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WN Mechanics seek mediation

Pretty much dead on Crow. In other words, as other sources with knowledge have stated, it would just go so much easier and faster is all, I don't think anyone never would be able to stop it from happening.
Good guess.
Since you are level headed, I ask you; Are my explanations of what I would expect sounding greedy or over the top to you? I ask because sometimes the way I explain stuff, I sometimes offend and I am taken the wrong way. Since I am getting some questions I wanted to ask flat out. Be honest with me. I think I am being reasonable since the co is refusing to increase our 401K match and refusing to contribute to it like they do the Pilots (not saying we should get exactly what the pilots get) just an increased benefit would be nice. Not to mention the medical stuff they also refused to cap for us as well. These things will cost us in the future years and will also slightly erode away parts of those 3% raises we get now. Especially since we have to contribute to 401K in order to get our match in the 401K, so at least throw us decent raises so we can adjust our own contributions to increase our 401K's on our own since the co. doesn't want help us out with our retirements like they did the Pilots.

I don't think you're off at all. If we had been offered even a fraction of what the pilots got in their 401k deal, there would have been alot more yes votes.
Update from AMFA National with letter to Vice President of Labor Relations Russell McCrady. I assume this in response to his memo to the mechanic employees in our emails recently. AMFA is very clearly adamant about getting this done ASAP, and AMFA will not be the ones that delay any agreement getting to the members for another vote.
AMFA is even offering to leave the current pending lawsuits stays to continue to resolve an agreement with no further delays to getting to an agreement that our members can ratify. This speaks volumes and just confirms how quickly AMFA is willing to engage back to nego's. Now the ball is in the companies court on how quickly THEY are willing to do the same.
Mr. McCrady should be more tuned in to the employees. He should also be willing and ready to resolve the mechanics new contract ASAP with AMFA as the F/A's and other groups are soon to start their nego's again.
We will all see just how the company responds when the survey results are done...

Letter to SWA VP of Labor Relations Regarding Continuing Negotiations
September 20, 2018 -- As the Chairs of the AMFA Negotiating Committee, we want to follow-up on the tentative agreement vote results announced Tuesday, September 18, 2018, rejecting ratification.
Read More
I don't think you're off at all. If we had been offered even a fraction of what the pilots got in their 401k deal, there would have been alot more yes votes.

Crowfeet I have to say that I find it highly odd and unusual that your Union did not share the results of this Contract vote?

The IBT at UAL shared their overwhelming rejection of their first TA a few years back and I think sharing that outcome absolutely helped push the next deal to be the one they were looking for.

Something very fishy and suspicious of not sharing that vote count with the Membership? I thought AMFA was a transparent Union?
Crowfeet I have to say that I find it highly odd and unusual that your Union did not share the results of this Contract vote?

The IBT at UAL shared their overwhelming rejection of their first TA a few years back and I think sharing that outcome absolutely helped push the next deal to be the one they were looking for.

Something very fishy and suspicious of not sharing that vote count with the Membership? I thought AMFA was a transparent Union?

Don't know the reason for sure but keeping it from the Company kinda keeps them on their heels. Maybe UA used the numbers to target certain demographics within the workforce to get a yes vote as cheaply as possible.

Oh and AMFA is far more transparent than the TWU!
Don't know the reason for sure but keeping it from the Company kinda keeps them on their heels. Maybe UA used the numbers to target certain demographics within the workforce to get a yes vote as cheaply as possible.

Oh and AMFA is far more transparent than the TWU!

Thanks for the response Gen. Wish I could get it without the propoganda sentence though.

The Company would not get that information since the vote was conducted through the Union using Ballot Point service.

Besides these Companies can easily target today thanks to all the Social Media sites at their disposal and how easily people like to telegraph what they’ll accept or not accept.
Just a fact.

Well if you say so I guess. I think it’s more of an example that the information is out there it’s just that people either don’t know where or just don’t want to look at it.

Take this link for example Gen.

I was religiously reading it and referring to it during the BK. Well next thing you know when Little left eventually the TWU stopped continuing it. When I asked Alex why he told me that in the last month only two people had clicked on it. I told him “Yea I was one of them” disappointedly.

