I totally understand what the OP is talking about as far as being upset with the pilots for their lack of professionalism.
Its the same all over, tho.
Some pilots are concerned for the safety of their pax and crew, and some- not so much.
Its like they are flying freight (or should be).
It all comes back to the preflight briefing.
Some pilots are good at them, others suck at it.
FAs need to be proactive and drag the info out of the less professional guys/gals.
Ask about the wetaher.
Ask if they know/follow procedures for moderate turbulence.
Ask them to use standard terminology and give durations.
It could be they have gotten used to flying w/FA who are less than professional, and if you clue them in that you are serious, they often will step up to your level.
And I think they appreciate it.
As far as trip sheets and signing in?
I don't know what a trip sheet is. West dosen't do that.
We have a cabin crew list that the A FA is responsible for providing to the pilots.
They give it back when we go our seperate ways.
And, usually, we all sign ourselves in.
So neither of those is a big deal to anyone.
Sometimes someone will sign everyone in if the clipboard is available in the van, but as a female I prefer to use only my first initial, so someone trying to be helpful who signs my whole name actually is doing a disservice.
I get over it pretty quick, tho.
We prop our hotel doors open w/our bags, and check our own rooms.
We like to have rooms on the same floor, and they are supposed to assign them that way, but, if there is an odd room, usually it will go to a male FA, so the females can have their safety in numbers.