DCA, PHL and CLT are top notch cities.
CLT is the #2 banking center in the US. DCA is the Capitol of the US and PHL is a major metro area.
Where will those express carriers get ATP licensed pilots?
well that is something we can certainly agree onmy firm doesn't thankfully.
Where will those express carriers get ATP licensed pilots?
well that is something we can certainly agree on
Gain eligibility for reduced hiring minimums with ATP’s Airline Pilot Hiring Partnership Agreements. ATP has letters of agreement from American Eagle, ExpressJet, Ameriflight, Pinnacle Airlines PSA, Republic Airways, Trans States Airlines, Cape Air, SkyWest, GoJet Airlines, and Mesa Airlines. More regional airlines have letters of agreement with ATP than with any other flight school, college, or academy.
Uh, I didn't say the sky is falling. What I said was having approximately the same size operation, but doing it with 30,000 more employees than your competitor is a distinct cost disadvantage. There is no way around that fact. If the combined operation is to compete, something has to be done about having thousands more employees than our competitors. Can you say furloughs/layoffs/"right-sizing"?
This "the sky is falling" stuff is beyond me. Load factors are crazy full and we just made a record profit last quarter... Not just profitable, it was the highest freaking 2nd quarter profit in the airline's freaking history.
Why is everyone panicking and lining up to give more contract concession?
You are comparing AA with EA? EA was on a downhill run for a long time, selling international routes, a fleet of very old planes, no new planes coming on line and the worse labor situation that the airline industry has seen. When EA went under in 1991, their only hub was ATL. Not a fair comparison.You are correct. Can never happen. Look how well Eastern has done with their huge fleet and hubs.
I stand corrected.