How do you feel about binding arbitration?700UW said:But they don't have the power to negotiate nor force the company too.
And the NMB won't release anyone to strike.
Agreed. Never hand your bargaining power over to a third party of unknown position.700UW said:Bad choice.
Takes the power away from the union and its members and your forced to accept what the arbiter decides.
#1 this topic does not concern you.700UW said:Mediator only facilitates, he doesn't negotiate
Not 100% true here.700UW said:Bad choice.
Takes the power away from the union and its members and your forced to accept what the arbiter decides.
Great to hear. I have a follow up question for you D757, but I will take it to the UAL thread. Hope they made all the other changes the membership was screamin about...D7571987 said:One of ya brought up UAL and Teamsters Teamcare a page or 2 ago--- Teamcare is gone, dropped from the IBT proposal to UAL.
I normally agree with you but what then if the company you work for has been stonewalling you for years and they're making record profits?700UW said:Binding arbitration is binding and you don't vote on it.
Go see what happened to the APFA at AA on their JCBA.
They got stuck with the Industry aggregate because they were too dumb at that moment to understand and accept the better deal. In that case it was actually a mistake to let the fools vote. But in a Union everyone gets to vote, even the fools.700UW said:Binding arbitration is binding and you don't vote on it.
Go see what happened to the APFA at AA on their JCBA.
swamt said:Very glad to see the unions uniting and coming together. No matter who represents who, we should all support one another for the betterment of all employees. Wish I could be there for the support. I do believe with all the groups getting together and protesting, it has a bigger message than just one single group. This way the shareholders as well as the general public will see that it is happening to all the groups. Been looking for this kind of uniting for some time now. No better time than the present.
Southwest Airlines labor groups plan major show of solidarity at carrier's annual meeting