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Word is AA/US have settled with the DOJ

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WorldTraveler said:
please. We're dealing with the soiled masses who fall into line behind their masters... they don't want to think and a lot of them don't even know how to.
You stay classy, WT...
why should I?

I wasn't the one who brought back up the bet and yet a half dozen people - including yourself - managed to jump in before realizing that I WAS right.

what kind of brain power did those half dozen people demonstrate?

Classy would be for the half dozen people who made fools of themselves to admit they were wrong and I was right after all.

But I have absolutely no expectations that will occur.
No, Delta Air Lines is not right.

I - WT - was right.

You can't admit that you were the one who was wrong, just as you have repeatedly been multiple times on multiple subjects.

Did it ever enter that pea-sized brain of yours that the reason I keep coming back to boast is because you are incapable of admitting that you are wrong... and I absolutely relish in watching you reach for every tactic except for an apology to handle yet one more screw up on your part.

I'm not letting go of this one for a good long time.

Cause I'm classy.
WorldTraveler said:
no, he has not claimed his prize.

BTW, did you happen to read the terms of what I wrote?

I said that there would be no merger involving AA in the 18 months following its BK. We are now approaching the two year mark and AA is still a separate company.

Appears that WT was right after all.

Looks like the OOPS belongs to me over those who were so quick to declare victory that they didn't even bother to read the terms of the deal!

Now you wonder why I love going back to look at historical threads?


I'm over it... it is the people who can't accept that just because the merger was approved doesn't equate to victory in the marketplace .. and that is what ultimately matters.

AA and US have each spent 10 years trying to survive, have each made huge strategic failures, and yet now want to tell us that they are going to conquer all because they are now 1.

Some of us aren't convinced and don't think it is asking too much to expect those people to deal with the realities that really exist.

please. We're dealing with the soiled masses who fall into line behind their masters... they don't want to think and a lot of them don't even know how to.
And when someone comes along asking them to think and challenging them with facts and realities, they grow hostile.

The best part is that it will take very little time before the house of cards starts falling and I'll be here to document it for those who were so quick to condemn my assessment.

Did you also notice the CASMs I cited back then. 2 years later, DL still has a CASM advantage over its network airline peers.

Apparently the pay raises which DL has given to its employees has pushed DL's CASM up over WN's since DL doesn't have that advantage over WN now - lost it by 1%.
WN's employees haven't received anywhere near the kinds of pay raises that DL employees have.
Yep I guess the DOJ saved your neck on that one....Even though the merger was announced by both US/AA on Feb. 14th 2013, a mere 12 months into your 18 month period deadline.
the post was written after AA filed for BK. The topic of an official merger hadn't even been broached. The timeline for my bet was started by AA's BK filing.

I said before and will say again that AA's expectations of the fastest BK among the network carriers was unrealistic then and it has turned out exactly to be the case.

You were wrong. You went digging around in the attic hoping to prove me wrong and you were found to be wrong.

Of course you don't have the integrity to admit you were wrong and I was right but that is exactly what took place and you just documented it for me.

Now tell me how inaccurate my statement was about the unthinking masses?
Now you're just trying to be incendiary.

Are you "right?" Maybe. Time'll tell. But there's nothing more unctuous than a sore winner.

What would Woolman say?
No, Kev.

I WAS right. Not maybe. I was.

You and a half dozen other people wanted to trot out the bet thinking you had the "gotcha" in your hand.

YOU (collective) were wrong. every one of you. And instead of being willing to admit it, you want to further the character assassination and then have the nerve to call me "incendiary". You have got to be kidding.

you were wrong. Own up to it and quit looking for one more exit to avoid admitting that I was right and you were wrong.

There's nothing more unctuous that a bunch of arrogant 78924s who are constantly looking to denigrate someone else when the obvious reality is that they are the ones who are wrong.

Having integrity enough to admit when you are wrong is all I have asked from here and elsewhere... and until you and others demonstrate that you have the moral fiber to admit when you are wrong, then not only will I be incendiary but I will also be a fuel supplier and a nuclear physicist in my efforts to salivate this victory.

Lest you think otherwise, Mr. Woolman was very competitive. but he also held himself and others to very high standards. You have repeatedly shown that you want to hold others to those kinds of standards but exempt yourself. Your expectations that I should stay classy and look to someone else's virtue when you can't apologize for your own failure is precise evidence.
...and then have the nerve to call me "incendiary". You have got to be kidding.
I assure you I'm not.

Nevertheless, remind me where I was wrong here.

Was it my suggestion that most involved carriers likely had a couple different versions of press releases ready to go, depending on this case's disposition?

Was it my laughing at Black Magic's quoting of Sweet Brown?

Those were the only two posts I'd made here.

Do tell.
WorldTraveler said:
the post was written after AA filed for BK. The topic of an official merger hadn't even been broached. The timeline for my bet was started by AA's BK filing.

I said before and will say again that AA's expectations of the fastest BK among the network carriers was unrealistic then and it has turned out exactly to be the case.

You were wrong. You went digging around in the attic hoping to prove me wrong and you were found to be wrong.

Of course you don't have the integrity to admit you were wrong and I was right but that is exactly what took place and you just documented it for me.

Now tell me how inaccurate my statement was about the unthinking masses?
I invite anyone that is so certain that US will succeed to agree to the same terms I offer: If AA is acquired during the next 18 months while it remains in BK, I will send a $25 gift card of their choice to the first 10 people who will agree to the same terms and do so by December 7, 2011.
No backtracking now big boy..You wrote that post Dec. 4 2011 stating during the next 18 months while it remains in BK.  You'd make a great political spokeman...telling everyone 15 different ways the sky isn't blue.
If anyone wants a real laugh you can read WT's posts in this 36 paige thread saying how the merger won't happen.
you said that it was time to bring up the bet. Did you honestly want to bring up the bet because it would show that I was right? All the other stuff has nothing to do with the topic. Remember what you've said on the DL MEM thread.

When you develop the capacity to admit you jumped into a pile-on and were wrong, then we can begin to exonerate you.

Of course I'm being a 2 year old now that it is me who is exacting revenge. when it was you, it was perfectly ok.

AA was in BK when the post was written. there was no merger proposal on the table. The post was written to bet that AA would not merge before 18 months - which is exactly what has happened.

You can try to spin but the fact is that you went looking thru the trash heap for evidence that you thought would hang me and you hung yourself instead.

You don't have the moral fiber to admit you are wrong and instead continue to look for every opportunity to shift the blame back to me for your failure.

And you wonder why you look like the 8923 that you are
Wt are u saying that while aa is in ch 11 they would not merge for that bet? Isnt aa still in ch 11 at the very least minimal even though they us n the doj settled n they have to have the judge sign off on the deal.....
Wt are u saying that ur bet was that aa would not merge while theyre in ch 11 but apparently they n us and the doj agreed yesterday some 11 or so months after they announced the merger if my assessment is correct aa is still ch11 n they are gonna merge unless its a buy out in ur terms
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