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US Airways Confident It Will Stay Independent

Hey Hey...Chill Out! and I don't mean the USAV colorful character...Relax man...It ain't that bad yet.
WTF is your deal Bobbie? You seem like a total B. Not everyone is responsible for mistakes that Tempe has made. If you hate US so much, jump off the board.

I agree 110%....but you said it much nicer than I would have.... 😀
Hey Hey...Chill Out! and I don't mean the USAV colorful character...Relax man...It ain't that bad yet.

I am chill but don't be trashing an airline that I try everyday that I work to make a success. I am not resposible for what Tempe does, I am just the messenger.
I am chill but don't be trashing an airline that I try everyday that I work to make a success. I am not resposible for what Tempe does, I am just the messenger.
Damn right you're just the front line folks who take the brunt of all the asinine and idiotic decisions by these morons in Tempe and for having the balls I give you guys and gals out there in the field more props than a dickhead in a cubicle figuring out how to save the airline a penny.
Damn right you're just the front line folks who take the brunt of all the asinine and idiotic decisions by these morons in Tempe and for having the balls I give you guys and gals out there in the field more props than a dickhead in a cubicle figuring out how to save the airline a penny.

Sure, charging folks $2 for a can of coke is going to be the saving grace for US Airways. Get real.
I am chill but don't be trashing an airline that I try everyday that I work to make a success. I am not resposible for what Tempe does, I am just the messenger.

I'm not going to address your relationship with your employer because that's dealing with people's livelihood and it's been my experience not to get in the middle of the employer/employee relationship.

I will give you a nickel's worth of free advice that my pastor once told me:
Never put yourself in a position where you cannot walk away from a job at any moment. Never put yourself in a position where you have to choose between your personal integrity and your family's financial security.
I'm not going to address your relationship with your employer because that's dealing with people's livelihood and it's been my experience not to get in the middle of the employer/employee relationship.

I will give you a nickel's worth of free advice that my pastor once told me:

WTF???? As stated before, JUMP off
The plan is the same one it’s always been , survive long enough for the other airlines to die , then raise rates …

Merging isn’t a bad thing if it makes you stronger …the AWA/US merger saved both companies ….
I learned about a week after the merger was "completed" that complaining about things, however valid, gets you nowhere with this group. I've never been one to complain unless some wrong is done unto me. My experience in communicating my concerns with post-AWA US Airways have been varied: some were bad, some were worse. I typically do my complaints on the phone and fax and have never been fond of the internet. It makes things less personal. I have my own money to pay for my flights and don't need a collection of hard-to-use vouchers to keep me in the air. I literally gave away every voucher I ever received from US. I did not want them and it seemed like they would send one with every form letter they sent out. Corrective action is what I want...not a voucher. I did use my miles, however.

I no longer fly US except for some short hauls here and there around this part of the country. I don't complain anymore to US when I do fly them but I do file with the DOT. I doubt they'll find reason to ban me. I'm about the most courteous passenger you'd ever encounter. I save my complaints for the people responsible for handling them, period. I love and appreciate every one of the front-line employees I encounter.
Let me understand you....You're NOT saying that HP would NOT have gone down without the merger? So we take the end statement "HP would not have gone down without the merger" and review it. HP didn't go down, nor have they. So the statement "HP would not have gone down" assumes they went down, which isn't yet the case. Second, you said "not" which reverses the statement...so you meant to say "HP would have gone down without the merger." Wouldn't that have been easier to say?

They'd have gone down long before the fuel prices went into effect. The airline was (and still is) under total assault from Southwest on all fronts. They chose a business model that put them head-to-head with a better run company that offered a better product and better service. Attempts by AWA to diversify into other markets (Columbus) failed. The airline has a proud history of trying new things and failing 100% of the time. They like to try things and see how far they can take it. It's like they don't plan anything. They just do it and see what the results are. Imagine a car mechanic who just starts replacing parts without making any attempt to isolate and diagnose the specific problem. That's how AWA was run and how US is currently run

That's not how you run a business. That's how you run a business into the ground.
Ok, You got me. I meant HP would not have survived with the current cost of fuel. Better? Many of us that post dont reread for grammatical mistakes but are able to get our points across. Since English is not my first language I will try to do better. Mama
A couple of points. PHL as well as the entire USAir system never made money- let's revisit where the airline was in May, 2005- peering down the cliff of liquidation. In your world, perhaps you can believe USAir was a thriving and profitable company, but the real world is a little different.
Incompetence is spelled with two e's, so if you want to slam sombody maybe you should learn how to spell above a fifth grade level first.
And yes, you are entitle to your own opinions...
you want my opinion ... what an effing idiot

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