But I will and have said and given credit that the AMFA has done a very good job at informing their Members at SWA through this process.

That’s also though why I’m kinda left scratching my head why they didn’t put out the vote tally especially if it was a landslide no vote? Maybe it wasn’t a landslide after all?

We invite you to participate in a TWU Day of Action on Tuesday, September 25.

On Tuesday, we will encourage all TWU members to call their U.S. Senators and Representatives in Congress and ask that they co-sponsor a bill that supports TWU aircraft maintenance members – the Aircraft Maintenance Outsourcing Disclosure Act of 2018.

TWU worked with legislators on the bill, introduced by Claire McCaskill (D-MO) in the Senate (S. 3026) and John Garamendi (D-CA) and Dan Donovan (R-NY) (H.R. 6028) in the House. The bill requires U.S. airlines to post on their websites and passenger ticket information the countries where they repair their aircraft. The bill is intended to inform the public about the airlines’ practice of offshoring maintenance and to inform policymakers’ work to regulate aircraft maintenance.

To push for support of the bill, we encourage TWU members to call on their legislators to co-sponsor the legislation. Below is the script you can use when talking to your Senators and Representatives. It includes the phone number you should call to reach those offices.

We will be re-sending this information on the Day of Action – Tuesday, September 25. We encourage you to participate.

You can find more information about the bill here on the TWU website.

To have your voice heard, please make 3 calls: a call to your 1 Representative and a call to each of your 2 Senators. To be connected to these offices, you can call the switchboard at: 202-224-3121. Tell the operator you’d like to talk to your Representative and provide them your state and zip code. Call the switchboard again to be connected to your Senators’ Offices. You can identify our states’ 2 Senators by looking at the list below.


  • “Hi, my name is ________. I’m a constituent and member of the Transport Workers Union Local [__].
  • I’m urging your boss to cosponsor (Senate) S. 3026/(House) H.R. 6028, the Aircraft Maintenance Outsourcing Disclosure Act of 2018.
  • “The bill was introduced by Senator McCaskill in the Senate and by Congressmen Garamendi and Donovan in the House.
  • “U.S. airlines used to employ American workers to repair airplanes. But now, they send much of this work to facilities in China, South America, and other foreign locations.
  • “As a result, the U.S. has lost 8,000 airline mechanic jobs. Offshoring this work also poses safety and security risks, since several important FAA and TSA regulations don’t apply to foreign workers.
  • “But many people who fly on U.S. airlines don’t know this is happening. Your boss can change that by cosponsoring this bill that will shine a light on this unsafe and job-killing practice.
  • “S. 3026 / H.R. 6028 is simple: it would require U.S. airlines to list on their websites and on passenger ticket information the countries where they repair their planes.
  • “This transparency will benefit passengers as they shop for flights and will help inform regulators’ work to keep air travel safe.
  • “Will your boss cosponsor the Aircraft Maintenance Outsourcing Disclosure Act?
  • “Thank you. Have a nice day.” (HANG UP.)
  • After making the call, register your action by completing this short form.
U.S. Senators listed in alphabetical order by state

