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Flight Cancellations

Helping out only hides management's failures and keeps F/A on layoff.

I can understand why F/A would to help the passengers, but someone needs to be held accountable for this mess, seems it happens all the time.
TransatlanticFlyGuy said:
Well im a PHW reserve hoping to make my time this month. I made myself AVV for the 24th in hopes of picking up one of the 9....yes 9 uncoverd CLW trips for tomorrow night. With the DH to and from CLT the CLT-FRA trip I wanted would have payed 21hrs. Pretty nice. Well, when I asked about it, a supervisor in sheduling said they were not giving these trip to out of base FAs. Get this, they are gonna cover the trips...all 9 of them at 5pm tomorrow when a bunch of people come on duty. That should be pretty. Well, I did get get a call later with a PHW trip, so Im not to upset. My point is....if there is an open trip and you dont have any other FAs out there, LET ME TAKE IT!
Unreal! Its Xmas Eve AM and the trip I mentioned above is NOW being covered by PHW FAs. :angry: Hey out there.....does anyone know if I am able to claim the diffrence in pay? We are talking 6 hours here. Sched supervisor said yes, but Im not to sure.
And after all this I bet money there will be furloughs in mid to late January. Anybody wanna place some bets???
firstamendment said:
You and others are commended for helping out, however I do NOT feel badly AT ALL. Management is reeping what they have sewed. Sorry, I have given the benefit of the doubt to this company for too long. They got themselves into this mess. Let them get themselves out. Maybe Lakefield and Bronner would like to come to work Christmas day and pitch in. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

When this airline goes belly up, take a look at this and understand why.

And if anyone has extra funds, perhaps they could send this person to a private school teaching spelling and grammar.

...reeping what they have sewed... reaping what they have sown, perhaps?

"I do not NOT feel badly"..(good grief,drop the ly on the end)


From now on I make a New Year's resolution to only read posts from literate posters.
I'm sure the weather didn't help either. CO canceled all of their flights in and out of CLE from pretty much everywhere. I'm sorry, you have a ticket for them? They might have room on Christmas for ya......................... Getting back to the point. Maybe US is just testing the water to see how many pilots they can live without going forward. Think about it, this is the toughest time to fly. Jan should be a piece of cake with this small amount of employees working.
Just so you all know, Delta is in the same situation as US is. My partner works over there and he got a call from his C/S that they were in Critical situation and wanted to know if Anyone could work the 24th or the 25th. They have Hundreds of F/A's retiring at the end of the year and they are all calling in sick. They changed his trip twice yesterday. We went to have Christmas at his parents thinking he had a 7p check in, got home around 10:30ish and Bingo, he checked his schedule for shits and giggles and...Yup..you guessed it, he now had to report at 5:45AM...Merry Friggin Christmas!! And he now has a trip for tomorrow with a report @ 7am.. C/S called me last night as well but I was not home. These Companys have NO CLUE!!! While the Suits have a Jolly time with their Loved Ones on these Blessed Days!! I will Not...Repeat...Not Help out this company!!
Christmas is not even a paid holiday!! :down:

To all the managment blamers, I have one question and the answer is a number, not a long drawn out rant.

How many F/A sick calls today?
PHLfa88 said:
Just so you all know, Delta is in the same situation as US is. My partner works over there and he got a call from his C/S that they were in Critical situation and wanted to know if Anyone could work the 24th or the 25th. They have Hundreds of F/A's retiring at the end of the year and they are all calling in sick. They changed his trip twice yesterday. We went to have Christmas at his parents thinking he had a 7p check in, got home around 10:30ish and Bingo, he checked his schedule for shits and giggles and...Yup..you guessed it, he now had to report at 5:45AM...Merry Friggin Christmas!! And he now has a trip for tomorrow with a report @ 7am.. C/S called me last night as well but I was not home. These Companys have NO CLUE!!! While the Suits have a Jolly time with their Loved Ones on these Blessed Days!! I will Not...Repeat...Not Help out this company!!
Christmas is not even a paid holiday!! :down:

ONLY DIFFERENCE IS...THEY WONT BE ON THE 6 or 11pm news tonight..
Walmartgreeter said:
Just looking at the 5 trips filled by reserve 33 capts in PIT this afternoon(for the 24th,) three 4 days and two 3 days....only one (1!) F/A position is filled. Heads should roll. There is NO excuse for this lack of forsight on management's part. Greeter.

It's hard to sympathize with the "blame management" mentality when FA's actively and openly discuss, in the jumpseats right in front of me, their strategies for holiday "sick days" several months in advance.

3 million miles lifetime, 1 million+ in the bank, and I've been hanging in there through it all, encouraging others to make it work I've had it. Good luck flippin' burgers when the airline liquidates as the final loyal passengers disappear.
Just called work to say Merry Christmas and it was bad counter backed up not many working the counter and sick call ...

Nobody signed up for OT go figure.

I normally do not fly U because of its poor web site (make that very poor) and non-competitive fares. I fly several times a month and did book U for this trip, but in the back of my mind I am wondering if I made an error. I hope my flight in a few days goes off without a hitch. In January I will avoid the carrier until they have their issues worked out and if their web site is improved. You cannot beat your employees and not expect issues to come back in your face. If management did not anticipate this then they are foolish.
Where in the HE!! is senior management!? They need to be in PHL right now attempting to sort out this mess and make things right but instead they are all running around like a bunch of Mary Katherine Gallaghers under the tree smelling their underarms! I mean lets get going you baboons for gosh sakes, we can blame later and believe me there is a lot of blame to spread around. I am out here in the trenches attempting to explain and console our passengers and I don't see one manger, VP or supervisor out here trying to help.
They should all be called to PHL and delegate the duties. One should talk to the media...another should find out what is going on and so forth. The rest of them can start to sort the mountain of bags that litter the terminal like confetti!
The passengers don't derserve this and I am disgusted.
I feel the senior management of U is not dedicated enough to know they need to be out in the trenches "now" to keep the operation going.
pitguy said:
If management did not anticipate this then they are foolish.

It was "supposed" to happen Thanksgiving also, did it? No, it was a perfect day for traveleing and we did a good job of getting passengers where they wanted to be.
By the way, even if anticipated, or even directly warned about the sick-out, what would the company do? Precancell flights. just in case?
Wouldn't the management bashers have a ball with that one, I could hear it now.
Usairways blunder, cancells flight because of a sick-out threat. Everyone went to work and people are stranded. A party for the fab five.

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