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WN Mechanics seek mediation

Hey driver do you think (God forbid) this guy swamp is a representative or even (gulp) an Elected Official for AMFA?

Every once in awhile he’ll write something that leads me to believe it’s a possibility?

If your Membership voted for that guy I’d have to give up my Union card and go Agency fee. He has to be the dumbest poster by far on Forums.
Hey driver do you think (God forbid) this guy swamp is a representative or even (gulp) an Elected Official for AMFA?

Every once in awhile he’ll write something that leads me to believe it’s a possibility?

If your Membership voted for that guy I’d have to give up my Union card and go Agency fee. He has to be the dumbest poster by far on Forums.
Don't know, he sure gives them every excuse in the book. Hey you need to change your big 6,-number to Hello #7, for 7 years!. He talks about your Association , gotta love it, have a great Saturday ! 🙂
Don't know, he sure gives them every excuse in the book. Hey you need to change your big 6,-number to Hello #7, for 7 years!. He talks about your Association , gotta love it, have a great Saturday ! 🙂

I think on the AA threads there are currently 2 individuals with some problems Mentally. (19th and 20th letter of the alphabet)

And I’m not going to jump the gun with going for 7 just yet.

But even mentioning 7 YEARS is INSANE.
I think on the AA threads there are currently 2 individuals with some problems Mentally. (19th and 20th letter of the alphabet)

And I’m not going to jump the gun with going for 7 just yet.

But even mentioning 7 YEARS is INSANE.
As Far as I am concerned 6 months to have a T/A vote is insane. Leaking voting results is criminal. But SWarat will defend them to their bitter end.
As Far as I am concerned 6 months to have a T/A vote is insane. Leaking voting results is criminal. But SWarat will defend them to their bitter end.
You keep putting your misguided anger towards the union, rather than where it belongs: with the company. They’re the ones who didn’t negotiate in good faith and kept these talks dragging out so long. They didn’t even give an economic proposal until 2016- that’s 4 years past the amendable!! Remember the Jan ‘14 proposal of no raise, only bonuses? That’s how the company was trying to ‘negotiate’ for the first 4 years.
The union didn’t leak the vote numbers (as much as you want to believe they did), it was some of your coworkers. It doesn’t appear to have gone your way- grow up, and get over it.
None of us are happy about how long this process has been, but you lose credibility when you just blame the union for this taking so long.
You keep putting your misguided anger towards the union, rather than where it belongs: with the company. They’re the ones who didn’t negotiate in good faith and kept these talks dragging out so long.

None of us are happy about how long this process has been, but you lose credibility when you just blame the union for this taking so long.

Do me a favor blue collar. Take just these two paragraphs and go share them over on the AA threads.

