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(addressed to:) FA MIKEY.

Aug 20, 2002
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(I''m not even going to waste my question on the make believe TWU leadership, or the majority of our(my) kool-aid drinker members.
(Or the GOP voting pilots)

Question ???
Because of the Enron like Sh*t that AA just announced,

Is there ANY hope that your strong group(APFA), can STOP this contract from going into effect ?

In other words,
Can John Ward be given an offer, he can''t refuse, and not sign this rigged re-vote,
Can you guys somehow force another re-vote, now that ALL the cards are on the table, and face up ??????????

If 533 votes(round 1) can trigger a re-vote,
Could not 1009 votes(round 2)(now that all the facts are on the table, trigger a re-re-vote ?????????/

The STL base chair has a pending lawsuit, in NY federal court. The Federal judge in New York is scheduled to determine on April 30 whether the latest balloting by the flight attendants union is valid. The Judge also agreed to hear arguments to stop the contract from taking effect if the vote extension changed the outcome.

One of the APFA lawyers Rod Tanner, a Fort Worth labor attorney who has worked with flight attendants, said he doubted that refusing to sign the contracts would nullify the concessions. But he added that the union would have the option of filing lawsuits against the company.

We are in bad spot, The lawsuit in NY is right now the best hope to change the outcome. TWANR gave this info about how easy it was to cheat the system. The fact there was no security, ample opportunity and motive to change the outcome. A former SR Exec from AA is on the board at the ballot place. He said, It was easier than that. No one needed your Social Security number. The PINs were sequential following the alphabetical order of each base roster. Anyone who knew his or her own PIN could determine the PINs of each and every fellow flight attendant at his or her base by simply accessing the rosters on the Flight Service web site. I believe that the employee numbers are equally easy to obtain.

Supervisors and other management personnel could obtain all of your personal information from Sabre, including your Social Security number and other information which was used early on to verify identity such as date of hire.

Many reported that on the day of the extended vote, the union office issued PINs, on the phone, to those who were unable to get through to the AAA due to jammed phone lines. Obviously, such a list was available to those at the union headquarters who had a motive to change the outcome of the vote.

Then, there were those who were erroneously listed as not being dues current, because the union's office was unaware of their furlough or OVL status. How many of the "Ineligible" votes are due to such clerical errors?

Those problems were not unique to the APFA. The exact same voting system was used by the APA and the TWU. 10,000 TWU members were unable to vote due to not having received their PINs.

I was unaware that 10,000 of the TWU were unable to vote as well.

So a polite nicely worded concise letter to some senators and house members with our concern will hopefully add additional pressure on AA. They want money from the government. They want money from us. They hid funds for there retirement, they neglected to mention the SR Exec bonuses due in 05 witch are 100% of the persons salary. While we will get a paltry 1.5%.
Question for you. Do you know anything about the Dallas 12? Or what ever they were called. The group that tried to oust the TWU.
AWESUM MIKEY!!! Glad u told it like it is..Now start the recall of John Ward ...its long overdue...Best of Luck.... Jake
On 4/18/2003 2:36:48 PM FA Mikey wrote:

One of the APFA lawyers Rod Tanner, a Fort Worth labor attorney who has worked with flight attendants, said he doubted that refusing to sign the contracts would nullify the concessions. But he added that the union would have the option of filing lawsuits against the company.


I think you need to talk to another Lawyer. As far as I know the Union does not have to sign the agreement, the same right that allowed them to extend the vote and allow members to change the vote would allow them to call the whole thing off.One thing you have to remember about lawyers is who is paying them and where is that persons interests. They have no fiduciary duty to be honest with anyone who is not paying them.​
On 4/18/2003 5:30:30 PM Bob Owens wrote:

One thing you have to remember about lawyers is who is paying them and where is that persons interests. They have no fiduciary duty to be honest with anyone who is not paying them.
Sorry, that''s incorrect. Any lawyer who knowingly gives false or inaccurate advice to someone simply because they are not a paying client faces a stiff bucket full of ethics violations from his or her state bar, who can censure, suspend or recommend disbarment of any lawyer in their respective states. Doesn''t look good on a resume either.
***** ***** ***** ***** *****
On 4/18/2003 3:48:06 PM FA Mikey wrote:

Question for you. Do you know anything about the Dallas 12? Or what ever they were called. The group that tried to oust the TWU.


FA Mikey''
I do not know about the DFW 12. It''s the first I''ve heard of them. (But that certainly does''nt mean that "they" are not real)

I want to thank you personally for ALL the great, and informative work, that you do here on this board !!
As a member of the (weak sister) TWU, I "use" to work with a lot of real union members, like yourself! Sadly, we can count(on one hand) the few remaining "WARRIORS" left.

As a union man(non-F/A), John Ward has deeply disapointed me with his actions on the Re-vote, AND he should be recalled Imediately. (possibly along with a few base chairs).

My critics, on this board will say I''m an extreme union radical. The vast majority that would, have to look up the word UNIONISM in the dictionary.

If being supportive of the last remaing GREAT unions in this country, like the WEST COAST LONGSHOREMEN, the RAILROADS, UAW etc, then criticism from "DICTIONARY union people", is a criticism I wear with pride, and readily accept.

But, I''m getting off the "track" here, talking about myself.

The APFA(and members like yourself) are part of that small, but VERY powerful group of unions that I mentioned above(this last "mis-step" with the rigged revote excluded)

Please do EVERYTHING, and ANYTHING to keep this great union(APFA), on track, and realize that I and others, are saying this, while under the "boot" of a company union.
I hope you get MORE involved with APFA, and I hope to meet Ms. Cooper some day, to say THANK YOU !!!!!!!!!!


In Brotherhood,


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