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Will Continuous Improvement Work At Tul?

You know, poll after poll has indicated the same thing. Outsourcing is the number one concern in the Industry! Yet the Amfa leadership continues to insert language in their contracts to eliminate work and jobs to satisfy the few!

Go Figure!!!!!!

My opinion! The TWU listens to the membership more than Amfa ever dreamed of!
Isn't it funny, a 95' poll revealed the #1 concern of the membership was "job security". The TWU listened,provided, and peddled a concession contract. 2003, polls reveal "outsourcing" as the #1 concern. The TWU listened,provided, and peddled an even bigger concession contract. I don't think we can afford for the TWU to listen to us any more.
It is also funny that CIO has not answered whether he believes CI will work in TUL or not.....
Mr Anderson are you telling me the people of Eastern Airlines or Pan Am OR Enron or Tyco or Williams company or MCI or TWA did not have good work ethics or they just didn't know what they were doing? Do you think the VP’s were concerned when the workers gave up concession after concession to help the company survive and they squandered it? The VP’s knew they would go under anyway. If employers treated workers right they would not have the level of distrust for there employers that they do. We would not need craft unions. The really funny thing is you want to turn around and blame the workers for things going the way they are now. You are a smart man. Talk to you latter gotta go take a CI . NO VOTE :angry: NO PEACE!!!!
Checking it Out said:
You know, poll after poll has indicated the same thing. Outsourcing is the number one concern in the Industry! Yet the Amfa leadership continues to insert language in their contracts to eliminate work and jobs to satisfy the few!

Go Figure!!!!!!

My opinion! The TWU listens to the membership more than Amfa ever dreamed of!
The TWU has been the leader in outsourcing A&P jobs for 20 years.

In 1983 the TWU outsourced R&D to other TWU members. When the TWU did this scores of line stations did away with their maintenance workers. Other unions resisted this until 2003.

A&Ps suffer at the hands of the TWU.

In 1989 the TWU outsourced Deicing to other TWU members.

A&Ps suffer at the hands of the TWU.

In 1995 the TWU creates the SRP. A new class of workers that are to replace higher paid A&P mechanics, but they pay dues to the TWU. A&Ps are displaced out of shops. Other airlines never create such a classification. More A&P jobs are lost.

A&Ps suffer at the hands of the TWU.

In 2002 the TWU gives cabin Inspections to fleet service while other carriers have maintenance do it.

A&Ps suffer at the hands of the TWU.

In 2003 the TWU puts in place the worst contract in the Industry. Thousands of A&P mechanics hit the streets and other A&Ps are forced into OSM slots where their liscences are still at risk but they do not get liscence pay. Mechanics become the only workers at AA where the first day sick is paid at half pay for each occurance. Mechanics who fall victim to cancer or other serious long term illnesses are especially hard hit.

Once again A&Ps suffer at the hands of the TWU.

When will it end?

When we boot out the TWU and get AMFA.
Bob Owens said:
When we boot out the TWU and get AMFA.

Oh yeah! The amfa is doing just a stellar job for the poor guys at UAL, and lets not forget about the %47 of the mechanics at NWA still out of work....

Will "CI" work at TUL?

Yeah I think it will in some areas. Will it "fix" the problem? NO, it wont. I kinda get tired of always being the scapegoat for what I perceive as a severe lapse in leadership in management. Why has management waited so long to get more efficient? It seems to me that efficiency would be a priority from a company's inception. How many of those here working for AA can remember being asked what they thought about the buy-out of TWA by AA? Or, what do you think about removing seats from the planes? So now, after they have basically flown it into the ground, they turn to us and ask how do we fix it? We have payed dearly for their mistakes, and now they want us to do their jobs too! They make the big bucks, they &^%$# it up, and now they want us to fix it? I dont think they really do. If they can outsource the work overseas or to third party maintenance then they can still make big money for themselves and the shareholders and still hide how ineffecient they really are at our expense. How do you stop "that"? How did the amfa stop "that" at NWA?


Name: We need some help here
Email: MCC
Employer: NWA
Station: All
Date: Thursday July 22, 2004
Time: 11:07:59 PM

Why isn't AMFA disputing the fact that it has been discovered that both McCormick and Delle Femine are NWA Management/Executives? I looked it up for myself and it's true, Delle is listed as a Manager and Kevin McCormick is listed as an Executive Consultant in Management. What can we do about this? Is there any law against being a Company Representative and a so called "Union Leader"? Does anyone know what we can do to stop this scam? Is it any wonder we've lost so much work and so many jobs?

Is this true???? Delle a manager at NWA????

Oh, before I forget. Ken, the picture is doctored. You can find it here.
Strake, after you read the-mechanic.com board for any amount of time you will begin to be able to recognize twu/iam/ cultists who use deception to advance their agenda. Anyone can post under any name and from anywhere and say they are from NWA. We see it all the time. There are a lot of twu cultist from here at AA posting on the air-mechanic claiming things that are untrue in the ongoing attempt to deceive our membership. As a matter of fact the first time anyone post on the air-mechanic they realize how easy it is or would be, for that matter they would not even have to post, just hit the "Enter Comments" link and you will know this to be true. There is no registration to post comments.

