That 12 raise was not supposed to be 1%. It was in fact supposed to be the 3% as you said, and continue until new agreement reached. However, that 3% in 12 was reduced to 1% (why I do not know) and agreed to bring that contract out for a vote and it passed.
Now on a side note; when the company says they are offering 3% for each outgoing years, they were in fact missing 2018 as we all know and was proven to the company by our economist, but it was also missing year 2023 as they presented it as each outgoing year, year 2023 is the final year of the outgoing years.
As you stated, and as we did receive only the 1% in 12, we should be offered another 2% for the year 12, where is that in the co's offer? It's not there, so there's another 2% we are missing from the snap up % offer. They can make us whole now or they can follow up with the making us whole in the next offer for the last year, but either way they are missing the final years of 12 and 23 in their offer. Therefor we are missing about 5-8% depending on when we receive it, now or later. minimum 5% max 8%. Most folks are fine with not receiving a raise on that final year of the contract, I am not. It's only a way to starve the membership in long nego's to jump on the first offer from the company as they are really wanting a year already in the waiting plus any more years added for long nego's as we are now.