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WN Mechanics seek mediation

So you are saying if the company said we will give you full retro and a little more pay that what they presented, in exchange for all the scope changes we want, you wouldn't be giving the negotiating committee crap for a vote! Because I hear you guys talking about retro pay more than scope !

No and you know this. Scope and retro go hand and hand. Same amount of importance for both for me. The scope can get worked out as long as the company is willing to move as they have already shown at last nego's. If they continue not to move on scope then they will not get a contract. The retro is also a must for us. We can no longer allow this company to drag out nego's for 5 years and simply allow them to just pay us a % of what they owe us for the 5 years. The Pilots did not allow it a neither should we. We would be stupid to nego down what they owe us after stalling 5 years totally from their side. For future nego's we must get retro so they won't be soo tempted to do this each and every time nego's comes around.
AMFA 11 Members at TWU DFW Protest.
That would be our AMFA National Director who was a former AA employee.
No and you know this. Scope and retro go hand and hand. Same amount of importance for both for me. The scope can get worked out as long as the company is willing to move as they have already shown at last nego's. If they continue not to move on scope then they will not get a contract. The retro is also a must for us. We can no longer allow this company to drag out nego's for 5 years and simply allow them to just pay us a % of what they owe us for the 5 years. The Pilots did not allow it a neither should we. We would be stupid to nego down what they owe us after stalling 5 years totally from their side. For future nego's we must get retro so they won't be soo tempted to do this each and every time nego's comes around.
Good just testing !
Glad to see AMFA and TWU standing together on this issue.

Amen brother. I am sick and tired of the past hatred amongst the 2 unions. Fantastic to see the support from both sides as we have received support from the TWU during our picketing. Let the past go folks. Great to see this stuff. Let us all support all employees of all airlines, forget about unions vs unions...

Good just testing !

Just testing? At first, that pissed me off, but then I stalled and thought for a moment and understand the thought behind your test. Pls do not ever put it past me that outsourcing AND retro are the two most important items as far as I am concerned. And you now know why on both issues.
It's official, SWA has now exceeded $7,000,000,000 in net profits since the mechanics contract became amendable with not $.01 increase in hourly wages and SW management wants us to believe statements like this:
Date: To: From: Subject:
April 28, 2016
All Mechanics
Labor Relations Negotiations Update

Paid Rest
The Company seeks to make changes to instances surrounding paid rest. The current rules came with the 2009 agreement and have proven to be unsustainable. Times and competition have changed, and just like wages are typically updated with each contract, these provisions must be addressed.

It's official, SWA has now exceeded $7,000,000,000 in net profits since the mechanics contract became amendable with not $.01 increase in hourly wages and SW management wants us to believe statements like this:
Date: To: From: Subject:
April 28, 2016
All Mechanics
Labor Relations Negotiations Update

Paid Rest
The Company seeks to make changes to instances surrounding paid rest. The current rules came with the 2009 agreement and have proven to be unsustainable. Times and competition have changed, and just like wages are typically updated with each contract, these provisions must be addressed.

They have also claimed that other items in our contract are "unsustainable" when in fact they have proven over the past 5 years that it is extremely sustainable with room for raises and economic increases. That is what happens sometimes when you stall for a new contract, it proves the company wrong on why they are demanding the must haves. It is obvious now that is sustainable under our exact current contract with room for increases in economics. At the very least we could thank the company for taking the time to prove that for us...
Don't seem to be having any trouble spending money lately. New paint jobs for the airplanes.. New uniforms for all employees. New ipads etc.....
Don't seem to be having any trouble spending money lately. New paint jobs for the airplanes.. New uniforms for all employees. New ipads etc.....

Plus huge new contract packages to pilots and FA's. Don't forget all the new construction of massive buildings and sky bridges at headquarters. And don't get me started on the billions spent on stock buy-backs. We all know whose pockets get lined in those deals.

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