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WN Mechanics seek mediation

I have to question if SWAPA got rid of Seham, because they did an audit and found improper billing practices and poor representation, why do we refuse to do an audit, or entertain shopping for another law firm, it sounds like someone in AMFA, or AMFA itself is getting a kickback; so tell me is that any different from what we complained about the Teamsters ?
I think at least every quarter on the AMFA national website an accounting should be posted for all to see of where our dues money is going to include legal fees an to who the payouts went and for what. AMFA boast transparency then it should be posted for all to see. What does it cost for those pocket calendars that most don't use, etc...you know legal fees will be the big enchilada.
That would be good but it will never happen, because first if they did they need to have someone with an MBA worth his or her weight in gold ,because they can hide anything in a business statement, as we all know so well in the Aviation industry ! 🙂
On seniority, every AMFA represented mechanic got a 4 years added and every IBT represented mechanic lost 4 years before the dovetail.

I think we know why the IBT did so poorly at that.
It's because they didn't what to spend any more money on that small group once they saw that AMFA was going to battle to protect their guys.
Sounds familiar doesn't it?

On an audit, all that information is open and can be viewed at any local.
That is of course if you actually are members of AMFA which you are right?
On seniority, every AMFA represented mechanic got a 4 years added and every IBT represented mechanic lost 4 years before the dovetail.

I think we know why the IBT did so poorly at that.
It's because they didn't what to spend any more money on that small group once they saw that AMFA was going to battle to protect their guys.
Sounds familiar doesn't it?

On an audit, all that information is open and can be viewed at any local.
That is of course if you actually are members of AMFA which you are right?
They the Airtran guys could have faught it, but the fear of God was put in them that they wouldn't have a job by AMFA, the democratic union that talked about carrying a mechanics seniority which all know is a crock, and yes I am a AMFA member, that questions not wanting to aduit a law firm that over charges us, I don't believe everything the company tells me, nor do I believe everything my union tells me !
On seniority, every AMFA represented mechanic got a 4 years added and every IBT represented mechanic lost 4 years before the dovetail.

I think we know why the IBT did so poorly at that.
It's because they didn't what to spend any more money on that small group once they saw that AMFA was going to battle to protect their guys.
Sounds familiar doesn't it?

On an audit, all that information is open and can be viewed at any local.
That is of course if you actually are members of AMFA which you are right?
Of course I am a member just not a die hard one. I don't think it a big undertaking to post quarterly expenses. It may actually benefit amfa if done right. For a member to inquire about legal fees being spent and who is getting them or why the same legal group, what's wrong with that?
Of course I am a member just not a die hard one. I don't think it a big undertaking to post quarterly expenses. It may actually benefit amfa if done right. For a member to inquire about legal fees being spent and who is getting them or why the same legal group, what's wrong with that?
You might step on someone's toes and they might get upset !!! 🙂
You might step on someone's toes and they might get upset !!! 🙂
Took a look online for amfa' 2016 LM-2 report. Found it at olms.dol-esa.gov. It shows transaction to Seham for $311,056 for the year 2016. Doesn't show any other law firm receiving payment from amfa for 2016. All public info.
Took a look online for amfa' 2016 LM-2 report. Found it at olms.dol-esa.gov. It shows transaction to Seham for $311,056 for the year 2016. Doesn't show any other law firm receiving payment from amfa for 2016. All public info.
All I can say is I don't want to hear how crooked the Teamsters were, and our officers don't want to do an audit on Seham law firm, and entertain a bid for another law firm, that is not smart business of our dues money taken out of our pockets once a month, sounds like someone's pockets are getting lined and not ours!
All I can say is I don't want to hear how crooked the Teamsters were, and our officers don't want to do an audit on Seham law firm, and entertain a bid for another law firm, that is not smart business of our dues money taken out of our pockets once a month, sounds like someone's pockets are getting lined and not ours!
I wonder, does our union dues pay the legal fees for air21 filings or is that between the individual and the company?
I wonder, does our union dues pay the legal fees for air21 filings or is that between the individual and the company?
It depends on the circumstances, if the union board approves it, they might pay the fees, you could always ask at the next quarterly AMFA meeting, but it will have to be the first meeting, because the rest are information only, first meeting is for new business !
Yes I know why we got rid of them, just seems we are starting to drift that way
Not even close to drifting the way the teamsters were, nowhere even remotely close to even starting in that direction. I tend to agree with WN, By your postings you really don't know why they were fired.

