Hey Blue, I would like to see our National get proactive and get all the surveys ready to go out at the push of a button electronically as well as snail mail back ups.
Several guys have asked about getting back to the table asap. I mean sure with the 75% no vote we have seen so far is pretty big, I haven't talked to a single no voter that wants to drag this out any longer than it has to. I would think the company wants the same. We will see as soon as the union sends the company the results and at the same time request some new dates to get back to it. If they do the survey by electronics, it would not be all that long to get the results back, so proactively setting meeting dates to bring everyone up to date, discus the main issues at hand (we all already know it's economic issues), and get things in motion. This way when the surveys do come in and it is confirmed to be economics then we have dent already started. IMO, this doesn't even have to get past this year if both sides were "REALLY" wanting to get this done and over with. I do understand busy schedules that will be coming with the holidays, but it could be done by this year. Maybe 1st Q of next year. We will all see where the companies heart for their employees are by all their moves from here on out. Their actions will say it all. Let's all ask our National to get proactive if they haven't already started to do so themselves (which I bet they have) Just looking at moving things along is all. We will all see the results a week from tomorrow. Wow, that month went super fast.