I guess the company is still not in any kind of hurry to get to an agreement. Only TA'd on one article? At this rate we will not have a contract for 3 more years, WOW! New stations opening language changed to help the company will help grow the membership and add headcount and more jobs and work. I do like the temp sups going from 90 to 75 days. The paid rest rules are completely 100% started by the company for "safety" reasons. Now they are seeing how much paid rest is being paid. Well, if they had more manpower for the jobs we do they would not have as much paid rest as they have now. Tell the company to increase the manpower and the paid rest would take care of itself in the long run, would it not? Plus paid rest needs to still be used for mando ot, downlines, as well as the 24 hour rule (again companies rule).
Gentlemen, the company said; that "we do not have the barganing leverage to break the ice on such issues" Sounds like a threat to me. Let's show them just how much barganing leverage we do have when it comes time, just like our fellow mechanics just did over at UAL with a 93% HUGE NO vote. Let the co know that it's 100% retro or no contract. It's time to stop this delay tactic by the co. In order to get the co to start nego in good faith we must hold them to the retro they owe us. If we do not it will be another 5-10 years to get new contracts. If we hold them to the retro this time, and upon the next contract notify the company that retro will once again be paid to our members before nego's even start. By doing so this time with the mediators that gave it to us last time will change the way SWA nego's our future contracts. We have got to put a stop to this 5 years to get to a contract and this is the ONLY way we can do that. He!!, why wouldn't the co drag out nego's for 5 years with a no cost "free" 5 years of no pay for us? Then they are going to want a 5 year contract, so basically they just got a 5 year contract that spread their cost to 10 years, plus all the years that they would take again to get another contract which would be another 5 years IF we let them. This is getting out of control. We must hold out for the retro, just like the pilots are. Sure let the co call it a signing bonus, whatever, it will equal the same or more as the retro pay do to us for however many years and months they want to take to get to a contract. Sorry for venting but I feel it needed to be said, these "freebie" delays the company is trying to take advantage of must stop and the 3 groups to stop it are still without contracts, Mechanics, Pilots, and F/A's. We are at 3 1/2 years, Pilots are at 4 years, F/A's are also at 4 years or more. We would be absolutely stupid to let the co get by with no retro or just a small percentage of what retro is due to us and all groups still without a contract...