  • Murkowski, Lisa - (R - AK)
  • Sullivan, Dan - (R - AK)
  • Jones, Doug - (D - AL)
  • Shelby, Richard C. - (R - AL)
  • Boozman, John - (R - AR)
  • Cotton, Tom - (R - AR)
  • Flake, Jeff - (R - AZ)
  • Kyl, Jon - (R - AZ)
  • Feinstein, Dianne - (D - CA)
  • Harris, Kamala D. - (D - CA)
  • Bennet, Michael F. - (D - CO)
  • Gardner, Cory - (R - CO)
  • Blumenthal, Richard - (D - CT)
  • Murphy, Christopher - (D - CT)
  • Carper, Thomas R. - (D - DE)
  • Coons, Christopher A. - (D - DE)
  • Nelson, Bill - (D - FL)
  • Rubio, Marco - (R - FL)
  • Isakson, Johnny - (R - GA)
  • Perdue, David - (R - GA)
  • Hirono, Mazie K. - (D - HI)
  • Schatz, Brian - (D - HI)
  • Ernst, Joni - (R - IA)
  • Grassley, Chuck - (R - IA)
  • Crapo, Mike - (R - ID)
  • Risch, James E. - (R - ID)
  • Duckworth, Tammy - (D - IL)
  • Durbin, Richard J. - (D - IL)
  • Donnelly, Joe - (D - IN)
  • Young, Todd - (R - IN)
  • Moran, Jerry - (R - KS)
  • Roberts, Pat - (R - KS)
  • McConnell, Mitch - (R - KY)
  • Paul, Rand - (R - KY)
  • Cassidy, Bill - (R - LA)
  • Kennedy, John - (R - LA)
  • Markey, Edward J. - (D - MA)
  • Warren, Elizabeth - (D - MA)
  • Cardin, Benjamin L. - (D - MD)
  • Van Hollen, Chris - (D - MD)
  • Collins, Susan M. - (R - ME)
  • King, Angus S., Jr. - (I - ME)
  • Peters, Gary C. - (D - MI)
  • Stabenow, Debbie - (D - MI)
  • Klobuchar, Amy - (D - MN)
  • Smith, Tina - (D - MN)
  • Blunt, Roy - (R - MO)
  • McCaskill, Claire - (D - MO)
  • Hyde-Smith, Cindy - (R - MS)
  • Wicker, Roger F. - (R - MS)
  • Daines, Steve - (R - MT)
  • Tester, Jon - (D - MT)
  • Burr, Richard - (R - NC)
  • Tillis, Thom - (R - NC)
  • Heitkamp, Heidi - (D - ND)
  • Hoeven, John - (R - ND)
  • Fischer, Deb - (R - NE)
  • Sasse, Ben - (R - NE)
  • Hassan, Margaret Wood - (D - NH)
  • Shaheen, Jeanne - (D - NH)
  • Booker, Cory A. - (D - NJ)
  • Menendez, Robert - (D - NJ)
  • Heinrich, Martin - (D - NM)
  • Udall, Tom - (D - NM)
  • Cortez Masto, Catherine - (D - NV)
  • Heller, Dean - (R - NV)
  • Gillibrand, Kirsten E. - (D - NY)
  • Schumer, Charles E. - (D - NY)
  • Brown, Sherrod - (D - OH)
  • Portman, Rob - (R - OH)
  • Inhofe, James M. - (R - OK)
  • Lankford, James - (R - OK)
  • Merkley, Jeff - (D - OR)
  • Wyden, Ron - (D - OR)
  • Casey, Robert P., Jr. - (D - PA)
  • Toomey, Patrick J. - (R - PA)
  • Reed, Jack - (D - RI)
  • Whitehouse, Sheldon - (D - RI)
  • Graham, Lindsey - (R - SC)
  • Scott, Tim - (R - SC)
  • Rounds, Mike - (R - SD)
  • Thune, John - (R - SD)
  • Alexander, Lamar - (R - TN)
  • Corker, Bob - (R - TN)
  • Cornyn, John - (R - TX)
  • Cruz, Ted - (R - TX)
  • Hatch, Orrin G. - (R - UT)
  • Lee, Mike - (R - UT)
  • Kaine, Tim - (D - VA)
  • Warner, Mark R. - (D - VA)
  • Leahy, Patrick J. - (D - VT)
  • Sanders, Bernard - (I - VT)
  • Cantwell, Maria - (D - WA)
  • Murray, Patty - (D - WA)
  • Baldwin, Tammy - (D - WI)
  • Johnson, Ron - (R - WI)
  • Capito, Shelley Moore - (R - WV)
  • Manchin, Joe, III - (D - WV)
  • Barrasso, John - (R - WY)
  • Enzi, Michael B. - (R - WY)
Don't know the reason for sure but keeping it from the Company kinda keeps them on their heels. Maybe UA used the numbers to target certain demographics within the workforce to get a yes vote as cheaply as possible.

Oh and AMFA is far more transparent than the TWU!

Did you expect any different?
We are expanding our maintenance department in 4 different cities...