No I don't think you do, and no we aren't drifting that way. Not even close.
There are no more back room deals, we have full transparency over the negotiation process.
We now control every aspect of our union from national director to shop rep and in-between.
Every single one of them can be removed from office easily by us, the membership.
We enjoy real transparency and control how every dollar of our money is spent because we have complete control over the elected leaders in charge.

Please refer to the link below to our first update to refresh how long the company said this would last:


They then went into stall mode on ALL major unions while seeking concessions from each one.
No union here was able to stop that. NONE. Should all of them change unions because of company tactics?
I don't think so. That's just the kind of divide and conquer thing they would like.
And they were in stall mode for 4 years after that. The company only recently started to try to actually push to get a deal done in the last 2 nego sessions, all the while stalling for the full 5 years to get the 5 year pay freeze they said they wanted from the very beginning.

Sounds good, but you know the sad state unionism is in this country. Most don't even vote. Autonomous, democratic, transparent, etc... Not many care. The bottom line is you have the leverage or you don't. And if you don't, how do you get it? If we take action we get sued. I've heard many times over the past couple years we should have stayed teamsters or the teamsters have more power. All I know that if the TA is a dud, Amfa is in trouble of getting the boot. Recall, control of dues, backroom deals is not going to make up for a bad TA. If we have to swallow a sh$t sandwich I believe amfa is going to pay the piper. Most people want good results and they don't want to risk anything to get. Except maybe hold a sign and chant for a couple hours. Look at the pushback I took for just bringing up a strike authorization vote on this thread.
You sir, need to get a hold of the NC and ask them your questions.
Over half lost some senority with this AirTran deal, no pay raises in 5 years. I don't think Amfa can promote itself right now at another airline. I think if this contract doesn't work out at least ok, amfa would have a hard time staying at SWA let alone picking up another airline. Seniority and pay are what most value.
Wrong! No one lost any seniority on either side. Nego's between AMFA and the teamsters were extremely heated because the teamsters (international) refused to let the membership decide because the teamsters were hell bent on winning "at all cost" against AMFA who was brought in in a record 2 weeks drive that got the teamsters fired. The nego cmte for A/T and the A/T mechanics themselves told the teamsters to put it out for a vote or they were gonna sue the teamsters for FTR. The teamsters were the ones holding up the A/T guys from getting on our contract months upon months eirlier--period. The threat of jobs came from the co. NOT AMFA and that is fact sir. ( ythis last sentence was meant for driver..)

They the Airtran guys could have faught it, but the fear of God was put in them that they wouldn't have a job by AMFA, the democratic union that talked about carrying a mechanics seniority which all know is a crock, and yes I am a AMFA member, that questions not wanting to aduit a law firm that over charges us, I don't believe everything the company tells me, nor do I believe everything my union tells me !
The fear of God (your words) was put in them by the company NOT AMFA. The ONLY thing AMFA did was nego at the table, it was the co. that finally told the teamsters they better let the A/T mechanics at least vote on what they had. Then BAM!!! It passed on the A/T side by an overwhelming 86% plus vote with almost every single mechanic voting on it on the A/T side. This vote clearly showed how bad A/T mechanics wanted to move on, and it was the teamsters holding everything up at the cost of the A/T membership.

