You just confirmed what I said before. Each member has a different amount owed to them as retro. It will be difficult to get all that number, but they did for the pilots didn't they? Even dead pilots, pilots that moved onto other companies, as well as x-pilots family. They can no longer say they cannot get us retro. The money is there driver, it's going to be in the form of a bonus as the company has already offered as they will not call it a bonus. It's not just you senior mechanics any more. The majority is between 10-20 years. Be careful you are starting to resemble an IGM poster.
I read another one of your postings and I think your train of thought is a little off. If we do go with Med-Arb the way I was told and the way the company has stated (which does need to be put in writing) is that the company will be binded to the final outcome and the NC would have to allow it to come out for a vote and the membership would still have the option of voting it in or down. If the membership voted it down the 2 sides would return to the table to work out the differences and come to a deal. There would not be any cooling down period or self help as there is with full blown Arbitration. Again this is what I am told, but I to agree that the binding for the co. and that we could still vote no as a membership would have to be in writing as well as we would return to the table to finalize it out. Besides, it's in our contract that we cannot strike and the co. cannot self help or replace workers.
TV feed? You can E-mail your sec. he will come to you if he has to. At least try to set an appointment he is wide open to options.
Yes you can bring up business, it's called a motion and it would be voted on in the next meeting, just like if you were at the first meeting, you would make a motion and everyone would vote on it at next meeting, simple as that. There really is no excuse for not seeing the books. They are there to be viewed by any member in good standing you just need to make the effort. the sec. or the union will not reach out and spoon feed the membership. They made it very, very much easier for some to attend as it was just a minute down the road from work. But I do understand some people are very busy with kids and life in general and still is sometimes hard to get there. Anytime you need to get info from AMFA they are just a phone call, text, or e-mail away from all the answers you need. They are extremely easy to reach. Pls feel free to reach out to any of them including our ND, if he is busy he will call you back and/or respond to you personally. I would encourage you to do so to get the answers you seek from the union. Good luck.