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WN Mechanics seek mediation

At UA we had a couple years with a mediator and he let the company do whatever they wanted including throwing out things that had already been agreed on and throwing down a 100% company proposal and company demanding a vote on it. One week til the vote results. 
700UW said:
You do realize that every single article in a CBA is important?
Thank you for that bit of information. I'll pass it along to the negotiators to let them know. They should get on track now since you informed us how to negotiate. I will make a guess and say AMFA and SWA will have a TA before us to vote on.
1AA said:
Quantity seems to what 700 thinks is better than quality of the negotiations productivity. Ya-hoo we have three weeks straight of talks. So far we exchanged bulletin boards and uniforms proposals. Now we wait for the response on those proposals and exchange some more. Meanwhile the profits roll on in and the dues keep moving along. The membership gets hosed. Industrial unionism at its best.
We had 2 days that we met on Feb 1st and 2nd (actually a day and a half), and the mediators set 3 more days for Feb 16,17,and 18. I am hoping for more days set for end of Feb.  Still getting more meetings, about double to triple, than what we were getting without mediators. I foresee us having something to vote on or our NC telling the co that they cannot allow their first offer to go to the membership, as they all know what the priorities are for the membership to even consider.  
D7571987 said:
At UA we had a couple years with a mediator and he let the company do whatever they wanted including throwing out things that had already been agreed on and throwing down a 100% company proposal and company demanding a vote on it. One week til the vote results. 
Looking forward to hearing your results. I know it doesn't affect me, but hoping you guys are voting a huge NO vote.
1AA said:
Thank you for that bit of information. I'll pass it along to the negotiators to let them know. They should get on track now since you informed us how to negotiate. I will make a guess and say AMFA and SWA will have a TA before us to vote on.
As you may already know our Pilots are back to the table with the mediators. They met once to catch up and discussed what it would take for a passing vote from the membership. Future dates are set for March for our Pilots.  Our F/A's are also back at the table too.  I predict the Pilots and F/A's will more than likely get something before us, as we have yet even received, nor are we even close to a first offer.  Once they are done I would say we should get something shortly after that. At least both the Pilots and F/A's have already had an initial offers and they should be able to clean them up and get to something much quicker than us, but do see us having something some time this year as we were told that GK has stated he wants all the contracts finished this year.
Good luck to you guys. Hoping you guys get everything returned that was taken pre and during the BK times.  You guys should be the number one contract in our industry as this new association has promised, now we will see if they will get you guys there, or if they were all talk and just agree to what the co offers them D+3.  Hopefully the United mechanics can help us all out as well as the UPS mechanics soon to be getting their offer...
D7571987 said:
What was the percentage of mechanics yearly gross given to SW mechanics for profit sharing for 2015 please? 
Just released today;  PS will be 15.6% of 2015 all in earnings.  The highest PS ever set at SWA for the employees. This equates to 3 months take home wages or more in some cases.  Some are saying 2016 will be even bigger. We can only hope the good times will continue.  Not a bad supplement to our 401K.  BTW; what was your guys % PS for 2015? Do you all know yet? If so please share...
swamt said:
Just released today;  PS will be 15.6% of 2015 all in earnings.  The highest PS ever set at SWA for the employees. This equates to 3 months take home wages or more in some cases.  Some are saying 2016 will be even bigger. We can only hope the good times will continue.  Not a bad supplement to our 401K.  BTW; what was your guys % PS for 2015? Do you all know yet? If so please share...
I should have put in an application for SWA when I transferred in to DFW back in 97.

AA doesn't want to even buy us a lousy tank of gas.
WeAAsles said:
I should have put in an application for SWA when I transferred in to DFW back in 97.

