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Wn Phl Fares -merged topics

Some fares are non existent it’s the ole BAIT AND SWITCH wn does this all the time... anytime you want a lesson on searching for fares lets me know 25 yrs CSA
They post the low fare... some may get it and when I say some I mean it’s probably less than 1% of the flight the rest get the SWITCH
Boeing Boy is absolutely right in his analysis. Why have the consumer think Southwest first by only matching the one time. US Air has to match the fares on Southwest for all times, because you can best believe they will be adding capacity very quickly.

All companies will start checking Southwest first out of Philly and look to US Air as the secondary airline. You can best believe that companies will have their employees booked on the cheapest flight.

Dave has a real fight on his hands here and hopefully the new plan that pitbull laid out in another post will be able to meet this new challenge. Cause if things don't change immediately this company will bleed like there is no tomorrow.

Good Luck
tadjr said:
Anyone see another difference here?

US fares PHL-FLL
Roundtrip Price in US$ Fare Rules

WN Fares PHL-FLL (One way)
4 nice, simple, easily presented, readily understood & quickly purchased fares vs a bunch of fares with no discernable differences beyond the likeliehood that anything on the low end of the spectrum won't actually have availability on your travel dates? (No, the "fare rules" page doesn't count -- nobody can read that...) (and I'll bet that list is only the "with restrictions" list)
Our walk up to Boston is no where near that figure......
I want you to see when you go to wn web sight the cheep fare are all unavaiable
but the 168's and the 140's are available one way so you see its bait and switch come see our low fares oops thats not avaiable that day but we have this one...
oh and by the way people are catching on...........

Select Departing Flight - Baltimore To Tampa (Sunday, March 07 2004)

Depart Time: Before Noon Noon-6pm After 6pm Anytime Depart Date: Thursday, Mar 04 Friday, Mar 05 Saturday, Mar 06 Sunday, Mar 07 Monday, Mar 08 Tuesday, Mar 09 Wednesday, Mar 10

Flights Departs Arrives Stops Refundable Anytime
$168 Restricted Fares
$140 Advance Purchase
$125 Fun Fares
$111 Promotional Fares
$79 - $99
2663 7:00am 9:35am N/S
1846 10:10am 12:40pm N/S Unavailable Unavailable
2456 3:15pm 5:45pm N/S Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable
2613 5:30pm 8:05pm N/S Unavailable Unavailable
161 7:05pm 10:25pm 1 Unavailable Unavailable
459 8:00pm 12:05am 1 Unavailable
1033 9:40pm 12:10am N/S Unavailable

Select Returning Flight - Tampa To Baltimore (Wednesday, March 17 2004)

Return Time: Before Noon Noon-6pm After 6pm Anytime Return Date: Sunday, Mar 14 Monday, Mar 15 Tuesday, Mar 16 Wednesday, Mar 17 Thursday, Mar 18 Friday, Mar 19 Saturday, Mar 20

Flights Departs Arrives Stops Refundable Anytime
$168 Restricted Fares
$140 Advance Purchase
$125 Fun Fares
$111 Promotional Fares
$79 - $99
193 6:55am 9:05am N/S Unavailable
276/1162 7:00am 11:20am SDF/1 Unavailable
1668/1166 7:50am 12:10pm RDU/1 Unavailable
2351 9:35am 12:35pm 1 Unavailable
1061 12:20pm 2:30pm N/S Unavailable
1776 2:40pm 4:50pm N/S Unavailable
249/993 3:20pm 6:35pm RDU/1 Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable
2128 6:05pm 8:15pm N/S Unavailable Unavailable
1196 9:40pm 11:50pm N/S

