AWA didn't save no one, they both saved each other temporarily. Only that Easts' concessions made it possible to carry a profit. But the way Tempe is running thing, I don't think anyone will have to worry about seniority for too long. AWA's product method will not work in the east, they attempted before, remember CMH? It shouldn't be E vs W, it should be ALL vs Tempe. They are the ones screwing up. The East people been thru alot.
The Widebodies AWA ever will see is some of their FA's, and East to. HP didn't have Widebodies prior to the merger, except those 747's that HP had before. But that's going back over 15 years. The west 757's barely make Hawaii, if they aren't breaking down. But it should be all put on Tempe, they are the ones screwing the employees and passengers. It shouldn't be employee group vs employee group. It should be employees and passengers vs Tempe.