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WN Mechanics seek mediation

Not much to report.  We (mechanics) have been on hold for about 2 months now and will be until July 26 week.  We have been told that the company wants deals with the pilots and mechanics in July. Heard that one many times before.  Let us not forget the first time we heard this was to have an agreement by the summer of 2013.  I still will say we will not have anything this year yet again. In Aug. we surpass another contract date and will start working on our 6th year with out a new contract. The longer the company takes the more it will end up costing them.  The company should have taken the first offers from both the mechanics group and the pilots.
You have a contract, your not an employee at will.

Contracts don't expire under the RLA, they become amendable

Your current CBA remains in effect, if it didn't WN could do what they want.
Some UA guys around IAh were spreading a rumor that SW guys were going to get 54 an hour. I have no idea where they got that idea. 
blue collar said:
I think you meant working on our 5th year w/o a contract.
Yes, I did. Thx.  This Aug will be 4 going into 5th year.
D7571987 said:
Some UA guys around IAh were spreading a rumor that SW guys were going to get 54 an hour. I have no idea where they got that idea. 
Not quite 54. Last offer reviewed by the NC was between 52 and 53 depending on your shift.  I believe they were something like 52.21 days. 52.79 for eves. 52.84 for graves.  Not sure where they were getting the 54, but, when you add in lead pay it would go to 56+.  Maybe they were using the 54 as an average, who knows?
It was the company's proposal. It included us giving up the 4 items that they claim they need to get from us. I can only speak for myself, but I would have voted no in a heartbeat for that proposal.
Ok, Thats what UA tried to do to us. Offered $46 but reduced profit sharing down to 1/5 of what we have now which would be like giving $5 an hour right back to them and they also had about 30 other give backs in it. 
D7571987 said:
Offer was from the company or it is the union proposal?  What is NC?
Offer was from the co.  The NC (Negotiating Committee) told the company that they need to do some more work on their proposal.  We will find out come week of July 26th just how serious or not serious the co. really is. Rumor has it that the co. wants to get thru new contracts with the Pilots and us "before" the end of this year.  As usual we do not believe the co. will follow thru with yet another promise to get a new contract done this year.  We are tired of the lies the co. continues to spread knowing they will not follow thru.
I don't think the pilots will get anything until the holidays, and we will probably get something April-may next year. Just my opinion.
I would have to agree with you on both guesses.  I was told that the Pilots NC was told they should be able to come to an agreement in July.  And this came from GK himself. Their next nego. meeting time is the very same week as ours.  I just don't see it happening.  The co. would be wise to have something at least pushed out to the membership to vote on, before Oct.  as we are currently voting on new National Officers at this time and I  am hearing of some rather big changes coming forth.  It would be nice to get something done prior to any big changes at the top of the National.  I personally think our Union National has been way to quiet during these 4 years of waiting for a contract.  
BTW have you heard anything about our F/A's? Have they finished replacing the entire NC?  I think that has been done but been very quiet on their end too.  
blue collar said:
I don't think the pilots will get anything until the holidays, and we will probably get something April-may next year. Just my opinion.
Now this is what forward progress looks like during contract nego's.  Just more proof that our company is dragging our nego's out on purpose.  If I read this correctly does ALK get or being offered up to 13.5% for retirements?  Read for yourselves.  Also small update; we are back at the table today as we speak, and we will see (probably as we have always seen) just how serious the co. is. I have heard rumors of getting something soon before the big change over in the National Officers which is also being voted on as we speak. Here's the AMFA/ALK nego's update:

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