There seems to be a bit of hypocrisy going on over there that I’m sure you wouldn’t mind helping to straighten out.
You keep putting your misguided anger towards the union, rather than where it belongs: with the company. They’re the ones who didn’t negotiate in good faith and kept these talks dragging out so long. They didn’t even give an economic proposal until 2016- that’s 4 years past the amendable!! Remember the Jan ‘14 proposal of no raise, only bonuses? That’s how the company was trying to ‘negotiate’ for the first 4 years.
The union didn’t leak the vote numbers (as much as you want to believe they did), it was some of your coworkers. It doesn’t appear to have gone your way- grow up, and get over it.
None of us are happy about how long this process has been, but you lose credibility when you just blame the union for this taking so long.
Exactly. Well said.
I would like to also add that most of us will not just leap on the current offer "just because it's been so long" We all make decent money and are able to wait until we are made whole or the company will continue to get no votes. When will they ever get over that they can no longer buy us on the cheap for the 5 year pay freeze. The real fair offers didn't start until last year, everything before this was all BS offers hoping we would jump on the first one.
You keep putting your misguided anger towards the union, rather than where it belongs: with the company. They’re the ones who didn’t negotiate in good faith and kept these talks dragging out so long. They didn’t even give an economic proposal until 2016- that’s 4 years past the amendable!! Remember the Jan ‘14 proposal of no raise, only bonuses? That’s how the company was trying to ‘negotiate’ for the first 4 years.
The union didn’t leak the vote numbers (as much as you want to believe they did), it was some of your coworkers. It doesn’t appear to have gone your way- grow up, and get over it.
None of us are happy about how long this process has been, but you lose credibility when you just blame the union for this taking so long.
If you are in Dallas , I don't work in Dallas it was your Co workers that did the leak. Funny the federal government will want to know how a voter got a executive passcode for a voting code. It was Dallas that started the Family week that got AMFA sued. Tell me Blue Collar why can every other work group except stores failed by 18 votes, this last time successfully negotiate a contract with SWA within 5 years? But our Union can not. I blame our union when they preached scope and they get scope.Then in the roadshows the AMFA hired economist tells everyone they are getting screwed for the first hour of the roadshow. I blame the union when they out and out lie and say American Airlines mechanics are going to $55 a hour in January of 2019, when Brett knows damn good and well they are no where near a contract. If American was anywhere near a contract they wouldn't be trying to do a card drive. The Association would present an offer if they thought there was any chance in Hell of that possibility. But keep living in Fantasy land. Good luck .
If you are in Dallas , I don't work in Dallas it was your Co workers that did the leak. Funny the federal government will want to know how a voter got a executive passcode for a voting code. It was Dallas that started the Family week that got AMFA sued. Tell me Blue Collar why can every other work group except stores failed by 18 votes, this last time successfully negotiate a contract with SWA within 5 years? But our Union can not. I blame our union when they preached scope and they get scope.Then in the roadshows the AMFA hired economist tells everyone they are getting screwed for the first hour of the roadshow. I blame the union when they out and out lie and say American Airlines mechanics are going to $55 a hour in January of 2019, when Brett knows damn good and well they are no where near a contract. If American was anywhere near a contract they wouldn't be trying to do a card drive. The Association would present an offer if they thought there was any chance in Hell of that possibility. But keep living in Fantasy land. Good luck .
I’m not in dallas, regardless, it was one of our coworkers (mechanic) came across that screen. No password required.
This is the second time stores had voted theirs down, so as you can see it doesn’t matter what acronym is negotiating for you- whether it’s AMFA or IBT, the company doesn’t want to negotiate to get a done deal.
At the roadshow I went to, the economist didn’t say we were getting screwed. He showed where we should be if we kept the same trajectory (3%), and where the company was offering. I think amfa did a great job of hiring the economist- he was extremely informative and clearly very good at his job. We’re not the only represented group that sought his expertise either.
Attack amfa all you want, it won’t make one difference in your representation. You can be angry at them for this offer not passing, but your blame is totally misplaced. As of the time of its publishing, the numbers show 75% of the voters -your coworkers- don’t approve of this deal. Do you really think we’re all brainwashed? Or is it that we think on our own and vote what’s best for our families?
I’m not in dallas, regardless, it was one of our coworkers (mechanic) came across that screen. No password required.
This is the second time stores had voted theirs down, so as you can see it doesn’t matter what acronym is negotiating for you- whether it’s AMFA or IBT, the company doesn’t want to negotiate to get a done deal.
At the roadshow I went to, the economist didn’t say we were getting screwed. He showed where we should be if we kept the same trajectory (3%), and where the company was offering. I think amfa did a great job of hiring the economist- he was extremely informative and clearly very good at his job. We’re not the only represented group that sought his expertise either.
Attack amfa all you want, it won’t make one difference in your representation. You can be angry at them for this offer not passing, but your blame is totally misplaced. As of the time of its publishing, the numbers show 75% of the voters -your coworkers- don’t approve of this deal. Do you really think we’re all brainwashed? Or is it that we think on our own and vote what’s best for our families?
I’m not in dallas, regardless, it was one of our coworkers (mechanic) came across that screen. No password required.
This is the second time stores had voted theirs down, so as you can see it doesn’t matter what acronym is negotiating for you- whether it’s AMFA or IBT, the company doesn’t want to negotiate to get a done deal.
At the roadshow I went to, the economist didn’t say we were getting screwed. He showed where we should be if we kept the same trajectory (3%), and where the company was offering. I think amfa did a great job of hiring the economist- he was extremely informative and clearly very good at his job. We’re not the only represented group that sought his expertise either.
Attack amfa all you want, it won’t make one difference in your representation. You can be angry at them for this offer not passing, but your blame is totally misplaced. As of the time of its publishing, the numbers show 75% of the voters -your coworkers- don’t approve of this deal. Do you really think we’re all brainwashed? Or is it that we think on our own and vote what’s best for our families?
We will never be made whole for a lost 6 years. Now going into 7. A union can sell a package or they can poison it, and kill it.
I’m not in dallas, regardless, it was one of our coworkers (mechanic) came across that screen. No password required.
This is the second time stores had voted theirs down, so as you can see it doesn’t matter what acronym is negotiating for you- whether it’s AMFA or IBT, the company doesn’t want to negotiate to get a done deal.
At the roadshow I went to, the economist didn’t say we were getting screwed. He showed where we should be if we kept the same trajectory (3%), and where the company was offering. I think amfa did a great job of hiring the economist- he was extremely informative and clearly very good at his job. We’re not the only represented group that sought his expertise either.
Attack amfa all you want, it won’t make one difference in your representation. You can be angry at them for this offer not passing, but your blame is totally misplaced. As of the time of its publishing, the numbers show 75% of the voters -your coworkers- don’t approve of this deal. Do you really think we’re all brainwashed? Or is it that we think on our own and vote what’s best for our families?

