spanky said:
Ouch! Turd Brown? That would be Dersert Gold, thank you. Furthermore, the fleet is being redone in an attractive Canyon Blue.
Sorry your #1 Carrier is going through some rough times, Your Excellency. I'd hate for anyone from the World's Premier Carrier to ever have to suffer through a flight in one of our turd brown planes with our lower than life trailor trash customers and worthless employees. Only the red carpet for people of your stature and nobility.
Thank God WN is such a piece of crap Airline. You don't have to worry about them cutting into your market share. After all, if WN isn't good enough for you to fly on, why would be good enough for your customers?
Rome was destroyed from within. Don't point the finger at the Greeks.
Ouch! Turd Brown? That would be Dersert Gold, thank you. Furthermore, the fleet is being redone in an attractive Canyon Blue.
The new color scheme is much better, but turd brown is so much more descriptive don't you think.
Sorry your #1 Carrier is going through some rough times, Your Excellency. I'd hate for anyone from the World's Premier Carrier to ever have to suffer through a flight in one of our turd brown planes with our lower than life trailor trash customers and worthless employees. Only the red carpet for people of your stature and nobility.
No Stature, No nobility here. You simply don't meet my requirements as a customer, PERIOD! case in point, does WN serve ANY of my last 5 destinations or my nexr itinerary? 1-PHL-GRR, 2- PHL-SNA (with only 1 connection), 3-PHL-PIT, 4-PHL-PVG, 5- PHL-TRI and first week in March PHL-MKE-ESC-ESC-MSP-PHL. Now after you can't get me where I need to go, you make me arrive early to get an A boarding card, offer no US Airways Club for me to work in, no big seat to sit in. The above is strike 1,2 & 3 for me business wise. If I am going someplace on the cheap on my own dime, SWA still currently is a 3 hour vs a 1 hr drive (PHL vs BWI) plus to the west coast it takes 3 segments in most itineraries I've checked. For where I want/need to go WN just doesn't work for me on ANY level. I have attempted to use them several times! I wanted to see what all of the fuss was about, but I can't make it work, lowest fares are myth. I can always do better on ATA or Spirit and I get an assigned seat to boot, plus on Spirit I can buy a bigger seat if I chose. WN offers me NOTHING, clearly WN works for others not me.
Thank God WN is such a piece of crap Airline. You don't have to worry about them cutting into your market share. After all, if WN isn't good enough for you to fly on, why would be good enough for your customers?
WN is not a piece of crap airline. They do NOT meet my requirements on ANY level. I admire the fact that WN has done a terrific job of snookering the flying public into automatically thinking WN has the lowest fares when in fact they are the lowest only 26% of the time. WN does a fabulous job of managing customer expectations, NO ONE does that better. US could take lessons from WN in that aspect.
Rome was destroyed from within. Don't point the finger at the Greeks.
Trust me I know that. US despite it's many wonderful people is imploding, You hit the nail right on the head. If things don't change they're gone.