Management Change

One can only wonder what would be the state of the airline had Doug Parker died in a crash the night of his DUI in January. Would a capable leader who could quickly earn the respect and loyalty of his employees take his place? Would Scott Kirby take his place and bring us more of the same old Franke/Parker and worse?

My hatred of these scoundrels is of such depth that it is making me physically ill. Others that I have spoken with, East and West, feel the same. Even low-level management will tell you the same if you take them off to the side. Parker and his team have ruined my airline. He had a chance to make US Airways the best damned airline that ever flew the skies and he blew it. I have never seen a more demoralized and disgruntled workforce.
ahh that's a little harsh don't you think? the guy has kids. i understand where your coming from but if you hate someone so much that you wonder about their death then you really need some help. it's not worth it .
ahh that's a little harsh don't you think? the guy has kids. i understand where your coming from but if you hate someone so much that you wonder about their death then you really need some help. it's not worth it .

Hitler had a cuddly Alsatian and a pretty, young girlfriend. He adored children and animals.

I didn't wish for Parker's death. Just wondered what the airline would be without him as a result of a drunken crash. His sudden death would, IMHO, be catastrophic as his likely successor would be Scott Kirby. Much the same as if GB died suddenly. We would be under the rule of Dick Cheney and that would be when his horns would emerge from under the skin and we would be forced to submit ourselves to the Lord of the Dark Underworld.
Question for you all. If the employees could vote in a new management team who would you all trust to run your airline?

Would be nice if employees could vote for their new CEO/President ect.

Gordon Bethune (if he can be convinced to give up retirement)

and possibly (get ready for the flames) Rakesh Gangwal
At least Rakesh saw the need for SABRE to keep up with technology in the industry. Something this team sadly does not understand. This team offers no leadership whatsoever. The only thing we are the leader in is the race to the bottom. To be the absolute worst at everything. That is the HP way, where they were never good at anything . OT,Bags, Complaints,Maintanance, everything at or near the worst in the industry. I guess that's where this management team feels the most comfortable at the bottom with ratings in the gutter. This present company is a total embarrassment.
I guess that's where this management team feels the most comfortable at the bottom with ratings in the gutter. This present company is a total embarrassment.

Sadly, I am more and inclined to agree with those who maintain that as long as the money is rolling in and the planes are, the mgmt team will only pay lip service to service improvements.

I wonder if this year's culture survey will ask "are you proud to work for US Airways?"
I agree wholeheartedly that the company is a low morale, operational mess with the least respected brand in the industry.

But if theres a profit, they are successful. Its about money, so no failure here.

Exactly - if the company is profitable - and they don't have to spend money on any improvements or give employees a raise to be profitable - why would they?

Unfortunately - this is the new face of LCC - and as long as it shows a profit you can just keep dreaming of any changes.

Mgt does not desire to be a the leader in the industry in terms of service - they are all about the bottom line. As long as they fill planes and make money - that is all that matters.

If you want to work for an airline where they try to set the bar for other airlines to reach in terms of service - then sad to say I think you need to go work somewhere else because you are going to be very frustrated at LCC.
Exactly - if the company is profitable - and they don't have to spend money on any improvements or give employees a raise to be profitable - why would they?

Unfortunately - this is the new face of LCC - and as long as it shows a profit you can just keep dreaming of any changes.

Mgt does not desire to be a the leader in the industry in terms of service - they are all about the bottom line. As long as they fill planes and make money - that is all that matters.

If you want to work for an airline where they try to set the bar for other airlines to reach in terms of service - then sad to say I think you need to go work somewhere else because you are going to be very frustrated at LCC.

Welcome to America West everyone. Sure we are called USAirways, but this monster is HP all over. All the F-ups, moral issues, running on the cheap menatlity...all HP style. I was really hoping that WE would have a chance to shine like DL, AA or CO. To do that requires new management with airline experience. Unfortunately the mold of CEO's with morals, ethics, passion, and general love for their fellow neighbor was broken a long time ago. It's not AboutUS it's AboutME.
and possibly (get ready for the flames) Rakesh Gangwal
Actually, even though Gangwal was another exec who lined his pockets with US Airways' money, he looked after the operation and knew what it took to run an airline.
Unlike the current LCC management, Gangwal held people accountable. If the old US Airways was ever last in all 3 measures (on time, baggage handling and customer complaints) heads would have rolled. And the res migration debacle would have seen people out the door. He didn't blame a whole quarter of piss poor performance on one ice storm in PHL. he would blame it on the people in charge of performance.
Question for you all. If the employees could vote in a new management team who would you all trust to run your airline?

Would be nice if employees could vote for their new CEO/President ect.

Yeah sure just like a National Election. Look what the majority voted for there!

That's the ticket!
Maybe our chairman's can take over this company ! Wishful thinking !

Vote for me for CEO....

I can make a billion dollars this quarter. Sell all the 757's.
Of course next quarter would be a total loss but isn't this short term thinking in line with Parker and his cronies anyway?

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