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WN Mechanics seek mediation

Save face? AMFA didn’t do anything wrong, and to blame them this early without knowing all the facts of what happened is ridiculous. As far as a re-vote, sure - but what’s the point if the results weren’t tampered with? Just to see the same result? You said one of your reasons for voting yes was that you want to get it over with and move on because it’s been so long; but now you want it to drag out even longer? Listen Chuck, you gotta get your anti AMFA disorder in check.

As you will see with my attachments AMFA did everything correct after being advised about the glitch. They immediately notified the company, TrueBallot, DOL Office of Labor Management Standards, AMFA's Lead Attorneys, as well as NMB mediators.
On Sep 5th the President of TrueBallot sent AMFA National the letter below. They also indicate that they are still extremely confident that they will in fact certify this referendum upon the tally conclusion come Sep 18th 2018.
With all that said and done, I have no clue where anyone would put the blame in AMFA's hands directly. If anyone is to blame I would have to say TrueBallot Software Programming is where the blame lies. If someone is still blaming AMFA and calling for re-vote is just butt hurt to the numbers so far. And hey, it's not even over with yet.
It really just shows immaturity and hatred towards AMFA. Just let him vent as he wants to on AMFA. When he grows up and starts thinking logical again maybe he will realize what a fool he has looked like out here. Saying things like AMFA is gonna go down, AMFA will be brought up on charges and I am contacting my DA. C'mon Man!!! His DA probably didn't even waste his teams time on it. Probably rolled his eyes after hanging up and said; where is that guy from??
Back to reality, what has happened has happened, what's done is done. Others, including yourself, on here are correct, the final results of this vote have not been compromised as TrueBallot's investigations have proven and stated in their letter.
AMFA National as well as our NC is taking a beating over this glitch, trust me when I say, they really never wanted something like this to happen. So for someone to continue to blame AMFA is just uninformed and trying to poke AMFA in the eyes.
I now leave you all with the two latest letters about this computer glitch mishap:

NEC Update on the AMFA-SWA AMT TA Ratification Referendum
September 6, 2018 -- In the past few days there have been some concerns, accusations, and assumptions on the merit of the ongoing AMFA–SWA AMT Tentative Agreement Ratification Referendum. The National Executive Council (NEC) has researched this matter and ascertained that over the weekend a member was momentary able access and view the real-time running results.
Download: 20180905_TrueBallot_Ltr_re_SWA_TA_Referendum.pdf
Hey chuck, let me guess AMFA hired and are now working with the Russians to fight against SWA and the 300-500 yes voters? Why would you give AMFA so much credit for having such power and influence there has to be certification of some sort by the end of voting to make it official ie LMRDA, Department of Labor and Tru Ballot correct? They represent what 3000 members total? I am really trying hard to find any logic to your thought process.

Chucky can't handle the truth!
Non of the NC members ever asked us to vote no nor did they recommend either a yes or no vote. The NC simply does not endorse the T/A and are simply allowing the membership to show the company that they too(membership) also do not endorse this T/A as the numbers are showing so far 75% no. At the meetings I attended not one time did the NC recommend a yes or no vote. Just wanted to clear up some uninformed and misinformation out here before it just keeps spreading. The only people I have heard that they are voting no are the members themselves not any of the NC.

Now let's all get behind our NC with full support, fill out our surveys when they get here and get back to the table. Enough about who or where to lay the blame. TrueBallot has taken responsibility. Time to get over it and move on.
Good luck everyone. Look forward to receiving by survey before the end of this month.
Chucky can't handle the truth!
Non of the NC members ever asked us to vote no nor did they recommend either a yes or no vote. The NC simply does not endorse the T/A and are simply allowing the membership to show the company that they too(membership) also do not endorse this T/A as the numbers are showing so far 75% no. At the meetings I attended not one time did the NC recommend a yes or no vote. Just wanted to clear up some uninformed and misinformation out here before it just keeps spreading. The only people I have heard that they are voting no are the members themselves not any of the NC.

Now let's all get behind our NC with full support, fill out our surveys when they get here and get back to the table. Enough about who or where to lay the blame. TrueBallot has taken responsibility. Time to get over it and move on.
Good luck everyone. Look forward to receiving by survey before the end of this month.
Not Chucky stupid, funny how you write long rambling statements when you know stuff will be investigated. My friend actually helped me out. See when you ask for federal mediation the government is involved already. This negotiation committee was far from neutral, mailing out vote No cups. Also union reps passing out vote no bracelets like candy, AMFA ordered bags of them Your stupid friends posting vote talleys on Facebook, in a Federal mediation election. Why do you think AMFA is having meetings and getting their ducks in a row .Go Figure ! 🙂
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I never got a vote no cup, but I did get a vote yes cup that I use all the time. I also never got a vote no bracelet, but I wouldn’t wear a bracelet anyways- not my thing.
I never got a vote no cup, but I did get a vote yes cup that I use all the time. I also never got a vote no bracelet, but I wouldn’t wear a bracelet anyways- not my thing.
We had bracelets here, but didn't wear it!
I never got a vote no cup, but I did get a vote yes cup that I use all the time. I also never got a vote no bracelet, but I wouldn’t wear a bracelet anyways- not my thing.
Me either on the vote no cup. The yeti cups I assume are the referenced cups mentioned. Not a fan of bracelets or even watches for that matter. However, I have all the different colored vote no bracelets wrapped proudly around my vote yes Yeti cup. Hehe.
Here's some good news. According to this article SWA will easily be able to afford a new contract offer. I know, he's only predicting, but, he's more than likely correct on this one with the latest moves by other airlines, added flights to schedules, international flights picking up, and more customers coming our way via other airlines increasing fees.


