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Why do you want the merge?

I'd like to see it happen so the LCC top cats can make more money from the stock they have accumulated and continue to accumulate. Their expertise in actually running an airline, fixing PHL, creating employee good will, and rewarding the employee sacrifices made to keep the company alive needs to be well rewarded. A DAL hostle takeover will futher enhance their personal finances while tweaking the fine tuned, well run machine they call LCC. Good for them!

Also I'd like to see it happen because the DAL topcats business plan prior to their BK was totally based upon U's demise as if GE credit would have ever let that happen. Their ineptitude and lack of a plan B is right up their with the U braintrust of merging with United prior to their two BK's and their plan B. Hopefully the DAL topcats will make as much money as the LCC topcats with the stock they will be awarded for their expertise. You don't run across that kind of business accumen every day! Imagine the successes when we get these two airline managements together. Whoooooo Weeeeeeeeee!

It would also do my heart good to see 320 awarded some of the stock so he could profit from his amazing expertise. His yes votes, expert pontification, sage advice to fellow employees, and dead on predictions have placed him in the same upper echelon of intelligence and expertise and the DAL, U and LCC topcats. He too should be rewarded. After all, fair is fair.

I have been through several mergers/integrations etc already and have no problem with corporate decisions that strengthen the Company. As far as Delta....NOT my preferred choice (way too many obstacles to overcome, not to mention DL being our primary competitor in many markets). As someone earlier posted I think UA, NWA or even acquiring another LCC (Spirit or Frontier) would make more sense than Delta. The commonalities with Delta are rare and is comparable to a catholic church building a synagogue addition.
There has been alot on here about DL employees not wanting the merge, so lets throw this out there.
What is your reason for wanting this to happen?
Is it that you have that much faith in your CEO?
Do you believe there won't be more layoffs or relocations for US employees?
Do you believe this will somehow resolve the labor strife with US/AW?
Do you just believe that this merger would create a powerhouse of an airline?
At the same time, what are your concerns?
First, I am not a Delta employee. But I have to put my 2 cents in the pot anyway.

I would like to see this happen because it insures the DELTA name will survive. I was raised in the Atlanta area and like most, pretty much believed that when your time came, Delta was going to fly you to your reward, after a short lay over in Atlanta. By the time this happens, if it happens, I won’t be a US Airways/America West employee and I don’t think there will be any type of benefit coming my way due to the proposed merger.

Having faith in my CEO has nothing to do with the proposal. The kid obviously has a pair and isn’t afraid to expose them. A lot of other CEOs probably wish they had taken this bold step. It makes no difference if the merger is a go or not; DP stirred the pot and we have to wait to see who really is the Chef in the kitchen.

Of course there will be some layoffs and relocations, not just US employees, but Delta also. Logically, you can not reduce the size of the fleet and keep the same number of people; unless you purchase more aircraft and that would seem to defeat the purpose of the merger.

Will this somehow resolve the labor strife with US/AW? Absolutely, because it will be Delta, not US/AW! The problems will transfer – not go away. IAM is worried that the larger group of mechanics and related will oust them in favor of NO UNION which is a possibility!

Create a powerhouse of an airline: the sheer numbers alone support that theory.

Concerns: The worker bees are going to be hurt in some fashion, regardless of their position, classification or job description. The rich will get richer.

All in all, this was a major move on DP’s part. Everyday you read that the airplanes are flying full, but no body is making money because of the large number of seats available. This is an example of supply and demand at its best. Take away the seats, raise prices and make money! Of course this is just my opinion. I am sure everybody else has one also.

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