I too agree with "digging our heels in" to hold the co. to retro. As stated above, there other contracts with me-too's in them concerning retro. That is not our problem, that is the co's problem. They can want to call it a bonus for 2 reasons and 2 reasons only, 1- Avoid paying "full retro" to any other work group. 2- By calling it a "signing bonus" they also think they can offer a much, much reduced amount than the "full retro" therefore having a huge cost savings. Everyone I have talked to will not vote for a new contract unless the amount of the signing bonus is the same as what retro would be "PLUS" a little padding to offset the larger taxes being taken out for the title of bonus instead of retro. It is taxed at a higher rate when paid with your paycheck and it's listed as bonus. One other issue is we must jump at date of signing to what it would have been, or greater than, with retro involved. We have 5 straight days with a weekend in the middle so we better start seeing some better progress. A lot of floor talk about how long this is taking. And demanding full retro (or equaled to it with added taxes covered) is the only way to stop the co from dragging their feet for a free 4-5 years of pay freezes and this has been with every single group. We all have heard the rumors how the stock holders were going to get taken care of, and they have been, very nicely I might add, now it's time to start taken care of the employees...lineguy43 said:Iv'e seen it happen over and over thanks to the RLA it is in the airlines best interest to drag out a contract in effect a wage freeze during that whole time then offer a signing bonus which employees jump at since they haven't had a raise in so long. Another thing that's bad too is when we are in good times profit wise like now it gives them another incentive to drag it out to a point where maybe times get hard again then the company uses the excuse that times are tough we can't give you those kind of big raises. I know it is easy to say but until everyone digs their heels in and demands no contract without full retro this will keep happening. In a way its almost better to be non union the RLA and the NMB really take any strength that would otherwise be there take the longshoremans union for example they don't jack with them they will shut the port down and they are not easy to replace either