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WN Mechanics seek mediation

You are way out of touch. Not one NC member has said as you have claimed above and you know this. Name the names of the people you "claim" are saying current offer from co. would pass. You are so full of crap. YOU are doing the work for the company coming on here and stating these lies. YOU are trying to make the NC look weak for the co. YOU are not a good union man trying to pit other members against the nego. cmte. YOU have fallen for the propaganda of the co. just like the little puppet you are. I see now why your ALR refuses to return your calls, because you are 100% company man with puppet strings under full control of what the company propaganda machine has controlled you...
Your a liar Swamt all of our local 4 , our ALR have said that in union meetings and the road show and in private. YOU guys in Dallas are so afraid of the rule changes, and that is why we don't have a T/A. And until we get what Dallas wants no T/A. There is no propaganda, these are the facts. They recommend a no vote in 2009, and guess what it passed. Where I am at people want to see a T/A, you guys are scared shitless that once it comes out, if you don't like it, the rest of the membership will outvote Dallas, and that will become our contract. So therefore nothing to vote on plain and simple. There is no agenda to make a union member look bad, unless you are personally on the negotiating committee at the table, don't tell me your lies.So until it is what the negotiating committee wants and their pets they are trying to protect there will be no T/A. They can put out all the updates they want to, and these are the facts, and it will not change.
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That's because AMFA does not just simply agree with all the co. demands like your union has for well over 30 plus years.

What a load of BS. The Contract you currently work under and enjoy at the end of the day is still and has been for a long time now, a Teamster negotiated deal (minus one extension)

Give me the historical list of contracts that “Seeham” (They’re not AMFA) Group has brought back in the industry and where are those deals today?

Otherwise I don’t buy in to the propaganda on either side buddy.
They are just little sheep that will follow the AMFA crooked lawyers off the edge of the mountain. SMH! AMFA MUST GO!!!
They are just little sheep that will follow the AMFA crooked lawyers off the edge of the mountain. SMH! AMFA MUST GO!!!

You know these zombies can say what they want about what they need to call “Industrial Unions” but at least at the end of the day eventually they will strike a deal keeping the ball moving.

When the TWU came out with their Ramp TA there at SWA it was a coin toss after I read it if I would have voted yes or no. It passed by 51%. Kind of around the numbers I thought for a pass or fail. But now they’re done and they’re moving forward. No more living with the unknown.

Seeham Group does not want a contract deal because then they can’t foster the animosity between you guys and the Company to generate these Lawsuits and BILL YOU.
You know these zombies can say what they want about what they need to call “Industrial Unions” but at least at the end of the day eventually they will strike a deal keeping the ball moving.

When the TWU came out with their Ramp TA there at SWA it was a coin toss after I read it if I would have voted yes or no. It passed by 51%. Kind of around the numbers I thought for a pass or fail. But now they’re done and they’re moving forward. No more living with the unknown.

Seeham Group does not want a contract deal because then they can’t foster the animosity between you guys and the Company to generate these Lawsuits and BILL YOU.

You are exactly right! That's what I have been trying to tell everyone. If our Company and Employees partner together and can find a common ground on issues how much money does a lawyer make? ZERO!!! The AMFA lawyers are the ones that want to drag this out as long as possible. How much are they making on lawsuits, AIR 21s, Letter writing. etc.? When we get a contract that all dries up for them. AMFA was started by the law firm to drive work into the law firm. Wake up Sheep!!! AMFA MUST GO!!!
You know these zombies can say what they want about what they need to call “Industrial Unions” but at least at the end of the day eventually they will strike a deal keeping the ball moving.

When the TWU came out with their Ramp TA there at SWA it was a coin toss after I read it if I would have voted yes or no. It passed by 51%. Kind of around the numbers I thought for a pass or fail. But now they’re done and they’re moving forward. No more living with the unknown.

Seeham Group does not want a contract deal because then they can’t foster the animosity between you guys and the Company to generate these Lawsuits and BILL YOU.
If AMFA ran an Airline they would be bankrupt and selling the assets in a Chapter 7 bankruptcy!
You are exactly right! That's what I have been trying to tell everyone. If our Company and Employees partner together and can find a common ground on issues how much money does a lawyer make? ZERO!!! The AMFA lawyers are the ones that want to drag this out as long as possible. How much are they making on lawsuits, AIR 21s, Letter writing. etc.? When we get a contract that all dries up for them. AMFA was started by the law firm to drive work into the law firm. Wake up Sheep!!! AMFA MUST GO!!!

You do know how stupid that sounds, right? So the company is on one side, AMFA is on the other, and Seeham is in the middle keeping us from coming to an agreement, so he can line his pockets?
You do know how stupid that sounds, right? So the company is on one side, AMFA is on the other, and Seeham is in the middle keeping us from coming to an agreement, so he can line his pockets?