All I can say is I don't want to hear how crooked the Teamsters were, and our officers don't want to do an audit on Seham law firm, and entertain a bid for another law firm, that is not smart business of our dues money taken out of our pockets once a month, sounds like someone's pockets are getting lined and not ours!
The teamsters were crooked and still are crooked and you know it. They are in fact right now in court being sued for their same ole union tactics just like yester years. Local 19 was running a used car scam thru the local's employees with the pres and secretary pocketing thousands upon thousands. Not to mention they would also claim 5-20K spent on local 19's union office supplies when not one item within the local 19 was new or replaced. You dam right they were crooks. There's plenty more and you know about them as close as you were to them.
You claim AMFA is wasting money on fighting for the membership's contract. You see that is the big difference. AMFA spends money on fighting for the membership where the teamsters would NEVER fight for any member except for a termination cases ONLY. They NEVER spent a dime on contract issues, outsourcing, C-checks, members rights, etc... They never had the money at the local level to fight. Local 19 was freakin broke due to all the scams and crooked shite they were doing. Let's not forget the trunk full of cash the teamsters got busted with. You claim AMFA is wasting money while fighting for our contractual rights, when the teamsters never would, they would just let the company do whatever they wanted with "behind closed doors deals" just like when the teamsters agreed, yes I said agreed to outsourcing to Canada without membership say so. AMFA was the union that brought that maint back to in house and states. There is no way in hell you can make the teamsters look good against AMFA it is night and day with the representational differences.
Wrong! No one lost any seniority on either side. Nego's between AMFA and the teamsters were extremely heated because the teamsters (international) refused to let the membership decide because the teamsters were hell bent on winning "at all cost" against AMFA who was brought in in a record 2 weeks drive that got the teamsters fired. The nego cmte for A/T and the A/T mechanics themselves told the teamsters to put it out for a vote or they were gonna sue the teamsters for FTR. The teamsters were the ones holding up the A/T guys from getting on our contract months upon months eirlier--period. The threat of jobs came from the co. NOT AMFA and that is fact sir. ( ythis last sentence was meant for driver..)

The fear of God (your words) was put in them by the company NOT AMFA. The ONLY thing AMFA did was nego at the table, it was the co. that finally told the teamsters they better let the A/T mechanics at least vote on what they had. Then BAM!!! It passed on the A/T side by an overwhelming 86% plus vote with almost every single mechanic voting on it on the A/T side. This vote clearly showed how bad A/T mechanics wanted to move on, and it was the teamsters holding everything up at the cost of the A/T membership.

The teamsters were crooked and still are crooked and you know it. They are in fact right now in court being sued for their same ole union tactics just like yester years. Local 19 was running a used car scam thru the local's employees with the pres and secretary pocketing thousands upon thousands. Not to mention they would also claim 5-20K spent on local 19's union office supplies when not one item within the local 19 was new or replaced. You dam right they were crooks. There's plenty more and you know about them as close as you were to them.
You claim AMFA is wasting money on fighting for the membership's contract. You see that is the big difference. AMFA spends money on fighting for the membership where the teamsters would NEVER fight for any member except for a termination cases ONLY. They NEVER spent a dime on contract issues, outsourcing, C-checks, members rights, etc... They never had the money at the local level to fight. Local 19 was freakin broke due to all the scams and crooked shite they were doing. Let's not forget the trunk full of cash the teamsters got busted with. You claim AMFA is wasting money while fighting for our contractual rights, when the teamsters never would, they would just let the company do whatever they wanted with "behind closed doors deals" just like when the teamsters agreed, yes I said agreed to outsourcing to Canada without membership say so. AMFA was the union that brought that maint back to in house and states. There is no way in hell you can make the teamsters look good against AMFA it is night and day with the representational differences.
Wasn't trying to make them look good, put your Pom poms down for a minute and think we are at 5 years probably going to 6 No one ever wants to entertain looking for another law firm, so therefore someone is getting paid to keep them, not any difference between the Teamsters, or congress, or a city council!
Wrong! No one lost any seniority on either side. Nego's between AMFA and the teamsters were extremely heated because the teamsters (international) refused to let the membership decide because the teamsters were hell bent on winning "at all cost" against AMFA who was brought in in a record 2 weeks drive that got the teamsters fired. The nego cmte for A/T and the A/T mechanics themselves told the teamsters to put it out for a vote or they were gonna sue the teamsters for FTR. The teamsters were the ones holding up the A/T guys from getting on our contract months upon months eirlier--period. The threat of jobs came from the co. NOT AMFA and that is fact sir. ( ythis last sentence was meant for driver..)