AA doesn't want to even buy us a lousy tank of gas.
That would have been a great time to get on board.  SWA was really growing, expanding, hiring and bunch of stock splits. The mid to late 90's are repeating again now in the teenage years of the 2000's.  If you would have hired on in 97, you would have a wide selection on where you would want to work.  Here's an article on the PS...
Southwest Airlines to pay out $620 million in profit sharing to employees
swamt said:
Just released today;  PS will be 15.6% of 2015 all in earnings.  The highest PS ever set at SWA for the employees. This equates to 3 months take home wages or more in some cases.  Some are saying 2016 will be even bigger. We can only hope the good times will continue.  Not a bad supplement to our 401K.  BTW; what was your guys % PS for 2015? Do you all know yet? If so please share...
UA mechs is 13% of eligible earnings which is 2015 gross minus the previous years profit sharing ck. We are getting the profit share feb 26. So I had worked some overtime last year so getting $12.8K before taxes. I will take it, its 2.5 times last years. The pilots and FAs are getting 13%, ramp is 6.5% because of their last crappy IAM contract. 
swamt said:
Just released today;  PS will be 15.6% of 2015 all in earnings.  The highest PS ever set at SWA for the employees. This equates to 3 months take home wages or more in some cases.  Some are saying 2016 will be even bigger. We can only hope the good times will continue.  Not a bad supplement to our 401K.  BTW; what was your guys % PS for 2015? Do you all know yet? If so please share...
In April 5th paycheck all employees will get a profitability check of .005 x your gross income of last year. 🙂
SharoninSAT said:
In April 5th paycheck all employees will get a profitability check of .005 x your gross income of last year. 🙂
Did I miss some good news somewhere?  Is this a seperate check from our PS check coming on April 29? I haven't read SWA life in a few days so maybe I missed this announcement, please elaborate a little.  As always, good talking to ya Sharon...
Just read the ASA nego. update on the AMFA site.  Seems to me they are getting a much better progress forward than we are here at SWA.  Good to hear for them, hope they can continue their progress forward thru-out nego's.    On another note, SWA and AMFA are starting their 2nd set of 3 day nego's with the mediators today 16th-18th and I believe they are still in Wash. DC.  We have been hearing as of late that the company does have an offer ready to go, but has yet slid it across the table. Why not? Why isn't our Nego cmte asking for this offer so they can have something to work off of and get things moving forward and try to get a final agreement.  This just tells me that SWA is still stalling to get to an agreement. Are they stalling to get thru the Pilots and F/A's first? I do not know. But it seems to me if they have some kind of an offer, then slide it across and let's go over it, what is up with waiting?  And for what? If SWA was smart they would try to come to an agreement before UPS, AA as well as UAL all come to agreements.  JMO. But I guess we will see where we are after the next 3 days of nego...
You guys just started mediation right? At UA we had 2 years of mediation and got nothing but wasted time and crap. The mediator was all for the company and at the end he let them shove a proposal down the unions throat which was just voted down by membership at 93% No. 
It was just posted inn the UAL thread that their TA was voted down by a huge 93% No vote with about 89 or 90% turn out.  Sharing this here as this is how a vote for something this important should be.  90% some odd participation, and a 93% no vote. Now that unity. And shows a very strong membership to the company. Congrats to the UAL mechanics...
D7571987 said:
You guys just started mediation right? At UA we had 2 years of mediation and got nothing but wasted time and crap. The mediator was all for the company and at the end he let them shove a proposal down the unions throat which was just voted down by membership at 93% No. 
Yes.   I was trying to update our members as well.  Great job over there. Now let's see if the ibt can deliver on ALL the promises they gave to you guys to get them in the door, if not, then vote it down again.  Awesome message to be sent back to the company. Congrats...
swamt said:
Just read the ASA nego. update on the AMFA site.  Seems to me they are getting a much better progress forward than we are here at SWA.  Good to hear for them, hope they can continue their progress forward thru-out nego's.    On another note, SWA and AMFA are starting their 2nd set of 3 day nego's with the mediators today 16th-18th and I believe they are still in Wash. DC.  We have been hearing as of late that the company does have an offer ready to go, but has yet slid it across the table. Why not? Why isn't our Nego cmte asking for this offer so they can have something to work off of and get things moving forward and try to get a final agreement.  This just tells me that SWA is still stalling to get to an agreement. Are they stalling to get thru the Pilots and F/A's first? I do not know. But it seems to me if they have some kind of an offer, then slide it across and let's go over it, what is up with waiting?  And for what? If SWA was smart they would try to come to an agreement before UPS, AA as well as UAL all come to agreements.  JMO. But I guess we will see where we are after the next 3 days of nego...
I think they are going to stall with everyone. WNs costs are supper high now, waiting for the legacies to catch up some IMO. 
PS Hey swamt, how about those UA mechanics? thats a big big deal for you guys. 
D7571987 said:
You guys just started mediation right? At UA we had 2 years of mediation and got nothing but wasted time and crap. The mediator was all for the company and at the end he let them shove a proposal down the unions throat which was just voted down by membership at 93% No. 
nothing the NMB does anymore is for labor. Labor now is getting kicked from the company and the government. 
Unions will have to evolve and start future proofing contracts so that management will have less insensitive to drag talks out.     
No. Its a big deal for the industry, not just SWA Dawg...

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