Heavy artillery? Na, just stopped by to see if your still aimlessly sniveling about your money, a T/A to look at, and SSMP. Looky there....you still are.
I'm not accusing Dippy Dave of loving Parker, he stated it himself and somebody (not me, I detest Bookface) posted it here from Bookface. I'm not gonna look it up again, but DD had "hot dude" pic by his new V6 Mustang and he thanked Dougie for it (that nice raise) . "I drink cappuccinos in this hot machine going to work" said Dippy D. I thought how odd, rather sad. Here is a angry protesting (well, sometimes) TWu union man loving up on a CEO that has no interest, none, in him or correcting his TWu concessionary contract that has lasted 15 years? Tells me all I need to know about Dippy Dave.
Finally, how is it that a labor lawyer lost 8000 (4400) jobs at NWA? Huh, I thought the NWA management (Steenland and your buddy Nitschke, our NWA buddy Line VP Paul Wroble) drove it to bankruptcy and made that demand of massive 8000 (actually 4400 walked) layoffs? The NWA AMFA membership
voted to walk out and strike, they stood up, and they walked. The IAm/TWu then back stabbed them with scabs and assistance in breaking the union.
Seems your hatred of AMFA has blinded you, much like the AFl-CIo has failed labor, and yes your beloved Reamsters are right in there with them.
Here is a good article on the NWA AMFA strike, you should read it.