Are you out of your mind? Of course a Lawyer is in the business (like you) to make money. Engaging in legal disputes and charging billable Hours is how they do that.
You do know how stupid that sounds, right? So the company is on one side, AMFA is on the other, and Seeham is in the middle keeping us from coming to an agreement, so he can line his pockets?
He doesn't have to keep you apart, this law firm will bill you for whatever billable hours there are. SWAPA,FIRED the Seham law group for questionable billing practices. I believe in 2017 ,-we paid $318,000 in legal fees. Whatever we sue for, or lawsuits filed it all cost money. When we lost the Arbitration decision and filed the Federal lawsuit, it is a minimum of $100,000 in court cost to file a Federal lawsuit, win or lose. That doesn't even include your attorney fees, all billable hours.Like I said it doesn't matter how upset people get, until the negotiating committee gets what they want or the company finally says this is it, there isn't anymore, and the mediator recommends it is sent for vote we sit.
It's unfortunate but amfa is in their first full section 6 RLA negotiations since they become the bargaining representative for SWA. Living under Teamster negotiated language contract for many years. They have no idea how to get out of the deep hole they dug themselves in to. Their new mantra- we will wait em out. Most ludicrous bargaining position I have Ever witnessed. They are going to need lot of help with their negotiation strategy. Federal lawsuits filed from both sides still need litigated and could be years???!! As always- Go Figure??
It's unfortunate but amfa is in their first full section 6 RLA negotiations since they become the bargaining representative for SWA. Living under Teamster negotiated language contract for many years. They have no idea how to get out of the deep hole they dug themselves in to. Their new mantra- we will wait em out. Most ludicrous bargaining position I have Ever witnessed. They are going to need lot of help with their negotiation strategy. Federal lawsuits filed from both sides still need litigated and could be years???!! As always- Go Figure??
The company claims they can get it done this next 3 days. If the negotiating committee doesn't like the language changes in exchange for the economics, then no deal. But I am sure that a negative tone has not been established, with all the mud slinging. It has grown beyond ridiculous, in this whole process, I hope when it is all said and done, we have learned so this doesn't occur again. However I highly doubt it, because if this becomes our mode of operation, we will only see about 2.5 contracts in the next 20 years.
Irrelevant. Is it all you have to attack instead of addressing the issue? You’ve been waiting (It’s your lives) for 5 1/2 years now. My question is how many more years are you willing to wait never having anything to vote on to send a REAL message to the Company or the Government what you’re willing or not willing to accept in YOUR LIVES?

I think even a Burger flipper at McDonalds would prefer to be able to make a choice instead of going through the type of BS your dumb ass is obviously willing to put up with.
I'll address the issues, no reply needed from Dippy. Poor Dippy Dave the ramper, who has no stake in the AMT world, but she continues to ignore the sad and decades long reality of his own TWu backyard stench and 30+ years of TWu concessions. 15 MASSIVE years of which the TWu members STILL live under today with record AA profits in the BILLIONS. Before she claims the 2003 destruction of the TWu was done in BANKRUPTCY (never filed, only a threat). I'll again ask Dippy Dave the TWu idiot again what happened in 1995 to 2001??? 6 years 1.5% raises each year. Started the SRP Program to further degrade the AMT craft industry wide. Hard questions for a CEO lovin' ramper to answer.

Yet here he is yet again bashing AMFA 5+ years of negotiations with a fully intact contract and benefits not seen by TWu/AA for 15 years??? WTF you say??? What brain dead moron would run his mouth so ignorantly??? Clueless Dippy Dave, the TWu ramper with the loud mouth.

The TWu wouldn't know a non-concessionary contract or how to lead the industry if it bit them and the sad fact is Dippy Dave knows it. Hopefully, that will change in 2019 or 2020 with record profits, unfortunately until TWu section 6 negotiations start in the fall, Dave's buddy DUI Doug is gonna tell the TWu/IAm ASS-ociation to go pack their JCBA. Maybe Dippy D can challenge his buddy Doug in another town hall and get slapped around like last time.

It must have been Dippy D's ear rings.
Are you out of your mind? Of course a Lawyer is in the business (like you) to make money. Engaging in legal disputes and charging billable Hours is how they do that.
Dippy Dave, you know your own TWu uses attorneys and spends millions in dues, in fact former TWu sellout attorney Art Luby has a mansion built off the all years of TWu sellouts he was involved in like 1995.

I know your just a ramper and have no worries about signing logbooks off or being involved in an AIR 21 case. Should AMT's just knuckle under and forget being wronged by your beloved management and not file lawsuits or FAA complaints? Is that the company union coming out in you? Seems like new pair of Dippy Dave kevlar knee pads are needed.

I have those case numbers the TWu hired SSMP if you need them.

Don't be shy Dippy Dave, it will only hurt a little.....
You know these AMTs living in reality can say what they want about what they need to call “Industrial Company Unions” but at least at the end of the day eventually they will sellout a deal keeping the ball moving down and further degrade wages and benefits to keep jobs, where then the company then lays off thousands anyway.

When the TWU came out with their Ramp TA after 5 years of negotiations there at SWA it was a Dippy Dave ear ring toss after I read it if I would have voted yes because I'm weak minded. It passed by 51%. Kind of around the numbers I thought for a pass or fail, it seems that the company loves a divided TWu. But now they’re done and they’re moving forward and down. No more living with the unknown, or the dream of the TWu ever leading the way.

Seham Group wants a fair contract deal instead of selling out for a few pennies on the dollar only to be locked in a 6 year concessionary contract like the TWu did in 1995 at AA. While the SWA company minions like Nitschke foster the animosity between you guys and the Company, and unfortunately must be fought vigorously. The company generates these Lawsuits with their hostility toward the AMTs for performing the job of aircraft airworthiness. Something rampers like Dippy Dave will never have to worry about.

Hey DD, I adjusted your post so you don't have to look like a moron over here speaking out of turn. You really should stay on your numerous ramper issues and stop swerving out of your ramper lane.

I still have those TWu/SSMP cases if you need them. Let me help you see the light buddy.

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