Just read the ASA nego. update on the AMFA site. Seems to me they are getting a much better progress forward than we are here at SWA. Good to hear for them, hope they can continue their progress forward thru-out nego's. On another note, SWA and AMFA are starting their 2nd set of 3 day nego's with the mediators today 16th-18th and I believe they are still in Wash. DC. We have been hearing as of late that the company does have an offer ready to go, but has yet slid it across the table. Why not? Why isn't our Nego cmte asking for this offer so they can have something to work off of and get things moving forward and try to get a final agreement. This just tells me that SWA is still stalling to get to an agreement. Are they stalling to get thru the Pilots and F/A's first? I do not know. But it seems to me if they have some kind of an offer, then slide it across and let's go over it, what is up with waiting? And for what? If SWA was smart they would try to come to an agreement before UPS, AA as well as UAL all come to agreements. JMO. But I guess we will see where we are after the next 3 days of nego...