All fares and fare ranges are subject to change until purchased.
Doc...don't know if you noticed, but the month of March is the middle of spring break. There aren't very many airlines going ANYWHERE in Florida that are going to have a bunch of cheap seats during spring break.
I'm not sure about U, but at UAL, when you go to the internet site, the ticket price includes ALL taxes/fees. At Wn, they DO NOT include pax service fee's, so you may "think" the SWA ticket is cheaper, then when the booking is happening, BAM twenty more bucks.....
Busdrvr said:
I'm not sure about U, but at UAL, when you go to the internet site, the ticket price includes ALL taxes/fees. At Wn, they DO NOT include pax service fee's, so you may "think" the SWA ticket is cheaper, then when the booking is happening, BAM twenty more bucks.....
I guess that's because the other sites usually present itineraries by "price" and disregard the flight times you want...Example - I want to fly UAL from MCI to DEN. I say I want to leave at 10 a.m. and return at 2 p.m. What's it show me? 7 a.m. and 10 a.m. return. That doesn't work, so now I have to go and search by schedule. That brings me up a fare, but it's $60 more than the other fare. Southwest is pretty much schedule only...they show the fare that's avaialable and the times you can get them. It's easy to build the itinerary that suits your schedule. And...once you do it, the next screen shows you everything...tax, tag and title. Just like what happens when you book the other guys by schedule instead of price.
Doc said:
I want you to see when you go to wn web sight the cheep fare are all unavaiable
but the 168's and the 140's are available one way so you see its bait and switch come see our low fares oops thats not avaiable that day but we have this one...
oh and by the way people are catching on...........
Sounds like you're describing the US Airway's website...

Pick a price, now the calendar comes up so you can see what days that's good for -- wow! all green! Now click on the day you want... oops! that one was supposed to be red! Sorry, we goofed... try another fare... keep repeating... don't click "back"...

At least with WN you know pretty much right away where you stand. And the worst case is still pretty darmed reasonable.
KCFlyer said:
I guess that's because the other sites usually present itineraries by "price" and disregard the flight times you want...Example - I want to fly UAL from MCI to DEN. I say I want to leave at 10 a.m. and return at 2 p.m. What's it show me? 7 a.m. and 10 a.m. return. That doesn't work, so now I have to go and search by schedule. That brings me up a fare, but it's $60 more than the other fare. Southwest is pretty much schedule only...they show the fare that's avaialable and the times you can get them. It's easy to build the itinerary that suits your schedule. And...once you do it, the next screen shows you everything...tax, tag and title. Just like what happens when you book the other guys by schedule instead of price.
sounds an awful lot like the UAL site also shows you all the times and whatthe cheapest fare is. Maybe the SWA site appears easier since you can't even price something like MCI-DEN. I think they hope for a day when all pax just fly where SWA wants them to fly and drive everywhere else...
Busdrvr said:
sounds an awful lot like the UAL site also shows you all the times and whatthe cheapest fare is. Maybe the SWA site appears easier since you can't even price something like MCI-DEN. I think they hope for a day when all pax just fly where SWA wants them to fly and drive everywhere else...
Sorry I used DEN as an example. Tru SWA doesn't fly there, but then again, just about everywhere they fly that UAL also flies can be done nonstop on SWA. My point was...If you "let" the UAL site find you flights by "price", the site totally disregards the times you have entered and pops up the lowest priced fares they have. Now...if I am in Denver and absolutely CAN'T leave before 2 p.m., then I have to go back are do the whole thing again by schedule. Only after you have selected the flights that you want by schedule is the total fare shown. THAT is no different than SWA's site. And I can do all that in one step.
I don't want to beat a dead horse, But..... You do know you can check flights by schedule the FIRST time. The web page is defaulted to "price" because that seems to be what drives most folks, but you can select "schedule" on the opening screen...
Busdrvr said:
I don't want to beat a dead horse, But..... You do know you can check flights by schedule the FIRST time. The web page is defaulted to "price" because that seems to be what drives most folks, but you can select "schedule" on the opening screen...
And if you do, you aren't shown the fare until you hit "enter"...just like on Southwest's web site.

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