Although this is easily done, twu cultists have never understood that deception is only temporary, once a member has figured out that they have been hoodwinked by the twu or even played as a fool most, not all but most, will turn. Those that know what is going on and still stand behind the twu, are then certified as bonified cultist. If pursued a cultist can and possible will eventually take the mark (twu) and go on to be a part of TeamTwu and eventually become an officer/appointee at a local.

The twu international watches the happenings at the largest local for signs of stardom cultist activity and tells each of them "We are watching you and we think you are doing a great job", giving them the impression they will be the next promoted to the international. Eventually the international will select the easiest one to mold into dictatorship and promote them into the international. Once in the kingdom you are set for life, well, unless you do something very embarrassing and they have to kick you out.

From there you become a godlike form and rule the membership. Lets say there was a vote of the membership and that vote narrowly passed but then there was new evidence that what had been told was deception. The ruler could then say "it does not matter what you people think we are going to pass this anyway". As a matter of fact, even a court has said the twu constitution is all supreme and that it allows the ruler to make any decission it chooses over the membership.

Getting a picture of how all that works yet Strake???

As far as outsourcing goes, I think the industry is having to relearn what they knew in the past but have forgotten. Outsourcing will cost them more in the long run. Now, if you are lucky enough to have the twu as your company union, you will have a two tier pay scale with starting wages at $9 /hr, then it becomes a no brainier as this is the cheapest labor in the U.S. but at the same time your company union is undressed for all of labor and other companies (who are in competition for cheap labor) to see, eventually causing a major downturn in wages and benefits across the board. Other unions are scoffing at the two tier (union busting) system leaving them to try and hold up unionist ideals.
<------------grab some

So anyone that posts against AMFA is a fake and anyone posting pro AMFA is genuine....interesting concept...HAHAHA!
Nightwatch said:
So anyone that posts against AMFA is a fake and anyone posting pro AMFA is genuine....interesting concept...HAHAHA!
Did I say anything about "anyone that posts against AMFA", you do help make my point though, thanks!!!
Is everyone Aware the TWU Represents more Active Mechanic's (AMT) in the Industry than any other Union?

Is everyone aware the TWU has retained full overhaul capabilities than any other?

The successful powers of the members within the TWU is great! Why should anyone want to look at an organization that believes gutting the pension and increase outsourcing is the answer?

We all have a choice! Increase production to reduce cost! And have a edge to bring work in-house or moan and groan and decrease production to the point AA will throw in the towel and outsource our jobs.

We have a choice! I hope each of you will make the right choice!

Just remember we choose to come to work mad and leave mad! It is up to each individual to change their attitude! If you are unhappy about your current environment than change it! Changing representatives is not the answer! The proof is in the pudding as you say!!
I am sure that the company will never layoff as long as your type of unionism prevails, that is to reduce wages and benefits to pay for those jobs.

CIO: Do you believe CI will work at AA, in TUL or even in your shop?
CIO, my attitude will improve after the successful removal of those responsible for squandering,over the years, a good paying job with decent benefits. When pay and benefits are RESTORED I'll resume the high level of productivity and gung-ho attitude I was once very well known for. Untill then I will consider myself another worthless slug just like you and your TWU comrads have always been.
AMR reported in the Quarterly Financial Statement that if it had not been for Extraordinary Fuel Price increase, the Corporation would have posted a $200 Million plus profit for the quarter.

My question is this:

If $200 Million plus was possible without the Fuel Increase, then exactly what was the profit TARGET of the concessions we just gave?

I appears AMR was planning to profit nearly $1 Billion Dollars on the backs of their unionized employees.
Checking it Out said:
Is everyone Aware the TWU Represents more Active Mechanic's (AMT) in the Industry than any other Union?

Is everyone aware the TWU has retained full overhaul capabilities than any other?

The successful powers of the members within the TWU is great! Why should anyone want to look at an organization that believes gutting the pension and increase outsourcing is the answer?

We all have a choice! Increase production to reduce cost! And have a edge to bring work in-house or moan and groan and decrease production to the point AA will throw in the towel and outsource our jobs.

We have a choice! I hope each of you will make the right choice!

Just remember we choose to come to work mad and leave mad! It is up to each individual to change their attitude! If you are unhappy about your current environment than change it! Changing representatives is not the answer! The proof is in the pudding as you say!!

Are you aware that the TWU Constitution under objectives of the organization nothing about concessions in pay and benefits for jobs?

What is that you are saying?

First you claim we saved 12,000 jobs by giving away the farm and 50 plus years of negotiated bread-n-butter, and now you say we must also increase productivity to save our jobs?

When did you become Head Management Dick anyway?

Does this mean your wife Mary will report to her work area along with Hammack to help carry their load of the "save your job" production increase? Or are the Union Officers exempt from this concession also? :shock:
<------------STEWART TOWELS

Does this mean your wife Mary will report to her work area along with Hammack to help carry their load of the "save your job" production increase? Or are the Union Officers exempt from this concession also?

No Dave..it means you'll have your huge "self" in your work area...being the big man you are.

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