TA'd means nothing. Still needs to be ratified for it to mean anything, but US will vote yes on anything given to them.700UW said:So how many articles had WN and AMFA TAed?
Ok but you're not factoring in a very important piece of the story here. Parker has stated that he is currently compensated 38% less than his peers. To gain that 38% he has to have deals done with every organized workgroup. That was something he agreed to with the secured creditors to allow the merger to take place. Those creditors did not want a repeat of the UAL nightmare. Not to mention that the Unions at AA didn't fight the merger like the Delta Pilots did when Parker made an advance to them.1AA said:The situation at SWA and UAL is that they are past amendable dates and have rights for mediation and or arbitration. AA does not so foot dragging can happen from the company side and nothing can be done about it. Sadly we should have been further along in negotiations. I doubt I drove Bob Owens away or anyone else.
WeAAsles said:Ok but you're not factoring in a very important piece of the story here. Parker has stated that he is currently compensated 38% less than his peers. To gain that 38% he has to have deals done with every organized workgroup. That was something he agreed to with the secured creditors to allow the merger to take place. Those creditors did not want a repeat of the UAL nightmare. Not to mention that the Unions at AA didn't fight the merger like the Delta Pilots did when Parker made an advance to them.
Now this doesn't mean by a long shot that Parker is going to surrender the world to us but I'm sure that he would also like to be paid just as much as we do. And I'm sure the BOD feel the same way.
Once the last of the contracts are finished the airline can put in place all the plans it has for generating more revenue and more profits.
Why don't you read some of the crap you post?WeAAsles said:swamt will probably come back with "but they're generating record profits" Of course they are and they should go after as much of that as they can get. But the company is also going to come back with they have others who want to stake a claim on those profits as well. They're not going to take all the profits they make and just hand that to their employees.
But they should give out a reasonable slice of that pie. I think SWA management probably feels that they already have been doing that for the last decade in comparison to their peers who went through a lot of misery, bankruptcies and cost cuts that put them more in line to being able to compete against the SWA model.
That's what swamt and others are fighting against over there.
I'll have absolutely zero involvement and have that now on whatever maintenance eventually gets. As for my group I absolutely will advocate my opinions since it's my life that will be affected pass or fail.xUT said:Thanks weezy, I laugh my a$$ of at most of your posts mainly because you are pulling crap out of thin air and portraying them as gospel. But hey, that's what you unistas do.
And you have a following.
AA A$$ociation is still more than 12 months away from even getting a TA 'that will be ratified' to give to the membership. Sure, they will give something and have salesmen such as you rationalize it in the positive.
Remember weezy, time is on your side and you don't want to rush to get a decent TA and the delay caused by the A$$ociation is a blessing.
But please keep up your A$$ociation Razzle Dazzle as it is quite entertaining.
B) xUT
Oh boy you really beat me this time in your argument. Wow do I feel small against that knowledgeable response of yours.xUT said:Why don't you read some of the crap you post?
You are consistently inconsistent.
But that is how you roll...
B) xUT
as you should.WeAAsles said:Oh boy you really beat me this time in your argument. Wow do I feel small against that knowledgeable response of yours.
Doesn't get much better than conversing with some of you rocket scientists on Forums most days to pass the time during commercials.xUT said:as you should.
B) xUT
swamt said:Yes that was a good article.
Birdman, have you heard anything about supporting our fellow Pilots in May? I have read where the F/A's are going to show their support, but nothing mentioned about the mechs.
It's hard to take the company reps seriously when they use terms like "unsustainable" in reference to any concessionary must have. EVERYTHING is sustainable in year after year of record profits. Even a neutral facilitator, or even a caveman understands that.700UW said:Mediator only facilitates, he doesn't negotiate