Well, we will find out this Tues. I still take the computer glitch numbers with a grain of salt. However, if they are true and accurate, then they do say a lot. With 75% being no votes so early on in the voting speaks volumes. The company's offer did not meet the needs of the membership. When you lack making your employees whole from a planned 5 year pay freeze of course your gonna get a no vote, especially when 3/4's of the members vote it down. Just as in the Pilots and F/A's first rejected vote.
Now we will see if Nitchski is true to his words of, "we never wanted to have these prolonged negotiations." We will see if the company will honor his words and get right back at it OR will they continue to drag things out just as they have for the last 6 years. We all know both sides are upset with one another but it's time to put your big boys pants on and get to an agreement that can be passed by the membership.
The company has already started their propaganda from their side with false rumors getting started from their side with their puppets. Just stop it and put your big boy pants on and get back to it. It obviously wasn't the offer the membership would accept. And after the economist explained all the numbers in a straight forward presentation the members were not falling for the companies propaganda and games to how they came up with their numbers. Fix the numbers and stop the games company nego's, you would never treat your "other" employee groups like this...