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Word is AA/US have settled with the DOJ

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jimntx said:
 DP is not only noted for doing things on the cheap, he's also noted for breaking promises made to his employees. You all think that everything will be peachy keen if we just get rid of Tom Horton. We'll see, won't we?
+1. Getting rid of Horton was probably one of the worse moves I've seen in years.
Jacobin777 said:
+1. Getting rid of Horton was probably one of the worse moves I've seen in years.
I've not your experience with Horton, but where "team tempe" is ever concerned, well...the old lips-moving = lying is worthy of note, and all must expect to have to fight mangement at every level for anything, whether specifically contained in contracts or not. The as yet unresolved, filed grievances for just the pilot group alone at US number in the many hundreds. Just a well-intentioned heads up to all you folks at American. Don't believe what you hear from these people. Believe only what's done.
I tell you what is bizarre is that just a few hours ago, Jim challenged the participants of this thread to prove me wrong with facts instead of the character assassinations that are typical of this forum.

And then we have a smart789 who decides to pull out a 23 month old thread to try to prove me wrong. Yet in their stupidity and the responses of a half dozen others after, they actually prove me RIGHT.

We now have people trying to wordsmith what I said to try and get out of the responsibility to admit that I was right after all.

Here is what I wrote for those who can dig thru pages and pages of old threads but can’t comprehend what was reposted just a few hours ago.

I invite anyone that is so certain that US will succeed to agree to the same terms I offer: If AA is acquired during the next 18 months while it remains in BK, I will send a $25 gift card of their choice to the first 10 people who will agree to the same terms and do so by December 7, 2011.
Anyone who is so certain about their position should be willing to back it up

The post is pretty clear and yet no one, not one of the people who have responded have either followed thru on Jim’s challenge or in saying how I was wrong.

They have managed to find Delta Digest’s which they have recaptured in their own character assassination attempts.
And those who are capable of understanding what was said now try to distance themselves but more significantly don’t take the leadership to admit that I was wrong.
My assessment of a number of members of this board… not surprisingly the ones who jumped into this discussion – was dead on…. Let me quote it for you.
We're dealing with the soiled masses who fall into line behind their masters... they don't want to think and a lot of them don't even know how to.
And when someone comes along asking them to think and challenging them with facts and realities, they grow hostile.
Bizarre is the level of intellectual and moral failure among people who want to claim that they an understanding of the airline industry.
These are my expectations of those who lead the labor movement and people like Doug Parker who already know how they are going to get out of the commitments they made – to the government and to their labor groups – even while taking home their own fat bonuses for pulling off this heist.

But I expected at least a few people here to show the moral fortitude that I keep hoping one day I would wake up and find on this board.
But , alas, Kev. I’m not making it up because there are enough people on here who are devoid of the capacity to admit they are wrong and are that someone else is right. People who are so small that they not only can’t think for themselves and fall in line behind their masters but who lash out like rabid dogs when someone challenges them to think.

I’ll be here to document the disaster that this merger will be precisely because any one with half a mind should realize you can’t give away 15% of the slots – and allow competitors to add a much higher percentage of seats – and expect the same commitments and financial results to exist as it did before the promises were made. But that is what Parker has done and what some people here steadfastly refuse to challenge.

The merger is yet one more strategic failure on a long list of them between AA and US. The best part is that they will now be the same company so I don’t have to keep two lists anymore. At least one thing will be accurately merged.
When can I expect an acknowledgment that you incorrectly lumped me in with the "betting crowd"?
I'm not sure what part of THAT that you were referencing but your part of Black Magic's post you were referencing was before he jumped into the rant on the bet.

So, yes, you are correct that you didn't run with the "betting crowd."

Would you also like to acknowledge that I was in fact right which might explain why no one bothered to claim the prize?

Would you also like to acknowledge that Jim and I have each raised significant questions about the facts of the merger that Parker is glossing over as if no one will notice the effect of 56 less flights in key NE markets that AA/US can operate while low fare competitors will be operating those flights and pushing down yields and will be targeting key AA/US markets such as, most certainly, DAL?

These are the real questions that I raised before an endless line of attacks started based on the inability or unwillingness of people to address the real issue that the economic and strategic bases of the AA/US merger are not near as strong as management or the supposedly unbiased Wall Street analysts (who do stand to gain financially whether Q wants to admit it or not) believe.

No one in those camps addressed the issues that I have raised regarding AA and US' lack of presence in key markets but the facts absolutely speak to the fact that AA and US are far less significant in key markets on the east coast, even if they make up for it with mass in smaller, secondary markets. AA/US may be #1 in size on paper but they aren't of a size necessary to compete in the largest markets.
Add in that DL's strategy of deploying 717s in small and medium east coast markets takes away a lot of the advantage that AA/US' multiple hubs provide because passengers overwhelmingly would rather fly on mainline aircraft operated directly by the marketing carrier than RJs operated by a subcontractor, even large two cabin RJs such as the Ejet.

These are the issues which I raised which no one seems to want to address.

BTW, Kev, what part of THAT were you referring to?
my pleasure.

My expectations will be that you will not only refrain from the activities that others do but that you will also call out the behavior that you and I both know full well is disruptive to the cordial interactions which we both want on this board.

I will also leave it to the others to address the major strategic questions that I raised and Jim said I was fair in asking since you didn't respond to that element of the question.

Still not sure what THAT you did respond to, though.
MetalMover said:
Everyone needs to read his rants on the Delta board....
He's in denial even over there.
Did USA320pilot get a job at DL?  Or are WT and he twins separated at birth?  I'm just glad to see that DL has its own wack-a-doodle.  I thought US Airways was the only one blessed with such an ignorant blowhard who loves more than anything else to hear his own OPINION and with a terminal case of keyboard diarrhea. 
Did USA320pilot get a job at DL?  Or are WT and he twins separated at birth?  I'm just glad to see that DL has its own wack-a-doodle.  I thought US Airways was the only one blessed with such an ignorant blowhard who loves more than anything else to hear his own OPINION and with a terminal case of keyboard diarrhea.
so apparently what I said was spot on

We're dealing with the soiled masses who fall into line behind their masters... they don't want to think and a lot of them don't even know how to.
And when someone comes along asking them to think and challenging them with facts and realities, they grow hostile.
In the us pilots thread usa320 posted a feq articles n one of them stood out as such when it says the doj does not want dl or any legacy carriers to bid for dca lga or dal slots and in anther article wall street agrees w us/aa merger settlement only time will tell if wt is right or wall st is right
DL will show the world that the DOJ's sense of justice is anything but and show that WN can't really compete against DL or DL will gain access to Love Field
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