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I thought your quote was rather funny given your comment afterward. Lol. I know you keep hoping for the best but I think you are trying to get blood out of a turnip.

More like confronting ignorance with both fact and opinion. The dangers in these types of things is the concept of "The Big Lie" as a tool to obfuscate the truth and sway the hearts and minds of the populace.

Ronald Reagan's quote seems to refute both Mr Walker's view of Republicanism and the views of some of out more strident posters here. Personally I'm growing quite fond of the dynamic of the debate. Every time I make a point that there no easy way to refute the point a certain person responds with insults both personal and otherwise.

This further proves that when her words speaks for themselves there is little reason for me to interupt 😀 :lol: 😀 :lol:
BTW, upon further research it appears that the Hitler quote may be bogus. What is not bogus were his actions on May 2, 1933. I seem to recall a famous quote that applies. "Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it." Ergo the core of my argument is valid.

Ronald Reagan figured this out why can't you?

I eagerly await being dismissed out of hand again when you have no valid argument to support your opinions 😀
You lost that argument long ago at PB 1.0 and PB 2.0 fails to impress anyone except the people in your mind.
More like confronting ignorance with both fact and opinion. The dangers in these types of things is the concept of "The Big Lie" as a tool to obfuscate the truth and sway the hearts and minds of the populace.

Ronald Reagan's quote seems to refute both Mr Walker's view of Republicanism and the views of some of out more strident posters here. Personally I'm growing quite fond of the dynamic of the debate. Every time I make a point that there no easy way to refute the point a certain person responds with insults both personal and otherwise.

This further proves that when her words speaks for themselves there is little reason for me to interupt 😀 :lol: 😀 :lol:

Spoken like a true liberal. You speak nonsense and rather me debate it, I let you bath in it.
Spoken like a true liberal. You speak nonsense and rather me debate it, I let you bath in it.

The correct spelling would be "Bathe", just to make a point.

Curious as to why you haven't responded to Reagan's quote?

Basic logic would dictate that if I am as you say a "liberal" and since I agree with the quote from President Reagan then logic would dictate that Reagan is also a "Liberal" and if all liberals are bad then you must hate Reagan as much as Southwind hates Obama?

Time to stand and deliver Dapoes as I'll be polite and respectful but I will confront your hypocrisy at EVERY turn. Keep up the insults and reveal the real you. I'm quite happy to have you do so as it shows your true colors and damages YOUR credibility not mine.
The correct spelling would be "Bathe", just to make a point.

Curious as to why you haven't responded to Reagan's quote?

Basic logic would dictate that if I am as you say a "liberal" and since I agree with the quote from President Reagan then logic would dictate that Reagan is also a "Liberal" and if all liberals are bad then you must hate Reagan as much as Southwind hates Obama?

Time to stand and deliver Dapoes as I'll be polite and respectful but I will confront your hypocrisy at EVERY turn. Keep up the insults and reveal the real you. I'm quite happy to have you do so as it shows your true colors and damages YOUR credibility not mine.

Sorry Charlie you lost me at that whole Walker is Hitler rambling. If that's the best you can muster then it's pretty weak for you and your over inflated opinion of yourself.

Oh and your credibility is is only important to you and your liberal buddies here on the forum. I could care less what you and your ilk think about me. Never have, never will. But don't let that stop you from making a fool of yourself.
Sorry Charlie you lost me at that whole Walker is Hitler rambling. If that's the best you can muster then it's pretty weak for you and your over inflated opinion of yourself.

Oh and your credibility is is only important to you and your liberal buddies here on the forum. I could care less what you and your ilk think about me. Never have, never will. But don't let that stop you from making a fool of yourself.

And your reply regarding Ronald Reagan's Labor Day Address? Tick tock, tick tock, still waiting for your enlightened reply.

RE: Hitler abolished Trade unions, Walker limited them to the point of being powerless. Please feel free to compare and contrast. Remember Hitler also confiscated all of the firearms as well, Will Walker be next? Go back to the key point of Reagan's quote regarding freedom lost. Here's the portion in question, "where free unions and collective bargaining are forbidden, freedom is lost." -- Ronald Reagan, Labor Day Address, 1980

I'll be waiting for an explanation of Reagan's remarks versus Walker's actions.
And your reply regarding Ronald Reagan's Labor Day Address? Tick tock, tick tock, still waiting for your enlightened reply.