The fear of God (your words) was put in them by the company NOT AMFA. The ONLY thing AMFA did was nego at the table, it was the co. that finally told the teamsters they better let the A/T mechanics at least vote on what they had. Then BAM!!! It passed on the A/T side by an overwhelming 86% plus vote with almost every single mechanic voting on it on the A/T side. This vote clearly showed how bad A/T mechanics wanted to move on, and it was the teamsters holding everything up at the cost of the A/T membership.

The teamsters were crooked and still are crooked and you know it. They are in fact right now in court being sued for their same ole union tactics just like yester years. Local 19 was running a used car scam thru the local's employees with the pres and secretary pocketing thousands upon thousands. Not to mention they would also claim 5-20K spent on local 19's union office supplies when not one item within the local 19 was new or replaced. You dam right they were crooks. There's plenty more and you know about them as close as you were to them.
You claim AMFA is wasting money on fighting for the membership's contract. You see that is the big difference. AMFA spends money on fighting for the membership where the teamsters would NEVER fight for any member except for a termination cases ONLY. They NEVER spent a dime on contract issues, outsourcing, C-checks, members rights, etc... They never had the money at the local level to fight. Local 19 was freakin broke due to all the scams and crooked shite they were doing. Let's not forget the trunk full of cash the teamsters got busted with. You claim AMFA is wasting money while fighting for our contractual rights, when the teamsters never would, they would just let the company do whatever they wanted with "behind closed doors deals" just like when the teamsters agreed, yes I said agreed to outsourcing to Canada without membership say so. AMFA was the union that brought that maint back to in house and states. There is no way in hell you can make the teamsters look good against AMFA it is night and day with the representational differences.
Most of us wanted the Airtran guys stapled to the bottom, AMFA used the company to put the fear of God in them, the ones Airtran if you talk to them said the AMFA area rep and he is still a rep won't use his name, told them they need to take this deal, and they were lucky they weren't on the bottom of list unquote !
Most of us wanted the Airtran guys stapled to the bottom, AMFA used the company to put the fear of God in them, the ones Airtran if you talk to them said the AMFA area rep and he is still a rep won't use his name, told them they need to take this deal, and they were lucky they weren't on the bottom of list unquote !
Wrong! No one lost any seniority on either side. Nego's between AMFA and the teamsters were extremely heated because the teamsters (international) refused to let the membership decide because the teamsters were hell bent on winning "at all cost" against AMFA who was brought in in a record 2 weeks drive that got the teamsters fired. The nego cmte for A/T and the A/T mechanics themselves told the teamsters to put it out for a vote or they were gonna sue the teamsters for FTR. The teamsters were the ones holding up the A/T guys from getting on our contract months upon months eirlier--period. The threat of jobs came from the co. NOT AMFA and that is fact sir. ( ythis last sentence was meant for driver..)

The fear of God (your words) was put in them by the company NOT AMFA. The ONLY thing AMFA did was nego at the table, it was the co. that finally told the teamsters they better let the A/T mechanics at least vote on what they had. Then BAM!!! It passed on the A/T side by an overwhelming 86% plus vote with almost every single mechanic voting on it on the A/T side. This vote clearly showed how bad A/T mechanics wanted to move on, and it was the teamsters holding everything up at the cost of the A/T membership.

The teamsters were crooked and still are crooked and you know it. They are in fact right now in court being sued for their same ole union tactics just like yester years. Local 19 was running a used car scam thru the local's employees with the pres and secretary pocketing thousands upon thousands. Not to mention they would also claim 5-20K spent on local 19's union office supplies when not one item within the local 19 was new or replaced. You dam right they were crooks. There's plenty more and you know about them as close as you were to them.
You claim AMFA is wasting money on fighting for the membership's contract. You see that is the big difference. AMFA spends money on fighting for the membership where the teamsters would NEVER fight for any member except for a termination cases ONLY. They NEVER spent a dime on contract issues, outsourcing, C-checks, members rights, etc... They never had the money at the local level to fight. Local 19 was freakin broke due to all the scams and crooked shite they were doing. Let's not forget the trunk full of cash the teamsters got busted with. You claim AMFA is wasting money while fighting for our contractual rights, when the teamsters never would, they would just let the company do whatever they wanted with "behind closed doors deals" just like when the teamsters agreed, yes I said agreed to outsourcing to Canada without

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