I tell you what is bizarre is that just a few hours ago, Jim challenged the participants of this thread to prove me wrong with facts instead of the character assassinations that are typical of this forum.
And then we have a smart789 who decides to pull out a 23 month old thread to try to prove me wrong. Yet in their stupidity and the responses of a half dozen others after, they actually prove me RIGHT.
We now have people trying to wordsmith what I said to try and get out of the responsibility to admit that I was right after all.
Here is what I wrote for those who can dig thru pages and pages of old threads but can’t comprehend what was reposted just a few hours ago.
I invite anyone that is so certain that US will succeed to agree to the same terms I offer: If AA is acquired during the next 18 months while it remains in BK, I will send a $25 gift card of their choice to the first 10 people who will agree to the same terms and do so by December 7, 2011.
Anyone who is so certain about their position should be willing to back it up
The post is pretty clear and yet no one, not one of the people who have responded have either followed thru on Jim’s challenge or in saying how I was wrong.
They have managed to find Delta Digest’s which they have recaptured in their own character assassination attempts.
And those who are capable of understanding what was said now try to distance themselves but more significantly don’t take the leadership to admit that I was wrong.
My assessment of a number of members of this board… not surprisingly the ones who jumped into this discussion – was dead on…. Let me quote it for you.
We're dealing with the soiled masses who fall into line behind their masters... they don't want to think and a lot of them don't even know how to.
And when someone comes along asking them to think and challenging them with facts and realities, they grow hostile.
Bizarre is the level of intellectual and moral failure among people who want to claim that they an understanding of the airline industry.
These are my expectations of those who lead the labor movement and people like Doug Parker who already know how they are going to get out of the commitments they made – to the government and to their labor groups – even while taking home their own fat bonuses for pulling off this heist.
But I expected at least a few people here to show the moral fortitude that I keep hoping one day I would wake up and find on this board.
But , alas, Kev. I’m not making it up because there are enough people on here who are devoid of the capacity to admit they are wrong and are that someone else is right. People who are so small that they not only can’t think for themselves and fall in line behind their masters but who lash out like rabid dogs when someone challenges them to think.
I’ll be here to document the disaster that this merger will be precisely because any one with half a mind should realize you can’t give away 15% of the slots – and allow competitors to add a much higher percentage of seats – and expect the same commitments and financial results to exist as it did before the promises were made. But that is what Parker has done and what some people here steadfastly refuse to challenge.
The merger is yet one more strategic failure on a long list of them between AA and US. The best part is that they will now be the same company so I don’t have to keep two lists anymore. At least one thing will be accurately merged.