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Who's Your Daddy?

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Good for Doug.

Y'all would be ripping him if he didn't respond.

But, you rip him for responding. Parker derangement syndrome.
Stupid remark?

More like unbridled arrogance IMO.

I've been following Mr Smisek and I for one am unimpressed from a customer perspective. I'm wondering if being the "Ugly Girl" might not just be the place to be right now.

See "Ugly Girls" With a strong balance sheet and cash can buy a lot of cosmetic surgery and after the makeover perhaps she will have her pick of prom dates.

US needs to tighten up Operations and generate significant profits this year and leave the mergers to others until at least late 2011 IMO. When you're rich and looking hot you can pick your dance partner. Sometimes what seems like bad news can turn out to be the opposite.

I happen to think it would be hilarious to me if US had someone do an "Ugly Girl" Decal for the planes and for the next year or so have them on the planes. Really pizz Jeff Smisek off and rally the troops as well.
The remark was uncalled for but SPOT ON. Let's be honest people ok? For Parker to say that US is even REMOTELY in the league of CO is laughable at best. The US product is horrible beyond horrible and labor relations are absolutely, positively in the crapper. The reason the comment pissed so many people off is that we all know it's true. US is the last merger partner on anyone's list. Since the "virtual merger" five years ago they have screwed the premium customer left, right and sideways, jacked the employees to kingdom come and have mastered arrogance and ignorance down to a science. True US wasn't all that pretty before the merger but it sure knew how to come across as a "business" airline before BK. It's funny how all the hurdles that US had to weather such as the recession, fuel and H1N1 affected all the other carriers out there too. Poor, poor USairways. Run the freakin' airline and treat your customers like hmmm customers maybe and value your employees. US does NEITHER! ! ! ! This airline while I love it is a G'damn joke. I'm embarrased of what this company has become but STILL have hope that something, ANYTHING better will come our way. Ugly Girl.....SPOT ON! ! ! Oh and Smisek........hey, can't say he isn't a snazzy dresser. 😉
Smisek does'nt seem to remember that CO was once an ugly girl.....
Smisek does'nt seem to remember that CO was once an ugly girl.....
That is his point
He knows better that anyone
Been there…got the t-shirt. We can only hope
It is an unfortunate fact that US has been inevitably the ultimate in wallflowers. Having said that, I really didn't see the benefit of a merger with United, to anyone but the money guys and those that command golden parachutes.

United is not a pleasant place in itself. If Continental comes in and lavishes all of their lovely salaries and benefits upon them, well, yeah, they'll cheer up. But how much? Those are some unhappy employees.

I hope that they do essentially buy off the employees and make everybody happy over there. Their costs will go up, and ticket prices will rise. That would be a good thing for everyone.

DP is right about one thing, there are too many players in the game, and if US has become a more ruthless company to buy a ticket from, well consumers drove that. Even wealthy consumers do not buy their tickets without considering price and points. . Companies that pay business travel pay attention to ticket prices. The business employee trys to direct their travel to benefit from points. Those are the two factors that are driving these huge mergers. Significantly, service is not high among the reasons. Do people appreciate good service? Sure. Do they go out of their way to pay for it? Not so much, basically they want a nonstop and the absence of BAD service, which is where US is right now. We don't have GOOD service, but it is no longer BAD.

If US remains in Star alliance they get a free ride on the CAL-UA merger without enjoying the mess or the potentially significant furloughs that will occur should the new United start eliminating unprofitable routes. Does US have to get better at the game? Oh yeah. But in this case, it might have been useful to be the ugly girl. CAL may be able to change and improve UA's culture, but you can be darn sure US wouldn't have.

US is operating much better, that's a good thing, but memories are long and shaking its lousy reputation may never happen. Unfortunately the "ugly girl" term is spot on, and will remain so barring a move to make peace with employees. The "ugly girl" persona is driven and owned by employees. Until they themselves view their company as "good" no one else will. Factually, DP's response was correct. The numbers are good, therefore the situation should be good, but as usual he forgets the human factor. CAL's empolyees LIKE their company, and UA's employees LIKE CAL, hence no ugly girl.
For Jeff to shoot off his mouth prior to knowing how the CO/UA works out is foolish to say the least. He was fortunate enough to inherit an airline that Bethune turned around. Hopefully Jeff will eat his words at some point. Kind of low class for someone in a position such as his. Had the COC issue with the US pilots not scared UA away, Jeff would be standing at the alter with his hands in his pockets. He went back to marry a "Pretty Girl" that he wasn't attracted to in the past just because someone else was looking at her. We all know how those marriages end up after the makeup comes off. He may very well have much more on his plate than he can eat.
One thing for sure .... CO merging with UA .... CO employees loose? Time will tellllllll! CO HAD a good little airline!
While I don't always agree with Tempe logic....one thing that can be said about DP is that he has kept this "ugly girl" at the dance! And now with another large competitor being consolidated into one that too should help US with a better economic outlook down the road. While there is still work to be done here.....I think US could possibly benefit from all of this recent consolidation provided they can spruce up it's image and focus on running an improved Airline for both it's customers and employees.
While I don't always agree with Tempe logic....one thing that can be said about DP is that he has kept this "ugly girl" at the dance! And now with another large competitor being consolidated into one that too should help US with a better economic outlook down the road. While there is still work to be done here.....I think US could possibly benefit from all of this recent consolidation provided they can spruce up it's image and focus on running an improved Airline for both it's customers and employees.

Ah YES! The theory that a rising tide lifts all boats. I gree 1000%!

With superior Leadership, US can with a metaphorical boob and nose job go from the ugly girl to the girl who decides who SHE wants to dance with.
United is not a pleasant place in itself. If Continental comes in and lavishes all of their lovely salaries and benefits upon them, well, yeah, they'll cheer up. But how much? Those are some unhappy employees.


Just a guest on here and a UA employee/pilot at that but I thought I'd set a couple things straight. First, I understand that many at US are upset and frustrated by the recent events. But don't let that cloud your thinking.

Obviously I don't speak for all UA employees so I'll let those that see things differently post their replies if they care to. I've been a UA pilot for a bit over 19 years. In that time I've seen spirits rise and fall and rise again with the developments in the industry post-9/11. While certainly there are those here at UA who are upset with their personal circumstances, in my travels and days on the job I can honestly say it's a much better place than you just characterized. You're not here so you'll never really know.

Let's admit it, we're all partial to "our brand". Whether it be our sports team, school, city, state, etc. In this regard those of us at an airline are no different. Just like in a family, we know all too well both our good and bad points. Same applies here. We'll all see in the months and years to come how well this merger with CAL goes.

For one, I'm very optimistic that it'll be just fine. Most I've flown with over the past few years are very much pumped about such a merger and look forward to making this the best we possibly can with our new fellow employees from CAL.

I wish US and their employees well and the very best in the future. I'm certain that with many of the great people and attitudes they have that you'll have a bright future.

Z B)
🙄 Doug is an idiot! :lol: See my other posts!
I disagree. While he has had some issues, Parker has manged to keep the company afloat thru some of the most difficult times this industry has seen.
I'm not a big fan of his speeches, but not everyone is a good public speaker. No matter what, he has a way with the banks and creditors when it comes to raising money, and getting financing. Remember that he really didn't have that much to work with from the start. The former US had pathetic management for a LONG time before Parker came into the picture. Trying to fix a mess that took 20 years to create, is not an easy task for anyone.
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