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2014 Fleet Service Discussion

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Since you are the language expert on this T/A and the Insurance, you tell me what language SPECIFICALLY is detrimental to the US FSA's? Please cite the EXACT language. For that matter please cite the language in the T/A that is detrimental to US FSA's. SPECIFIC EXAMPLES PLEASE, NOT BROAD STROKES AND DEFLECTION THAT YOU TYPICALLY USE.
Tim can you tell me that this guy is not one of your hero's?
Mike Huckabee has a dire warning for Christians: When you vote on Nov. 6, hell's fire awaits, and a vote for President Barack Obama will not stand up to the flames.
In a new ad, the former Arkansas governor and ordained Southern Baptist minister warns Christians that their votes "will affect the future and be recorded in eternity" and they must cast a ballot that will "stand the test of fire." The video, entitled "Test of Fire," features symbolic fiery imagery and is narrated by Huckabee:

pjirish317 said:

Since you are the language expert on this T/A and the Insurance, you tell me what language SPECIFICALLY is detrimental to the US FSA's? Please cite the EXACT language. For that matter please cite the language in the T/A that is detrimental to US FSA's. SPECIFIC EXAMPLES PLEASE, NOT BROAD STROKES AND DEFLECTION THAT YOU TYPICALLY USE.
The entire Health care letter is detrimental.  All the language it contains is detrimental as well.  Some of you just rent out your brains and I find that interesting as you claim that just because someone didn't sit on negotiations means you must become a mindless atomatom and yield the reading to them.  Sorry but I don't have to be the watchmaker to tell time with the watch.  The witness to the work is the language.  That said, there are some things that I need clarity on and have reached out to AGC's and have communicated with them.  One thing is the cross utilization.  I await my answer as to whether a full timer can be displaced to part time within the cross utilized stations.  I want to say that a full timer can't but I am not sure and have no problem asking for clarity.  The Health care letter, I need no clarity on as it is cut and dry.  Any unbiased person can read it and come to the conclusion that there are not only no cost protections for fleet but that the union itself is eliminated from the entire process after an arbitrator is selected to do the hatchet job. ALl rights and protections granted to the company.   Painful indeed.
WeAAsles said:
Tim can you tell me that this guy is not one of your hero's?
Mike Huckabee has a dire warning for Christians: When you vote on Nov. 6, hell's fire awaits, and a vote for President Barack Obama will not stand up to the flames.
In a new ad, the former Arkansas governor and ordained Southern Baptist minister warns Christians that their votes "will affect the future and be recorded in eternity" and they must cast a ballot that will "stand the test of fire." The video, entitled "Test of Fire," features symbolic fiery imagery and is narrated by Huckabee:

So now you are practicing hate against Christians?  Geez.  I know me and you have had discussions and that you have no beliefs in a God other than just admitting a possibility of sorts, but don't assume that Huckabee speaks for all people of faith.
Tim Nelson said:
So now you are practicing hate against Christians?  Geez.  I know me and you have had discussions and that you have no beliefs in a God other than just admitting a possibility of sorts, but don't assume that Huckabee speaks for all people of faith.
Uh Tim where did I say anything about practicing or advocating hate against Christians or any Religious denomination for that matter? I was merely trying to delve into your personal psyche as a barometer for others to gauge where your actual allegiances truly lie?

I already know I'm going to Hell because of my furious daily bouts of masturbation. Just not much of a fan of the hair on my palms or the blindness stuff.

WeAAsles said:
Uh Tim where did I say anything about practicing or advocating hate against Christians or any Religious denomination for that matter? I was merely trying to delve into your personal psyche as a barometer for others to gauge where your actual allegiances truly lie?

I already know I'm going to Hell because of my furious daily bouts of masturbation. Just not much of a fan of the hair on my palms or the blindness stuff.

Geez.  Maybe you can separate your religious hatred stuff and post on other venues.  We are talking about our TA and unions here.  Stop blaming Christians or whoever your little brain is blaming for the problem of the labor movement. Atheist watch fox as well.  I haven't and don't.   I don't watch any news actually.  That said, The Republicans do seem to be getting this nation to think away from democrats again.  I haven't voted Republican in a while but as with any election, this independent considers all points of view.  And over 40% of all union members are Republicans, yes?  I'm neither democrat or republican.
JFK Fleet Service said:
How does the tragic loss of 427 play into Nelson stating "We'll get to do US AIRWAYS work"?
Should I have said "A handful of freeloads" instead?
Might be a good idea to not draw assumptions that people in the industry are ignorant of tragedies that happen outside of their carrier.
My intent was to show why we dont have more or any new Boeing A/C around anymore.  CEO Steve Wolfe at the time contested Boeing's statement that is was pilot error.  After the whole thing went to court it was proven to be that is was a design flaw and Wolfe stated that USAir would  "Never take delivery of another Boeing made A/C."  My intention was to show how a better plane is not available to us (my belief) and an American made product at that.
freedom said:
People are so apathetic they may simply assume it's going to pass and not even bother to turn out to vote ...