RE: Hitler abolished Trade unions, Walker limited them to the point of being powerless. Please feel free to compare and contrast. Remember Hitler also confiscated all of the firearms as well, Will Walker be next? Go back to the key point of Reagan's quote regarding freedom lost. Here's the portion in question, "where free unions and collective bargaining are forbidden, freedom is lost." -- Ronald Reagan, Labor Day Address, 1980

I'll be waiting for an explanation of Reagan's remarks versus Walker's actions.

Yeah and Reagan fired what members of what union again?

I swear sometimes you just like to hear yourself talk. No matter how idiotic it sounds.
Gee, where does one start? First off, he didn't create the budget shortfall, the state constitution prohibits running a shortfall. Secondly he's not trying to bust any union either. Under the Walkers plan, state employees would contribute 5.8 percent of their pay toward pensions and pay at least 12 percent of their health insurance premiums. Far less then anyone in the private sector.

The average teacher in MPS is receiving acompensation package of $100,005 per year as detailed here, while students remain unable to read and do basic math. (And it’s not because Milwaukee is an urban district and the children have problems. Other urban districts have succeeded where Milwaukee fails.) An analysis of data collected by the Bureau of Labor Statistics further demonstrates how well teachers are paid compared to other professions.

Let’s be honest. A compensation package of over $100,000 per year for a job which gives you summers off isn’t bad. In fact, it is really, really good. I’m not saying the job is easy or that I’m willing to do it. I’m just saying that if you take the emotion out of it and compare the working hours and pay/benefits to other professional occupations, teachers are doing well!

So this idea that we need to control employee costs for public employees (and in this article, specifically for teachers) isn’t that crazy. Will there be a shortage of teachers? I doubt it.

Holy crap! You're using a blog to justify your comments? C'mon man! Some of us aren't that stupid. Yes, some teachers have summers off but some don't. My parents were teachers and I remember them at home grading papers late at night. I remember my mother shopping for school supplies and paying for them herself. Some of them for students who couldn't afford to buy them themselves. Don't fall for the BS propaganda flying out there justifying this disgusting act. The middle class is being chipped away by corporate paid politicians and this will be the straw that breaks the camels back. We the middle class will not go silently into the dark. GT
And your reply regarding Ronald Reagan's Labor Day Address? Tick tock, tick tock, still waiting for your enlightened reply.

RE: Hitler abolished Trade unions, Walker limited them to the point of being powerless. Please feel free to compare and contrast. Remember Hitler also confiscated all of the firearms as well, Will Walker be next? Go back to the key point of Reagan's quote regarding freedom lost. Here's the portion in question, "where free unions and collective bargaining are forbidden, freedom is lost." -- Ronald Reagan, Labor Day Address, 1980

I'll be waiting for an explanation of Reagan's remarks versus Walker's actions.

Couldn't it be argued that Reagan did not believe in what he said or, at the very least he changed his mind because in 1981 he canned the ATC folks?
Yeah and Reagan fired what members of what union again?

I swear sometimes you just like to hear yourself talk. No matter how idiotic it sounds.

The PATCO firings were consistent with RR's view that a deal is a deal. He held the union to the letter of the law and the terms and conditions of their negotiated contract. Not so Scott Walker who has to date successfully circumvented the very rule of law that Ronald Reagan held so dear.

Ronald Reagan had a moral compass and a very clear sense of right and wrong. Now some will debate the accuracy of his moral compass and that's perfectly fair. PATCO actions offended his sense of right and wrong and honoring a contract (Which PATCO didn't do). Given the above he exercised his authority, as well he should have.

Scott Walker cannot claim the moral high ground with his blatant political grandstanding
I beg to differ.

Nobody put a gun to their head and forced them to teach. They chose it at their own willing.

That sir is a cop out statement. What is your field of work and we'll just put that in the place of teacher. No one will be untouched if this continues.... except for the rich. GT
I already touched on this here:I Don’t Owe Unions A Goddamned Thing

Heres something to chew on regarding your class warfare problem.

Well at least we've learned why Ronald Reagan was elected President and you're on an aviation blog site.

So how do YOU reconcile your virulent anti-union stance with the quote from Ronald Reagan, the darling of the Conservative Movement?

Stop the deflections and answer the question since we was arguably the greatest President of our time.
Well at least we've learned why Ronald Reagan was elected President and you're on an aviation blog site.

So how do YOU reconcile your virulent anti-union stance with the quote from Ronald Reagan, the darling of the Conservative Movement?

Stop the deflections and answer the question since we was arguably the greatest President of our time.

Thats a simple answer. I don't reconcile it. I see no need for it. Its a problem in your twisted liberal cranium...not mine.

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