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Why no contract from the Association?

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Many people don't have the guts to say it publicly because they're afraid of what other people might think or say about them but many people did learn that lesson.

They just prey they're never put in the position where they have to make a horrible choice.
That's because people don't use their own heads. Once you have seen and heard companies getting rid of union positions whether through a strike or outsourcing and the very next day the SAME union trying to sign up the replacement workers I doubt you would follow any union cheerleader over the cliff. Look what you had here, certain AA people believing the restore and more chant while AA was hiring bankruptcy firms. I was just lurking back then and since I had been through it I wanted to speak up, instead I just shook my head and bit my tongue. The idea was absolutely absurd. Ohhh they have 5 billion in the bank......lemmings
There is a strike going on up here a beer distributor that delivers all the Bud and some other brands throughout Long Island. The drivers were responsible for sales and were given some commission they were averaging $125,000 per year plus benefits. Despite the company doing well they wanted to cut the sales part out and have them pay a portion of their benefits. so the drivers would be making about 75K. the drivers said no and are now on strike. The company hired replacement workers and they seem to be making the deliveries ok. What do you if you are given an ultimatum come back to 75K and benefits or be permanently replaced? Is a guy who has 3 kids and house payments a scab ? Should he do what a union loud mouth is telling him?
Are you walking the line with them?

How 'bout just bringing them something to drink or a snack?

Refusing to drink any beer delivered by the company in question?

Helping spread the word to your friends/family/coworkers?

If not, why not?
Are you walking the line with them?

How 'bout just bringing them something to drink or a snack?

Refusing to drink any beer delivered by the company in question?

Helping spread the word to your friends/family/coworkers?

If not, why not?
I'm a Reagan Republican. Kev what would you do? You have kids what do you tell your wife? we might lose the house because Joe union is say they can't replace us. How many times when something is about to change did you hear "they can't do that, it will never work".
I'm a Reagan Republican. Kev what would you do? You have kids what do you tell your wife? we might lose the house because Joe union is say they can't replace us. How many times when something is about to change did you hear "they can't do that, it will never work".

Al there are multiple stories of Unions winning their battles and multiple stories of them losing. The hardest thing is if there's a chance of not only losing the battle but the entire War too.

You're right and it's hard to argue with it from the perspective that you and I have and the positions we "chose" for ourselves. We have the ability (financially) to make those grand stands to fight for what we feel is right.

And BTW Corporations smile their collective asses off knowing that they have many of their workers by the balls because they've extended themselves out too far to put up any real long term fight. Essentially they use our own greed and stupidity against us.
Are you walking the line with them?

How 'bout just bringing them something to drink or a snack?

Refusing to drink any beer delivered by the company in question?

Helping spread the word to your friends/family/coworkers?

If not, why not?

Even though I don't drink Bud anyway, no my first step would be to refuse to buy any beer from this distributer until they offer a "fair" agreement to these workers. Is a 30% wage cut and freezing their Pension fair? (Have they stopped drinking Bud on Long Island and the Company is losing money)

The union negotiated with Clare Rose for months without progress before the highly-profitable company imposed huge wage and benefits cuts. The union said the strike against the company’s illegal actions will last until Clare Rose executives withdraw their draconian demands and agree to a fair contract with workers.


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I'm a Reagan Republican. Kev what would you do? You have kids what do you tell your wife? we might lose the house because Joe union is say they can't replace us. How many times when something is about to change did you hear "they can't do that, it will never work".

Those are answers to questions I didn't ask.

Try again.
I'm a Reagan Republican. Kev what would you do? You have kids what do you tell your wife? we might lose the house because Joe union is say they can't replace us. How many times when something is about to change did you hear "they can't do that, it will never work".
Since you're a Reagan Republican are you still waiting for the money to trickle down? Just asking.
Since you're a Reagan Republican are you still waiting for the money to trickle down? Just asking.

It trickled down to him this last October. Only took 27 years to flow past all the rocks.
Question? Are these workers in one of those drying up Teamster Pension Funds? And this is NOT to imply any comparison to the IAMPF but does keep the tough questions in the forefront of conversation.


C'Mon Man! Its time to get off the fence, everybody knows this discussion is not personal & you will not offend the IAM guys by doing the right thing and let the facts rule. Do you see companies return to insourcing policies instead of outsourcing more union jobs? If the plan was not in trouble its funding % should be increasing with the stock market record highs. Instead its funding dropped 7-8% in just the last 2 years!

Seriously, what is wrong with this picture? The company in this story wants its employees out of the
Teamsters plan because it believes it is failing, yet my union is trying to get its membership into a plan that is questionable at best!
The IAMPF is on the list although it's mentioned as the IAM in the article.
The information is out there and we need to read it.


Eight of the largest unions have underfunded plans, according to the most recent 5500 reports, including the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), the United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW), the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, the Laborers International Union of Northern America, the International Association of Machinists, the United Brotherhood of Carpenters, the International Union of Operating Engineers, and the National Plumbers Union.
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