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WN Mechanics seek mediation

Well, we will find out this Tues. I still take the computer glitch numbers with a grain of salt. However, if they are true and accurate, then they do say a lot. With 75% being no votes so early on in the voting speaks volumes. The company's offer did not meet the needs of the membership. When you lack making your employees whole from a planned 5 year pay freeze of course your gonna get a no vote, especially when 3/4's of the members vote it down. Just as in the Pilots and F/A's first rejected vote.
Now we will see if Nitchski is true to his words of, "we never wanted to have these prolonged negotiations." We will see if the company will honor his words and get right back at it OR will they continue to drag things out just as they have for the last 6 years. We all know both sides are upset with one another but it's time to put your big boys pants on and get to an agreement that can be passed by the membership.
The company has already started their propaganda from their side with false rumors getting started from their side with their puppets. Just stop it and put your big boy pants on and get back to it. It obviously wasn't the offer the membership would accept. And after the economist explained all the numbers in a straight forward presentation the members were not falling for the companies propaganda and games to how they came up with their numbers. Fix the numbers and stop the games company nego's, you would never treat your "other" employee groups like this...
I would say if both sides are serious don't do the survey, if it fails by 75%, it was economics. Waste of time and money. Probably get back together in January, and you could have something by March or April and vote again.
I doubt Mr. McCrady still feels the same sympathy he held for we poor deprived AMFA members after Tuesday’s likely rejection and I hope he doesn’t disappoint me after I’ve said, for almost two years now, that he would be more amicable towards a deal after WE finally told him NO.
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I will not say it's final until TB validates and certify it. I expect McCrady and company to do the same as they have been doing, and drag this out. We haven't seen them in any hurry whatsoever for the past 6 years plus, why would they all of a sudden get anxious to get something done now? I expect the exact same of as usual from them. It just shows how out of touch the companies nego team or at least the lead nego is thinking is was going to pass with flying colors. When 3/4's plus vote down a contract, then there are some tweeks required. The final question now is, how long will it take.
I will not say it's final until TB validates and certify it. I expect McCrady and company to do the same as they have been doing, and drag this out. We haven't seen them in any hurry whatsoever for the past 6 years plus, why would they all of a sudden get anxious to get something done now? I expect the exact same of as usual from them. It just shows how out of touch the companies nego team or at least the lead nego is thinking is was going to pass with flying colors. When 3/4's plus vote down a contract, then there are some tweeks required. The final question now is, how long will it take.

Good for you guys trying to break the record. I have complete confidence that you can carry it on for at least another 2 years or longer.

Good for you guys trying to break the record. I have complete confidence that you can carry it on for at least another 2 years or longer.

You gotta love it, when Swamprat says he can wait and in the same breath say how long it will be, when he and his buddies apparently voted it down. Then turn around and blame SWA. After the magic leak of information early in the voting process, that wasn't AMFA fault. I am sure he will be an expert in American Airlines labor negotiations.
You gotta love it, when Swamprat says he can wait and in the same breath say how long it will be, when he and his buddies apparently voted it down. Then turn around and blame SWA. After the magic leak of information early in the voting process, that wasn't AMFA fault. I am sure he will be an expert in American Airlines labor negotiations.

That guy is such a scuzbag that he’s even attacking our Negotiators now over there in case you missed it.

I don’t even care anymore cause the real bead on how the “AMERICAN AIRLINES” Ground workers feel about what’s happening is over in Facebook Group pages and on AA Jetnet comments.

The half dozen to a dozen Forums rock throwers, Trolls and Kooks are in the extreme minority.

So on here I just abide the fools for the passing of boredom.
That guy is such a scuzbag that he’s even attacking our Negotiators now over there in case you missed it.

I don’t even care anymore cause the real bead on how the “AMERICAN AIRLINES” Ground workers feel about what’s happening is over in Facebook Group pages and on AA Jetnet comments.

The half dozen to a dozen Forums rock throwers, Trolls and Kooks are in the extreme minority.

So on here I just abide the fools for the passing of boredom.
I hear you. I believe ours would have passed until the negotiating committee and road shows poisoned the waters. It's sad what this has become.
I disagree Driver, there were plenty of no voters prior to the road shows. The road shows did turn some people from yes to no, but I think the single thing that turned most undecided people’s minds to a no vote was the company’s ‘know the facts’ email. Of the people I’ve talked to, they were upset with the company for all of the stall tactics but were on the fence still because they just wanted it over. Once that email came out, they took it as a ‘threat’ from the company- and that changed their mind.
My thoughts- if this were such a good deal like the company says, then why weren’t they out there doing roadshows on how good of a contract it actually is? I didn’t see them in my work area AT ALL trying to educate us on why we should vote for it.
I disagree Driver, there were plenty of no voters prior to the road shows. The road shows did turn some people from yes to no, but I think the single thing that turned most undecided people’s minds to a no vote was the company’s ‘know the facts’ email. Of the people I’ve talked to, they were upset with the company for all of the stall tactics but were on the fence still because they just wanted it over. Once that email came out, they took it as a ‘threat’ from the company- and that changed their mind.
My thoughts- if this were such a good deal like the company says, then why weren’t they out there doing roadshows on how good of a contract it actually is? I didn’t see them in my work area AT ALL trying to educate us on why we should vote for it.
It might have passed it might not have, but when you tell people not to vote for it, that's all you needed to get everyone mad. Sometimes if a company knows it will not pass, best not to say anything and let it play out. Now maybe something will come out quickly, and we vote again. Or we vote in the first or second quarter of next year. Either way both sides will to produce results to save face.
I’m hoping to have something to vote on quickly. We all know where/what the deficiencies are. At this point, it will depend on how quickly the company wants a deal.
I’m hoping to have something to vote on quickly. We all know where/what the deficiencies are. At this point, it will depend on how quickly the company wants a deal.
True maybe just maybe they need their mechanics happy for their ETOPS and Hawaii flights to go smoothly. We can only hope.I have heard some rumors about something quick. Maybe Gary and company will get rid of ex Northwest management. The guy we have now was at Northwest during the mechanics strike.
I’m hoping to have something to vote on quickly. We all know where/what the deficiencies are. At this point, it will depend on how quickly the company wants a deal.

As we all are. The ball is in the company's hands, what they do with it will tell us how this all goes from here. I expect stall country, but hopefully not>>>
Maybe Gary and company will get rid of ex Northwest management. The guy we have now was at Northwest during the mechanics strike.
On the contrary, it seems "the guy" just keeps getting promoted. "Landon Nitschke has been promoted to Senior Vice President Technical Operations"
On the contrary, it seems "the guy" just keeps getting promoted. "Landon Nitschke has been promoted to Senior Vice President Technical Operations"
Just don't make the same mistakes Northwest guys did, and lose your job.

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