets every one into the exchanges, if they gave an out by making unions exempt, we would see an immediate increase in unions thats true. but the people that want obama care(and later single payer) wont give an exemption to unions because of it.  
so we are back to where we were,  we either give the company assurances that we will work to assure they will not get an excise tax from the IRS, we will work to keep our plan as long as we can, but understand this, you are looking for a guarantee that our health care plan will never be touched. thats not going to happen, unless ocare is repealed, we are all going to eventually be placed in the exchanges...  this just puts it off 4 more years... 
what you want isnt possible, so we had the opportunity to work with the company now to keep our plans current for at least right now and for 4 years. and maybe a year or two after, but  after that its a crap shoot its not because the company is greedy, its because congress is forcing us all into Obamacare.   
I appreciate your illumination on the healthcare issue and the time you've taken to explain it.  Tim is a consummate political animal so I've pretty much come to expect his spin and deflection in the course of shaping a narrative and refining mantras (blank check and 'see management' healthcare, etc.) no doubt to be put to exhaustive use in his next abortive electoral endeavor.
Tim Nelson said:
So now you are practicing hate against Christians?  Geez.  I know me and you have had discussions and that you have no beliefs in a God other than just admitting a possibility of sorts, but don't assume that Huckabee speaks for all people of faith.
that would be as silly as assuming that you speak for all people in the union... 
WeAAsles said:
Chock not knockin the faith man. Look where it started. I was knocking how Fox tries to get into the thoughts by pandering on those who are religious for political motivations. But someone took it in another direction by painting a very broad brush stroke.

Anyway I'll 360 it for now. I guess we'll just have to go back to beating the horse then? Ugh.
No worries brah, one way or another we're all just manifestations of the infinite.  😉
ChockJockey said:
I appreciate your illumination on the healthcare issue and the time you've taken to explain it.  Tim is a consummate political animal so I've pretty much come to expect his spin and deflection in the course of shaping a narrative and refining mantras (blank check and 'see management' healthcare, etc.) no doubt to be put to exhaustive use in his next abortive electoral endeavor.
no doubt..  and if i can give someone the tools to fight that idiocy then my time was worth it...   
i think his biggest concern is that after passing this TA, then joint talks, he will be put into a much larger pool of union people, and will become even more irrelevant kind of like a fart in the wind...  
Jimmy Neutron said:
First of all Freedom, I ABSOLUTELY AM BITTER !!! and I have EVERY RIGHT to be bitter !!! it's funny tho, if EVERYONE was bitter like me, this carriers numbers would be in the bottom category for delays, MBR's customer service ---etc.-etc.........Instead of the TOP ------ I'm not sure you have heard our NC tell people for the last 2 years that AH would shake their hands and congratulate them for US being so mad and BITTER, that we produce the BEST NUMBERS in the INDUSTRY, Barr none, with less pay, benefits and PEOPLE !!!!!!!!!
Maybe if everyone would have woke up, listened, bit the bullet and did what we had to do to show this company we have more UNITY and POWER than they think ----- things would be different today !!!!!!
Which category do YOU FIT IN, I ask ?????
I believe in an honest days work for an honest days pay . So no I'm not the type to miss bags on purpose or delay flight departures...we get paid fairly for our skill set and the current economic conditions ...

This isn't 1985 , those days are never coming back , workers all across thus country have been knocked back even the legendary auto workers had their legs cut out from under them ...

And with more and more illegal cheap labor flooding into this country things are not going to get better for the worker ....

So I look at what we've got and try to make the best of it ....

P.S while I never missed any bags on purpose i never went out of my way to pick up over time nor did I do any work that wasn't directly my responsibility , so if your bags fell all over the ramp I just couldn't see them ( unless they had a priority tag, then and only then would I see them )
ChockJockey said:
No worries brah, one way or another we're all just manifestations of the infinite.  😉
Absolutely. Now if you'll excuse me for a few. I have a coupon for a free Starbucks and it's time for me to go and get a Venti Mocha Frappacino while my shower curtain is in the dryer, drying. Not sure how ZEN that it is but some things need to be done.

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