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Where's the damage?

AWA didn't save no one

They did save us. We would have been on the street if it was not for HP. A seperate question would be if they also might have been on the street "down the road".
HP was actively looking to save themselves from a fate that awaited US. We surely would have been long gone before they met the same fate, at least they were trying to do something about it.
Did we have any other bidders? Everyone else was just hoping that we would go away- probably including HP. I feel very lucky after 2 BKs.
Now AWA saves you,

...looks like we saved you...
From todays USA article

"Many view America West as saving US Airways, a point executives now take great pains to refute by revealing that America West was in danger itself of filing for bankruptcy for a second time without the merger."
You REALLY Need To Get Your Head Out Of Your A@@ Man!! AWA SAVED US? Doug Has Said Time and Time Again That AWA Was On The Verge Of Going BAH..BAH!! I For One Can NOT Wait TO FLy With Your Dumb A@@!! 😱

Do you really think this idiot will talk the way he does to your face?
Now children...
Must we rehash the verbage on the merger and who was the saving grace? The monies put toward the merger were not from AWA, nor was the East in a position to last.
This has been argued for the last year and a half, and it is MOOT! Stop fighting over something that is TOTALLY IRRELEVENT!
There isn't a merger in any industry that helps any employee group, with the exception of the top executives. No one likes it. We get it!
Now, how about everyone GROWING THE HELL UP, and get on with securing contracts, and running an airline? We all have a jobs, so let's do them. Fighting over the merger and calling it an aquisition is stupid...especially at this point.
I have gone over the combined list time and time again and i can't seem to find where the east got damaged in any way. Now granted, some of you did work for a company for many years and feel ENTITLED to something. I can't help but to see that you have people on furlough with 18yrs of service. Oh wait it can't be 18 YEARS OF SERVICE because for the last six years they have been unemployed!! Why??? Ok so 12 years of service and you are on the bottom of your OWN AAA SENIORITY LIST. Now AWA saves you, (call a spade a spade) and we come together. You expect to move to the top of the list while basically stapleing 2/3's of our pilots to the bottom. I ask you in all honestly, do you really think that's fair????????????

If you were on the bottom before you are on the bottom now. RATIOS thats how it works and it was more than fair in fact if any group got a windfall it was YOU. The top 517 gets DOH. We bring new money and announce new wide body flying and who gets all that?? The east. Our pass travel has been destroyed, a violation of our current contract for WHO?? The east. You guys have gotton windfall after windfall yet you always want more. Only one word to describe you SELFISH...

Oh quit crying you little selfish pr*&k. Do you pretend to be stuipid?
AWA didn't save no one, they both saved each other temporarily. Only that Easts' concessions made it possible to carry a profit. But the way Tempe is running thing, I don't think anyone will have to worry about seniority for too long. AWA's product method will not work in the east, they attempted before, remember CMH? It shouldn't be E vs W, it should be ALL vs Tempe. They are the ones screwing up. The East people been thru alot.

The Widebodies AWA ever will see is some of their FA's, and East to. HP didn't have Widebodies prior to the merger, except those 747's that HP had before. But that's going back over 15 years. The west 757's barely make Hawaii, if they aren't breaking down. But it should be all put on Tempe, they are the ones screwing the employees and passengers. It shouldn't be employee group vs employee group. It should be employees and passengers vs Tempe.

Joseph,that is by far the most thought out, intelligent post I have evet seen from you. I am impressed.There is hope for you yet! 😉 Too bad your east coast colleagues don't see the latest events that way ,though.They'd much rather burn down the house to the detriment of all.Can anyone explain to me what exactly that accomplishes?

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