I beg to differ. I think AA will in fact vote down the first offer from the co. even IF the asso. agrees to a TA. Just my prediction. I really think UAL will be before AA with a contract. Us? Not really sure where we will fall in at. Since the co. has stated from a long time ago that they were waiting for the rest of the airlines to "catch up" for cost competitive reasons, I believe we are getting close. However, with the co. holding so strong on their demands, we may be going to binding arbitration. After all, SWA has the highest outsourcing % rate than any other major airline other than UPS and maybe FedEx. We must hold on to the small % of in house maint. we have. Otherwise, there will be no maint. at SWA to come into and perform by future AMT's, let alone who is here now and just starting their careers as AMT's. It is sad to state but, I could not recommend my own son to go into the A&P program or school to start a career as an AMT in the aviation industry. I would recommend him to search out some other line of career avenue.
Friendly bet for you weAAsles, I bet UAL mech's will come to a contract before AA mech's will. What says you???