When asking the members what it would take in "full retro" for a T/A? Every single person I have talked to is a different answer and different amount. To be fair it would have to be an average % or amount based on each hour worked over each year for the past 5 years (so far). We are not being unfair what-so-ever. Yes some are being unrealistic with over inflated numbers that do not make sense (as we will always have those). We all know the company will call it a bonus instead of retro just as they did with the Pilots and this is fine with me as long as the amount does in fact equal "full retro" that we fully deserve just like the Pilots got. When those numbers are reached, and the "company" get's serious about moving on scope, (as I was told they started to move at last negotiations, so we now know they are willing to move) as well as an adjustment on economics it should get close to getting put out for a vote. The last increase in economics freaked the company out, which forced them to pull back their movements in scope off the table so I believe if both sides were willing to move towards the middle and the company revisits the moves they made on scope in last sessions, we could possibly get to vote on "something" not saying it would be good or bad just saying it should trigger a possible vote by the membership. If that is really what the company wants to happen then that is what needs to take place. Otherwise as WN stated, we will sit back and work under current contract where we are now.
I will add this again. The members who are close to retirement, waiting for new contract to retire, and some others on a mission with the company to rush this to a vote are the minority. The majority that are supporting our NC are willing to wait this out as most are NOT just waiting for new contract to retire and will have to live with it for many years in the future as will all of our NC. Thank God none of them are retiring in the next couple years or less. They too will have to live under this contract for some time in the future. What is driving the company bonkers is the fact that we won't just jump all over the $$$ and put blinders on about our scope, it just isn't going to happen, period.