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Bullshit more of AMFA tricks to influence the vote, the very person that leaked this information from Dallas AMFA 11, hopefully it was you SWarat or one of your Lts, so charges can be filed, and the perpetrators fired. Don't ever say anything about industrial unions tricks. SWA knows about it, good luck with your tainted vote, two weeks out. These are federal violations, and stuff across state lines. Your buddies better have Seham on speed dial. Go Figure! Here you go Weazz independent crooked union!

Completely NOT surprised, at all, not even in the slightest. Looks like the AMFA Lawyers are going to continue to be busy getting paid by you guys.
Completely NOT surprised, at all, not even in the slightest. Looks like the AMFA Lawyers are going to continue to be busy getting paid by you guys.
At least the truth is slowly being revealed . Can't wait till the Feds eat them for lunch. American was smart to avoid these guys like the plague. I am sure the vote will be challenged . More time wasted!
Calm down man your amfacosis is starting to flare up.

You know Crow, since this happened over the weekend and here we are now on Wed., mid week, I am surprised someone is not on here blaming AMFA for this computer glitch. True Ballot has already accepted responsibility so it is completely off the backs of AMFA, our NC and any officers.
To walk thru what took place here in Dallas, a member was making his vote, after submitting the vote he somehow tapped some buttons to get back out of the program and it took them to the results tally page. Of course, he and others all stood there, asking "could it be real?" etc... So they all took pictures with their cell phones and passed out the info like it was a hot potato. It was soon thru-out the system by Mon. morn. When I received my first call on Sat. I admit, I did question if it was validated or not. As of Sat. I had no validation. Come Mon. morn. 9-10 am I received a phone call from a friend inside the union and she did say it was true, that True Ballot has accepted responsibility and she also said TB (True Ballot) better not charge us for this computer glitch for the vote tally. I do not know if they will or will not charge our union for this.
Crow, this is just bad, bad timing. AMFA, SWA nor the membership really needs something like this to happen at this very sensitive timing. We will all see come 18th.
You know Crow, since this happened over the weekend and here we are now on Wed., mid week, I am surprised someone is not on here blaming AMFA for this computer glitch. True Ballot has already accepted responsibility so it is completely off the backs of AMFA, our NC and any officers.
To walk thru what took place here in Dallas, a member was making his vote, after submitting the vote he somehow tapped some buttons to get back out of the program and it took them to the results tally page. Of course, he and others all stood there, asking "could it be real?" etc... So they all took pictures with their cell phones and passed out the info like it was a hot potato. It was soon thru-out the system by Mon. morn. When I received my first call on Sat. I admit, I did question if it was validated or not. As of Sat. I had no validation. Come Mon. morn. 9-10 am I received a phone call from a friend inside the union and she did say it was true, that True Ballot has accepted responsibility and she also said TB (True Ballot) better not charge us for this computer glitch for the vote tally. I do not know if they will or will not charge our union for this.
Crow, this is just bad, bad timing. AMFA, SWA nor the membership really needs something like this to happen at this very sensitive timing. We will all see come 18th.
It will be looked into, and challenged, it effects voter behavior, and AMFA needs to be charged .More lies. I have contacted my D.A. friend for advice and contacts, good luck.
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You know Crow, since this happened over the weekend and here we are now on Wed., mid week, I am surprised someone is not on here blaming AMFA for this computer glitch.

Yep. Driver knee jerked so fast I wonder if he tore a ligament. It's always AMFA's fault with him.
It will be looked into, and challenged, it effects voter behavior, and AMFA needs to be charged .More lies. I have contacted my D.A. friend for advice and contacts, good luck.

You are starting to sound like a.....
I'm just now learning of this computer glitch issue and on the surface seems like an innocent oversight on TrueBallots part. I see no harm done in mistakenly knowing what the current count is and there are pros and cons to it being standard procedure to have an open ballot count. This incident certainly pales in comparison to the tainted and corrupt 2003 TWU concession contract vote at AA that passed by the slimmest of margins. The topper was you could change your vote up until the last minute of the voting deadline and there were many inconsistencies that were ignored.
Yep. Driver knee jerked so fast I wonder if he tore a ligament. It's always AMFA's fault with him.
Oh he did? I thought at least him if not another one or two might start spouting off prior to getting all the information first, hence your next post I assume. It really does just make people look foolish and derails any credibility if there was any to begin with.
It suks that this happened. The ironic part of all this is, even if all the remaining voters voted yes it still would have failed with all non participation, some who never votes for anything at any time, and the I don't care folks. With almost 2000 votes already tallied (when this happened) and the numbers I saw were at or near 75% and 25% with the no's leading, it really does look like it will fail to pass. But, you never know.
Man, you just gotta love this stuff man...