Hey Blue, I would like to see our National get proactive and get all the surveys ready to go out at the push of a button electronically as well as snail mail back ups.
Several guys have asked about getting back to the table asap. I mean sure with the 75% no vote we have seen so far is pretty big, I haven't talked to a single no voter that wants to drag this out any longer than it has to. I would think the company wants the same. We will see as soon as the union sends the company the results and at the same time request some new dates to get back to it. If they do the survey by electronics, it would not be all that long to get the results back, so proactively setting meeting dates to bring everyone up to date, discus the main issues at hand (we all already know it's economic issues), and get things in motion. This way when the surveys do come in and it is confirmed to be economics then we have dent already started. IMO, this doesn't even have to get past this year if both sides were "REALLY" wanting to get this done and over with. I do understand busy schedules that will be coming with the holidays, but it could be done by this year. Maybe 1st Q of next year. We will all see where the companies heart for their employees are by all their moves from here on out. Their actions will say it all. Let's all ask our National to get proactive if they haven't already started to do so themselves (which I bet they have) Just looking at moving things along is all. We will all see the results a week from tomorrow. Wow, that month went super fast.
Hey Blue, I would like to see our National get proactive and get all the surveys ready to go out at the push of a button electronically as well as snail mail back ups.
Several guys have asked about getting back to the table asap. I mean sure with the 75% no vote we have seen so far is pretty big, I haven't talked to a single no voter that wants to drag this out any longer than it has to. I would think the company wants the same. We will see as soon as the union sends the company the results and at the same time request some new dates to get back to it. If they do the survey by electronics, it would not be all that long to get the results back, so proactively setting meeting dates to bring everyone up to date, discus the main issues at hand (we all already know it's economic issues), and get things in motion. This way when the surveys do come in and it is confirmed to be economics then we have dent already started. IMO, this doesn't even have to get past this year if both sides were "REALLY" wanting to get this done and over with. I do understand busy schedules that will be coming with the holidays, but it could be done by this year. Maybe 1st Q of next year. We will all see where the companies heart for their employees are by all their moves from here on out. Their actions will say it all. Let's all ask our National to get proactive if they haven't already started to do so themselves (which I bet they have) Just looking at moving things along is all. We will all see the results a week from tomorrow. Wow, that month went super fast.

If I was SWA Management the very day it’s announced that you all voted no I would ask the NMB to release the parties to engage in self help.

Now the Government probably wouldn’t let you Strike anyway but absolutely SWA can set up another NWA type decimation that would scare the crap out of you guys.

I’m sure Management can easily have the replacements they’ll need ready to go. I mean there’s only 2300 of you. Not much at all.
If I was SWA Management the very day it’s announced that you all voted no I would ask the NMB to release the parties to engage in self help.

Now the Government probably wouldn’t let you Strike anyway but absolutely SWA can set up another NWA type decimation that would scare the crap out of you guys.

I’m sure Management can easily have the replacements they’ll need ready to go. I mean there’s only 2300 of you. Not much at all.
They would crap their pants. Oh no how will I pay for my $65,000 truck, if I can't work my overtime. My feeling is they will get back to us in 5 months, and then people will realize AMFA has no power to move the football. After attending the Ra Ra vote No pep rally ! 🙂
Well, we will find out this Tues. I still take the computer glitch numbers with a grain of salt. However, if they are true and accurate, then they do say a lot. With 75% being no votes so early on in the voting speaks volumes. The company's offer did not meet the needs of the membership. When you lack making your employees whole from a planned 5 year pay freeze of course your gonna get a no vote, especially when 3/4's of the members vote it down. Just as in the Pilots and F/A's first rejected vote.
Now we will see if Nitchski is true to his words of, "we never wanted to have these prolonged negotiations." We will see if the company will honor his words and get right back at it OR will they continue to drag things out just as they have for the last 6 years. We all know both sides are upset with one another but it's time to put your big boys pants on and get to an agreement that can be passed by the membership.
The company has already started their propaganda from their side with false rumors getting started from their side with their puppets. Just stop it and put your big boy pants on and get back to it. It obviously wasn't the offer the membership would accept. And after the economist explained all the numbers in a straight forward presentation the members were not falling for the companies propaganda and games to how they came up with their numbers. Fix the numbers and stop the games company nego's, you would never treat your "other" employee groups like this...