Here is an ad that was put in NY Times Square. Only now change the 5 years to 6 years.

AMFA Times Square Ad
Not Chucky stupid, funny how you write long rambling statements when you know stuff will be investigated. My friend actually helped me out. See when you ask for federal mediation the government is involved already. This negotiation committee was far from neutral, mailing out vote No cups. Also union reps passing out vote no bracelets like candy, AMFA ordered bags of them Your stupid friends posting vote talleys on Facebook, in a Federal mediation election. Why do you think AMFA is having meetings and getting their ducks in a row .Go Figure ! 🙂

So driver do you think with this new bit of nonsense, a possible no vote and the FA’s starting up their Contract talks your group will be put on ice by the Airline and the NMB?

So driver do you think with this new bit of nonsense, a possible no vote and the FA’s starting up their Contract talks your group will be put on ice by the Airline and the NMB?

Weazz even though AMFA self vindicated doesn't mean they are out of the woods with the Federal government, I don't know how you can do an investigation in 3 days, and say it is good. But I guess you can when the vote is what the negotiating committee wanted. I do know this we will probably be on the backburner for about 4 months, then pick up in Feb 2019. If you look at SWA,labor page the The evil TWU as rambling SWAmprat calls them with the gate agents are already T/A articles. The stores Teamsters have had two contracts to vote on, the last on failed by 20 votes, 50 people didn't bother to vote. The Sim techs also Teamsters have an earlier opener have already T/A 30 of 37 articles in two negotiating sessions. Why we sit and fight and leak vote results. However our union AMFA continues to blame SWA. We have a union problem, Go Figure. So Weazz you tell me?
Weazz even though AMFA self vindicated doesn't mean they are out of the woods with the Federal government, I don't know how you can do an investigation in 3 days, and say it is good. But I guess you can when the vote is what the negotiating committee wanted. I do know this we will probably be on the backburner for about 4 months, then pick up in Feb 2019. If you look at SWA,labor page the The evil TWU as rambling SWAmprat calls them with the gate agents are already T/A articles. The stores Teamsters have had two contracts to vote on, the last on failed by 20 votes, 50 people didn't bother to vote. The Sim techs also Teamsters have an earlier opener have already T/A 30 of 37 articles in two negotiating sessions. Why we sit and fight and leak vote results. However our union AMFA continues to blame SWA. We have a union problem, Go Figure. So Weazz you tell me?

Well SWAmprat continues to post on the AA threads and no one at all has been responding to him. The weird part is how he doesn’t get it. He asks questions of bunches of people and they continue to be completely unanswered. Check it out for yourself. It’s weird.

I have a feeling you’re going to go on the back burner for the most part as the Airline prepares to start the FA talks? For you driver I’m sorry.

“Your TWU Local 556 Negotiating Committee is conducting a preliminary survey for upcoming Contract negotiations. Membership input is vital and will play an important role in bringing your voice to the bargaining table with your Negotiating Committee. This survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. All individual answers will be kept confidential and anonymous. Remember, every Member’s voice counts so please complete the entire survey.

The survey was sent to your personal email on Monday, August 27th. Please check your Spam/Junk folders. If you have still not received the survey, please contact the Negotiating Committee at negotiators@twu556.org.

The survey will be closing on September 10th at 9:00 pm Central time.”

Well SWAmprat continues to post on the AA threads and no one at all has been responding to him. The weird part is how he doesn’t get it. He asks questions of bunches of people and they continue to be completely unanswered. Check it out for yourself. It’s weird.

I have a feeling you’re going to go on the back burner for the most part as the Airline prepares to start the FA talks? For you driver I’m sorry.

“Your TWU Local 556 Negotiating Committee is conducting a preliminary survey for upcoming Contract negotiations. Membership input is vital and will play an important role in bringing your voice to the bargaining table with your Negotiating Committee. This survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. All individual answers will be kept confidential and anonymous. Remember, every Member’s voice counts so please complete the entire survey.

The survey was sent to your personal email on Monday, August 27th. Please check your Spam/Junk folders. If you have still not received the survey, please contact the Negotiating Committee at negotiators@twu556.org.

The survey will be closing on September 10th at 9:00 pm Central time.”

View attachment 13292
Yeah let me pump you for information, ask how the card drive is going, interjected into What the Association will do. It goes on and on. Meanwhile we can't even do a simple T/A vote without messing that up. Oh I forgot about his associates little red x, on all my post. It's a fun circus to watch, the AMFA clown bus.
Yeah let me pump you for information, ask how the card drive is going, interjected into What the Association will do. It goes on and on. Meanwhile we can't even do a simple T/A vote without messing that up. Oh I forgot about his associates little red x, on all my post. It's a fun circus to watch, the AMFA clown bus.

It’s really out there now bro. I can’t even figure out what his MO is anymore? It’s the same thing every time like some type of bad advertisement. And the “You’re 100% right” shtick is hilarious.

I’ll admit I glance at what he writes but without paragraphs I just can’t read it. And it way too long winded.

Funny how the AMT’s don’t even respond to him at all.