You are starting to sound like a.....
I assume you posted this after he knee jerked himself so fast into a frenzy...
I'm just now learning of this computer glitch issue and on the surface seems like an innocent oversight on TrueBallots part. I see no harm done in mistakenly knowing what the current count is and there are pros and cons to it being standard procedure to have an open ballot count. This incident certainly pales in comparison to the tainted and corrupt 2003 TWU concession contract vote at AA that passed by the slimmest of margins. The topper was you could change your vote up until the last minute of the voting deadline and there were many inconsistencies that were ignored.
I hate to tell you it affects voter turn out. It is a big deal regardless if you think so or not. If the shoe was on the other foot, you guys would be screaming foul.
Knee Jerk reaction
Bullshit more of AMFA tricks to influence the vote,

Your buddies better have Seham on speed dial. Go Figure! Here you go Weazz independent crooked union!

good luck with your tainted vote, two weeks out.

Hey Weazz go to the SWA page seems our T/A vote is going to get real interesting seems someone or some people took a screen shot of our voting talley two weeks about before it closes and post it on AMFA 11 Facebook page. So much for the big industrial crooked unions, someone is in deep **** trying to influence why voting is still going on. Seems AMFA is taking a page out of Trump's playbook blaming a computer glitches. You can't make this stuff up.

Nope just AMFA got their hand caught in the cookie jar.

and AMFA needs to be charged .More lies.
I hate to tell you it affects voter turn out. It is a big deal regardless if you think so or not. If the shoe was on the other foot, you guys would be screaming foul.
Let's say there were 1900 votes cast when the snafu occurred at TrueBallot (I don't know actual count but swamt said almost 2000). 75% reject of 1900 is 1425 rejects, well beyond the 50% +1 required. Voter turnout is a moot point. I haven't even cast my vote yet but will do so closer to the end date due to a lesson learned on Sept. 11, 2001.
Let's say there were 1900 votes cast when the snafu occurred at TrueBallot (I don't know actual count but swamt said almost 2000). 75% reject of 1900 is 1425 rejects, well beyond the 50% +1 required. Voter turnout is a moot point. I haven't even cast my vote yet but will do so closer to the end date due to a lesson learned on Sept. 11, 2001.
I respect the September 11 th, the point is they have to prove the votes are secure. The sin son
Let's say there were 1900 votes cast when the snafu occurred at TrueBallot (I don't know actual count but swamt said almost 2000). 75% reject of 1900 is 1425 rejects, well beyond the 50% +1 required. Voter turnout is a moot point. I haven't even cast my vote yet but will do so closer to the end date due to a lesson learned on Sept. 11, 2001.

the guy shared it, is the sin.Giving AMFA another black eye, taking away another Trump card.
Oh he did? I thought at least him if not another one or two might start spouting off prior to getting all the information first, hence your next post I assume. It really does just make people look foolish and derails any credibility if there was any to begin with.
It suks that this happened. The ironic part of all this is, even if all the remaining voters voted yes it still would have failed with all non participation, some who never votes for anything at any time, and the I don't care folks. With almost 2000 votes already tallied (when this happened) and the numbers I saw were at or near 75% and 25% with the no's leading, it really does look like it will fail to pass. But, you never know.
Man, you just gotta love this stuff man...

I assume you posted this after he knee jerked himself so fast into a frenzy...
If you were a man, you wouldn't have me on ignore and realize our precious AMFA has F uped you don't just press buttons on a computer and magically have a talley sheet, on a secured Web site that does hundreds of union elections. But as usual you just make excuses. Someone had inside help. GO Figure.
If any of this is true, then like birdman said, it’s a moot point. Mathematically it would be impossible to change the vote whether everyone left voted one way or the other. Regardless, people shouldn’t vote how they’re told anyways- they should vote based on what’s good for them and their family. However the results end up, we’ll all move on past it.

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