Why Tim Nelson is Dangerous to IAM-represented employees at United Airlines

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It is the best in the industry total compensation and scope. The fact remains it is the best total package.... bar none.

I would much rather have CWA Passenger Service Contract if this is the case................
IAM gives up mainline scope for 23 ramp stations at dos. In return they give express in some stations for 3 years. At the end of the ta, you will not have any rights to one express job in a hub or anywhere else plus you will not have any scope for mainline in those 23 stations even
Once again twoname.............. It is the best in the industry total compensation and scope. Nelson and his compadres have their spin, so be it. The fact remains it is the best total package.... bar none.

This industry sucks right now.. If its the best ( and i havent seen it yet ) and unprecedented then thats not saying much from where we were 15 - 20yrs ago.... Maybe we should compare things to inflation before we champion its cause

I hope the US NC committee is paying attn to this. I wouldnt want them challanging the membership like this, since we pay their salaries. I dont always agree with TN, but you shouldnt attack so much. The TA will speak for itself. We all have a stake in this........

Dont let the nut fall too far from the Tree
Hello Everyone,

Nelson would like for for everyone to believe he is the contract expert. He has attempted to derail the ratification of our agreement. What he won't tell you is he failed his fellow workers at LCC. He came in last in 2012 election. The people at usair know him and would not vote for him. He has attacked good union people across the country. Usually when a person does that they themselves have major personal issues and make it a game of smoke and mirrors. Nelson knows that this contract will ratify at united and his platform will be forever gone and he will fade away, no longer being in the national race for President.

When you see a Nelson post, say " BONJOUR nelson I want my retro"
Yaaawwwnnnn. Your ta is so good that you guys are worried about someone who you claim nobody listens to. Lol
I would much rather have CWA Passenger Service Contract if this is the case................
IAM gives up mainline scope for 23 ramp stations at dos. In return they give express in some stations for 3 years. At the end of the ta, you will not have any rights to one express job in a hub or anywhere else plus you will not have any scope for mainline in those 23 stations even
Mike klemm, joe bartz and troy rivera have been talking about "location protection". The only location protection for the 23 stations is for swissport to be able to start bidding in those locations right now to secure work at dos. All 23 stations, at dos, have no rights to that mainline work at dos. The company cant displace the union people out of station until their cinderella protection expires. At dos they will not have rights to the work but in a few years they will not have any job protections either.
Bonjour, I want my retro. Nelson you have expounded on the last 28 pages nothing but what ifs and bull spit. You are wrong again. Read the job security it is industry leading, it is the first to give location protection as well as uax work. 96% protected. Nelson can't you read or are your failed political ambitions clouding your opinions. Maybe its the sunglasses? You don't need em the dark room you hide in
Bonjour, I want my retro. Nelson you have expounded on the last 28 pages nothing but what ifs and bull spit. You are wrong again. Read the job security it is industry leading, it is the first to give location protection as well as uax work. 96% protected. Nelson can't you read or are your failed political ambitions clouding your opinions. Maybe its the sunglasses? You don't need em the dark room you hide in

If it's so great, post the full text of the agreement, and let everyone decide.

So as attrition happens the work can be outsourced without cause

Sure looks like it to me. A couple people have asked to see the language that states otherwise, but all we've received in return is failed attempts at humor, and desperate attempts to make fun of board names..
Mike klemm, joe bartz and troy rivera have been talking about "location protection". The only location protection for the 23 stations is for swissport to be able to start bidding in those locations right now to secure work at dos. All 23 stations, at dos, have no rights to that mainline work at dos. The company cant displace the union people out of station until their cinderella protection expires. At dos they will not have rights to the work but in a few years they will not have any job protections either.


The problem in this industry for all Unions has been the explosion of feeder airlines such as Skywest, Frontier, Spirit, Mesa, Express Jet, etc. These airlines are creating non-Union cheaper labor which in turn puts Union jobs at risk for every class and craft and the solution needs to be in organizing the unorganized at these airlines. Until then, the attack on Unions throughout the Industry will continue for all employees.

I don't agree with the personal attacks on either side, organizing and solidarity are what needs to occur if we as Union employees are to ever be successful going forward in the protection of good paying jobs in this industry.

P. Rez
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Mike klemm, joe bartz and troy rivera have been talking about "location protection". The only location protection for the 23 stations is for swissport to be able to start bidding in those locations right now to secure work at dos. All 23 stations, at dos, have no rights to that mainline work at dos. The company cant displace the union people out of station until their cinderella protection expires. At dos they will not have rights to the work but in a few years they will not have any job protections either.

I really think the jet fumes have destroyed your ability to think. There are 25,000+, 96%, of the IAM workforce at UA that cannot be involuntarily furloughed due to outsourcing under the new contract. They cannot fit into 7 stations. However, right now about 75% of the entire IAM workforce CAN be outsourced, including 100% of the sCO work.

No agreement, none, prohibits an airline from displacing an employee out of his/her location. Keep on saying the sky is falling because the more you do, the more members are telling your disciples to take a walk.

Best job security, best wages, best pension and because it's not the work of the Lil man it's no good. Sad.
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I would much rather have CWA Passenger Service Contract if this is the case................
IAM gives up mainline scope for 23 ramp stations at dos. In return they give express in some stations for 3 years. At the end of the ta, you will not have any rights to one express job in a hub or anywhere else plus you will not have any scope for mainline in those 23 stations even

The CWA PSE CBA? Does that contract protect your work? No, it doesn't, it protects none of it. That's the same agreement that got you no retro right, just a $500 signing bonus? It says vendors can do your work, correct, just as long as you don't get furloughed, right? Just until the merger is complete. Do you have a pension? What's the top out wage? Is it $24 an hour? Please brother, get a grip.
The CWA PSE CBA? Does that contract protect your work? No, it doesn't, it protects none of it. That's the same agreement that got you no retro right, just a $500 signing bonus? It says vendors can do your work, correct, just as long as you don't get furloughed, right? Just until the merger is complete. Do you have a pension? What's the top out wage? Is it $24 an hour? Please brother, get a grip.

You could not be more WORNG! I suggest you look and read the CWA passenger service agreement
There was NO agreement put out to vote to the membership with the specifics you reference. Your agreement scares the Hell out of the rest of the agents because your language is trying to creep into the rest of the industry
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