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Where Is Wardo?

Coldplay, who pissed in YOUR Cheerios?? Good gawd you're starting to sound like . . . well . . . ME!

Nobody has any pull around here so don't worry about it. Offensive posts and those that can be construed as a personal attack are always deleted no matter who writes them. Believe me I know, I've had more than a few posts deleted from this board.
Its the last tactic of someone without a justifiable argument. Personal attracts without merit or issue.
latreal said:
the majority of the FA's (my source tells me) really prefer WARD just did not bother to vote

I think that pretty much says it all.

I don't have anything to add to that statement.

WingNaPrayer said:
Coldplay, who pissed in YOUR Cheerios?? Good gawd you're starting to sound like . . . well . . . ME!

Nobody has any pull around here so don't worry about it. Offensive posts and those that can be construed as a personal attack are always deleted no matter who writes them. Believe me I know, I've had more than a few posts deleted from this board.

well Wing, doesn't it make you wonder why your posts were deleted even if you thought that they were not personal attacks or offensive? if my posts were "offensive and constructed as personal attacks" and should be deleted by moderators, how do you explain all the "personal attacks" done by these Regulars which were left by the moderator, like:

"(deleted by moderator)"

"(Deleted by moderator) "

"Too funny Mike...That Jay...that (deleted by moderator) a real piece of...ahum..."work." "

"I honestly believe he is on permanent trip removal as jw's press secretary."

"Also when I can stand on the otherside of the cart and hand John a styrofoam cup and say "I need tea!" Then watch his a$$ run back and forth from the cart to the galley all day long! "

"If everyone chips in we can send WAArd a going away present from here: A BIG PILE"

"Department of Labor: The TRUE Compound W! (Wart remover) "
"LOl. this one may require surgery and a biopsy"

and countless others. Now tell me, are those remarks not personal attacks on someone, or should we just turn a blind eye and say "well, he does deserve it". Is it fair to call someone a "(deleted by moderator)", find it funny too, and when YOU use it back on them, it's a big No-No? Or is it perfectly legal if you only IMPLY things?

Look I'm not trying to defend ward's actions and protecting the guy . It's just a matter of what these "regulars" assume is humorous to them and worthy of their time in this whole debacle. It's really nice to know that there are "mature' individuals like them working alongside us, people who'd actually say to you "I know you are but what am I?" or resort to namecalling and wishing the worst for another person, all because they feel they've been treated unjustly by John Ward, and they actually find it FUNNY. Turn the tables on them and all of a sudden "oh my gawd, you're homophobic, you're ignorant, you're a racist, you have no justifiable argument, you must be john ward, etc."

for once I'd like to read something worthwhile without having some bitter bitty making some wisecrack about what they'd do or wish on another person (whether it be JW or a Ward supporter or anyone else for that matter), but I guess it's all wishful thinking.

TWAnr says to me "You must not have any viable positions to articulate if you feel it necessary to resort to homophobic derogatory name calling in order to make your point."...uh, yeah, right...and YOU had nothing to say when one of your buddies here called someone else a ( deleted by moderator) so i guess it alright then because according to your rules, THAT is funny! Or by Mikey calling someone's daughter a whore by "mistake" because he thought they were talking aboput Paris Hilton. Now that might get a chuckle out of you guys in here (again, your rules) but I'm Sorry, That will only get you gonged by Chuck Barris in the REAL World.

Like I said, give it a few years, you'll hear the same ole gang harping about the APFA with their tired old remarks, only difference are the initials they'll be using to place the blame on. 2000 it was "DH", 2004 it was "JW", stay tuned folks for "THB" to be gangebanged by these airline "experts" when national elections come along in 2008.

Observe our forum rules or someone will be sent to the cornfield for 3 days.
Sorry, sending JW to crack ice or make tea is quite hilarious.

It's not evil, it's honest.

Better yet, I hope he sits S/B on IDF and gets called out for some domestic piece of crap he was party to.

Domestic is quite miserable now. God forbid I get 8 hours of sleep and a meal.

flydcoop said:
Sorry, sending JW to crack ice or make tea is quite hilarious.

It's not evil, it's honest.

Better yet, I hope he sits S/B on IDF and gets called out for some domestic piece of crap he was party to.

Domestic is quite miserable now. God forbid I get 8 hours of sleep and a meal.


And gets reassigned, reassigned and reassigned again! Hey operaations, can you see to it that Waardo gets a taste of his own medicine? Reassign him! :up: :lol:
coldplay said:
TWAnr says to me "You must not have any viable positions to articulate if you feel it necessary to resort to homophobic derogatory name calling in order to make your point."...uh, yeah, right...

Well, well, well, if it is not the recently recalled flight attendant who has just been granted a transfer from LGA to STL.

You apology on the 4M for your offensive homophobic remarks there does not seem very sincere in retrospect. Someone must have forced you to write it in order to keep your membership in that forum.

Perhaps you need to be reminded of rule 32.
..even thru all the above drama and childs play one can feel it is a bright bright day for APFA and our future...I am jazzed..
..........now back to your regularly sched. programing......
As far as Mikey calling someones daughter a "whore" that is a total fabrication. I think I remember reading the phrase "sometime porn star?" or something like that, and he was refering to Paris Hilton. It was a mistake that was blown way out of proportion. The drama...Oh I need a shower, please!
TWAnr said:
Well, well, well, if it is not the recently recalled flight attendant who has just been granted a transfer from LGA to STL.

You apology on the 4M for your offensive homophobic remarks there does not seem very sincere in retrospect. Someone must have forced you to write it in order to keep your membership in that forum.

Perhaps you need to be reminded of rule 32.

ah, yes, if I'm not john ward then I must be Bobby, oh no wait, I must be Jay...wait no, I must be Osama Bin Laden...nope, let's try again..Juan? Linda? Ted? Adolph?? nope...ah yes, must be a dysfunctional Ward supporter! yeah that's it, I must be because I'm calling you guys out on your hypocracy.
You must not have any viable positions to articulate if you feel it necessary to resort to telling me who you think I am in order to make your point.

hmmm, rule 32...maybe you guys should brush up on it too, after all I'm merely using the words and innuendoes your quilting bee fired off first.

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