Meanwhile guys like Jimmy are so bitter that they WILL show up and vote ...

It would be sad to lose an election to laziness but it's a possibility.
First of all Freedom, I ABSOLUTELY AM BITTER !!! and I have EVERY RIGHT to be bitter !!! it's funny tho, if EVERYONE was bitter like me, this carriers numbers would be in the bottom category for delays, MBR's customer service ---etc.-etc.........Instead of the TOP ------ I'm not sure you have heard our NC tell people for the last 2 years that AH would shake their hands and congratulate them for US being so mad and BITTER, that we produce the BEST NUMBERS in the INDUSTRY, Barr none, with less pay, benefits and PEOPLE !!!!!!!!!
Maybe if everyone would have woke up, listened, bit the bullet and did what we had to do to show this company we have more UNITY and POWER than they think ----- things would be different today !!!!!!
Which category do YOU FIT IN, I ask ?????
Tim Nelson said:
Geez.  Maybe you can separate your religious hatred stuff and post on other venues.

Why do hypocritical self professed believers automatically throw up the "Hatred" wall of defense at even the slightest hint that anyone (Who was not) may be being critical of their beliefs? It's extremely humorous that that is the shield always thrown up without fail.

We are talking about our TA and unions here.

Stop blaming Christians or whoever your little brain is blaming for the problem of the labor movement.

Huh? SMH.

Atheist watch fox as well.

No morons watch Fox. The religious or non religious denomination doesn't matter.

I haven't and don't.

Glad to hear you say that you're not a moron.

I don't watch any news actually.

Oh now you're back to being a moron again.

Try "BBC News" or "One America News" since you are probably one of those Grover Norquist, Rand Paul followers. 

That said, The Republicans do seem to be getting this nation to think away from democrats again.  I haven't voted Republican in a while but as with any election, this independent considers all points of view.  And over 40% of all union members are Republicans, yes?

I'm neither democrat or republican.

I haven't figured out what in the world you are but all I know is there seem to be a lot of Boogeymen under your bed.
Tim since you like to paint pictures of me let me ask you. What do you think of individuals who engage in illegal (In most of the US) and sinful acts of Prostitution when they are away from hearth, home, and family?

You, oops I mean that person should think about taking a trip to Curacao. There's a nice little establishment called "Le Mirage" just one mile down the road from the airport where all those little deviant thoughts can be acted out. We have a flight out of here in MIA that leaves in the morning and returns 6 hours later.

Plenty of time to have a little fun if you know what I mean there. Woo hoo.
WeAAsles said:
Tim since you like to paint pictures of me let me ask you. What do you think of individuals who engage in illegal (In most of the US) and sinful acts of Prostitution when they are away from hearth, home, and family?
You, oops I mean that person should think about taking a trip to Curacao. There's a nice little establishment called "Le Mirage" just one mile down the road from the airport where all those little deviant thoughts can be acted out. We have a flight out of here in MIA that leaves in the morning and returns 6 hours later.
Plenty of time to have a little fun if you know what I mean there. Woo hoo.
ridiculous accusations but i dont have to defend myself to ur nonsense.

At any rate, u and other hate groups lovepracticing hate on people of faith. Dont bring up your hate if you dont want me to point it out.
Tim Nelson said:
ridiculous accusations but i dont have to defend myself to ur nonsense.

What accusation? Oh do you mean that IAH thing? Ah Tim don't sweat it, I like black women too.

At any rate, u and other hate groups lovepracticing hate on people of faith. Dont bring up your hate if you dont want me to point it out.

About the only thing I can think of that I really hate right now is pickles. If they bring me a burger with a pickle on the side and the juice get's on my bun I have to get a whole new burger. Just can't stand pickles.

I love Flamenco Guitar though, what about you?
BLUTO said:
$200 IAHO’S?
Wow $200! At Le Mirage you can have em for $20 a pop and lots of choices. Could explain why the guy is so concerned about paying more for medical?

From Wikipedia:

Campo Alegre (Spanish for Happy Field, also known as Le Mirage) is a large open-air brothel which has operated near the main Curaçao airport since the 1940s. Originally an army encampment, it is located just off Franklin D Roosevelt Way. It is the largest legal brothel in the Curaçao.[1] Curaçao, as a Dutch protectorate, shares the legality of prostitution with the Netherlands. This facility has been extensively upgraded and refurbished, and bears little evidence of its earlier origins.
Tim Nelson said:
ridiculous accusations but i dont have to defend myself to ur nonsense.

At any rate, u and other hate groups lovepracticing hate on people of faith. Dont bring up your hate if you dont want me to point it out.
huh and i thought jesus said turn the other cheek... silly me...  
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