ahh that's a little harsh don't you think? the guy has kids. i understand where your coming from but if you hate someone so much that you wonder about their death then you really need some help. it's not worth it .One can only wonder what would be the state of the airline had Doug Parker died in a crash the night of his DUI in January. Would a capable leader who could quickly earn the respect and loyalty of his employees take his place? Would Scott Kirby take his place and bring us more of the same old Franke/Parker and worse?
My hatred of these scoundrels is of such depth that it is making me physically ill. Others that I have spoken with, East and West, feel the same. Even low-level management will tell you the same if you take them off to the side. Parker and his team have ruined my airline. He had a chance to make US Airways the best damned airline that ever flew the skies and he blew it. I have never seen a more demoralized and disgruntled workforce.