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WN Mechanics seek mediation

If any of this is true, then like birdman said, it’s a moot point. Mathematically it would be impossible to change the vote whether everyone left voted one way or the other. Regardless, people shouldn’t vote how they’re told anyways- they should vote based on what’s good for them and their family. However the results end up, we’ll all move on past it.
That's how I voted. However to prove it is legitimate you have to provide proof the votes are legitimate and were secure, and could not be tampered with.
Whatever it was that I saw doesn’t show any tampering. We’ll have to see what truballot has to say about the incident, and whether there was any evidence of tampering.
That's how I voted. However to prove it is legitimate you have to provide proof the votes are legitimate and were secure, and could not be tampered with.
By just looking on the TrueBallot client list (http://www.trueballot.com/trueballot.aspx) and not seeing the TWU gives me confidence it's a legitimate company. They made a mistake and perhaps they can do something to restore your faith in this process. I've known Bret O for many years and if he felt the vote had been tampered with in any way voting would be promptly suspended. Not sure why Nitschke would send out a notice admonishing us to vote by the 18th but he lost me at "we never wanted a lengthy negotiations process", which we all know is a blatant lie. They obviously know the T/A will be rejected and should be preparing a proposal that we can all live with.
Let's say there were 1900 votes cast when the snafu occurred at TrueBallot (I don't know actual count but swamt said almost 2000). 75% reject of 1900 is 1425 rejects, well beyond the 50% +1 required. Voter turnout is a moot point. I haven't even cast my vote yet but will do so closer to the end date due to a lesson learned on Sept. 11, 2001.

I agree. But I was also being somewhat sensitive to some on here that will take this latest news as a personal attack of some sort. It may very well be a moot point and I agree there as well, however, I would still encourage each and all to cast their ballot votes and enter the selection that best fits them, their families, and the direction they want it to go in the future. I really don't give a rats butt which way anyone votes, but for God's sake for the participation, please vote. (not a personal note to you Bird, to everyone in general.)
Lesson learned about voting? Or the difference every single day can actually have on our industry?? Pretty sure I got it, just verifying...
Whatever it was that I saw doesn’t show any tampering. We’ll have to see what truballot has to say about the incident, and whether there was any evidence of tampering.
Me too blue. Waiting to see something more but may not come until after the 18th when it is all said and done.
I don't think, at this time, there was any tampering done intentionally. Like we were told from the start, it appears to be a computer glitch with the programming by true ballot and has nothing to do with AMFA whatsoever. And this is exactly why you hire a separate third party to run the elections where the third party is completely and utterly non bias.
By just looking on the TrueBallot client list (http://www.trueballot.com/trueballot.aspx) and not seeing the TWU gives me confidence it's a legitimate company. They made a mistake and perhaps they can do something to restore your faith in this process. I've known Bret O for many years and if he felt the vote had been tampered with in any way voting would be promptly suspended. Not sure why Nitschke would send out a notice admonishing us to vote by the 18th but he lost me at "we never wanted a lengthy negotiations process", which we all know is a blatant lie. They obviously know the T/A will be rejected and should be preparing a proposal that we can all live with.
Speaking of lengthy nego's. Maybe AMFA could get the survey ready to where all they have to do is push a button to send to 2500-2600 mechanics. Hopefully they will be sending it out electronically with snail mail as back up.
I never have believed anything Nitschke says or promises, period. I know for fact he knew all about the "pay freeze" that was (do I dare say ordered?) directed from the upper, upper officers in control.
I would say he is inducing more yes votes, in hopes of making his contract nego cmte looking a little bit better than the current 75/25 numbers they have. Heck maybe we will get even more no votes and better an 80%+ count to better show the company how we really feel as a whole "employee group". It sure did help out the Pilots and F/A's, did it not? So at this point, I would rather see more no votes to better support our NC when they return to the table.
We all could sit here and go over it play by play, minute by minute, but in the long run, it looks more than likely like it will fail. So BOTH sides need to prepare and be ready and willing to get back to the table quickly and promptly and come to a real "T/A" that is agreed upon by both sides so we can all move on...
By just looking on the TrueBallot client list (http://www.trueballot.com/trueballot.aspx) and not seeing the TWU gives me confidence it's a legitimate company. They made a mistake and perhaps they can do something to restore your faith in this process. I've known Bret O for many years and if he felt the vote had been tampered with in any way voting would be promptly suspended. Not sure why Nitschke would send out a notice admonishing us to vote by the 18th but he lost me at "we never wanted a lengthy negotiations process", which we all know is a blatant lie. They obviously know the T/A will be rejected and should be preparing a proposal that we can all live with.
The way AMFA could save face on this fiasco is do a revote, or prove beyond a shadow of a doubt the votes were secure. Then not use true ballot again, ever. Also the people that posted it on AMFA 11 Facebook, fired!
The way AMFA could save face on this fiasco is do a revote, or prove beyond a shadow of a doubt the votes were secure. Then not use true ballot again, ever. Also the people that posted it on AMFA 11 Facebook, fired!
Save face? AMFA didn’t do anything wrong, and to blame them this early without knowing all the facts of what happened is ridiculous. As far as a re-vote, sure - but what’s the point if the results weren’t tampered with? Just to see the same result? You said one of your reasons for voting yes was that you want to get it over with and move on because it’s been so long; but now you want it to drag out even longer? Listen Chuck, you gotta get your anti AMFA disorder in check.
Save face? AMFA didn’t do anything wrong, and to blame them this early without knowing all the facts of what happened is ridiculous. As far as a re-vote, sure - but what’s the point if the results weren’t tampered with? Just to see the same result? You said one of your reasons for voting yes was that you want to get it over with and move on because it’s been so long; but now you want it to drag out even longer? Listen Chuck, you gotta get your anti AMFA disorder in check.
I am not Chuck. If you can prove the votes are secure so be it, and move on .You have to admit We have used true ballot for years, same operating softwear for all the union elections , never gotten into. Suddenly when AMFA wants a No vote , we can see the votes, but that's not suspicious, come on?
I am not Chuck. If you can prove the votes are secure so be it, and move on .You have to admit We have used true ballot for years, same operating softwear for all the union elections , never gotten into. Suddenly when AMFA wants a No vote , we can see the votes, but that's not suspicious, come on?
Hey chuck, let me guess AMFA hired and are now working with the Russians to fight against SWA and the 300-500 yes voters? Why would you give AMFA so much credit for having such power and influence there has to be certification of some sort by the end of voting to make it official ie LMRDA, Department of Labor and Tru Ballot correct? They represent what 3000 members total? I am really trying hard to find any logic to your thought process.
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Hey chuck, let me guess AMFA hired and are now working with the Russians to fight against SWA and the 300-500 yes voters? Why would you give AMFA so much credit for having such power and influence there has to be certification of some sort by the end of voting to make it official ie LMRDA, Department of Labor and Tru Ballot correct? They represent what 3000 members total? I am really trying hard to find any logic to your thought process.
Not Chuck, again. I do not see how when a process is not even done yet, and certified. That AMFA can say we investigated and there is nothing to see here. The fact remains they wanted a No vote. Someone pass code magically opened a closed site where you can see the live voting, post it a picture of it, with over 2 weeks to go in a vote process, and then will take no action on the individual. When we have been under federal mediation since 2015, and voting a contract in 6 years. But we took six months to get a T/A vote, and launched and closed an investigation in 2 days. But that's perfectly fine.
Not Chuck, again. I do not see how when a process is not even done yet, and certified. That AMFA can say we investigated and there is nothing to see here. The fact remains they wanted a No vote. Someone pass code magically opened a closed site where you can see the live voting, post it a picture of it, with over 2 weeks to go in a vote process, and then will take no action on the individual. When we have been under federal mediation since 2015, and voting a contract in 6 years. But we took six months to get a T/A vote, and launched and closed an investigation in 2 days. But that's perfectly fine.
Assumption or fact? Not sure what protocol? probably started when voting company got notified they have their reputation on the line, been more than 2 days since you shook the tree.
Assumption or fact? Not sure what protocol? probably started when voting company got notified they have their reputation on the line, been more than 2 days since you shook the tree.
It was noticed on the Sept 2nd, was started investigation on Monday, closed Today by AMFA kinda like Jesus Christ rising from the dead, so 3 days.

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